Bereshit (parsyah)

Bereshit, Bereishit, Bereishis, B'reshith, Beresheet, atau Bereishees (bahasa Ibrani: בְּרֵאשִׁית — artinya "pada mulanya,” yaitu kata pertama (incipit) dalam parsyah) adalah bacaan Taurat Mingguan (פָּרָשָׁה, parasyah) dalam siklus pembacaan Taurat tahunan dalam Yudaisme. Parsyah ini meliputi Kejadian 1:1–6:8. Bacaan tersebut terdiri dari 7.235 huruf Ibrani, 1.931 kata Ibrani, dan 146 ayat. Bacaan tersebut dapat ditulis pada sekitar 241 baris dalam suatu "Gulungan Kitab Taurat" (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה, Sefer Torah).[1]
Orang Yahudi membaca bagian ini pada hari Sabat pertama setelah Simchat Torah, biasanya pada bulan Oktober. Orang Yahudi juga membaca bagian pertama parsyah ini, Kejadian 1:1–2:3 sebagai bacaan Taurat kedua pada hari Simchat Torah, setelah pembacaan bagian terakhir Kitab Ulangan, Parsyah V'Zot HaBerachah, Ulangan 33:1–34:12
Dalam parsyah ini dicatat bahwa Allah menciptakan dunia serta isinya, termasuk manusia pertama, Adam dan Hawa. Mereka melakukan dosa pertama, dan Allah mengusir mereka dari Taman Eden. Putra sulung mereka, Kain, menjadi pembunuh pertama, membunuh adiknya Habel karena cemburu. Adam dan Hawa mempunyai anak-anak lain, dan keturunan mereka memenuhi bumi, tetapi setiap generasi bertambah jahat, sampai Allah kecewa dan memutuskan untuk membinasakan umat manusia. Hanya Nuh dan keluarganya mendapat perkenan Allah.
Lihat pula
[sunting | sunting sumber]
- Adam
- Kain dan Habel
- Nuh
- Bagian Alkitab yang berkaitan: Kejadian 1, Kejadian 2, Kejadian 3, Kejadian 4, Kejadian 5, Kejadian 6
Pustaka tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]Parsyah ini mempunyai paralel atau didiskusikan dalam sumber-sumber berikut:

Tulisan kuno
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Enûma Elish.
- Epos Gilgamesh: 11:258–307.
- Hesiod. Theogony Greece, circa 700 BCE. (creation story).
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Kejadian 9:1,7 Kejadian 35:11 (berkembang biak).
- Bilangan 13:31–33 (Nephilim); Bilangan 22:21–35 (binatang berbicara).
- Ulangan 4:19
- 2 Samuel 7:12–14.
- Yesaya 42:5 Yesaya 44:24 Yesaya 51:9–10.
- Yeremia 4:23–28; Yeremia 18:1–10 Yeremia 23:3 Yeremia 51:15–19 (penciptaan).
- Yehezkiel 1:5–14 22, 26–28 (kerub; firmament; man in God’s image); Yehezkiel 10:1–22 (kerub); Yehezkiel 28:13 (Eden).
- Maleakhi 2:15–16
- Mazmur 8:5–8; Mazmur 33:6–9; Mazmur 74:12–17; Psalms 82:6–7; Mazmur 89:9–11; Mazmur 95:3–5; Mazmur 100:3; Mazmur 104:1–30.
- Amsal 8:22–29
- Ayub 26:12–13 Ayub 37:18; Ayub 38:4–18.

Non-rabbinik Awal
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Genesis Apocryphon[pranala nonaktif permanen]. Gulungan Laut Mati 1Q20. Tanah Israel, abad ke-1 SM. Dicetak ulang dalam Géza Vermes. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, halaman 448–50. New York: Penguin Press, 1997. ISBN 0-7139-9131-3.
- Flavius Yosefus. Antiquitates Iudaicae book 1, chapter 1, paragraphs 1–4; Diarsipkan 2014-08-27 di Wayback Machine. chapter 2, paragraphs 1–3; Diarsipkan 2014-08-28 di Wayback Machine. chapter 3, paragraphs 1–2, 4. Diarsipkan 2014-08-28 di Wayback Machine. Circa 93–94. Reprinted in, e.g., The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition. Translated by William Whiston, pages 29–33. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1987. ISBN 0-913573-86-8.
- Injil Yohanes Yohanes 1:1–5 (penciptaan).
- Wahyu 12:1–17
- Qur'an 2:31–37, 117; 3:33–34; 5:27–32. Arabia, abad ke-7.
Rabbinik Klasik
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Mishnah: Taanit 4:3; Megillah 3:6; Yevamot 6:6; Sanhedrin 4:5, 10:3; Avot 5:1–2; Chullin 5:5; Mikvaot 5:4. Land of Israel, circa 200 CE. Reprinted in, e.g., The Mishnah: A New Translation. Translated by Jacob Neusner. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-300-05022-4.
- Tosefta: Peah 4:10; Chagigah 2:6; Ketubot 6:8; Sotah 3:7, 9, 4:11, 17–18, 10:2; Sanhedrin 13:6; Keritot 4:15. Land of Israel, circa 300 CE. Reprinted in, e.g., The Tosefta: Translated from the Hebrew, with a New Introduction. Translated by Jacob Neusner, pages 72, 669, 762, 840, 848–49, 875, 1190, 1570. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2002. ISBN 1-56563-642-2.
- Talmud Yerusalem: Berakhot 6a–b, 83b, 84b, 86b, 90a; Peah 8a; Kilayim 4b, 5b–6a; Terumot 101a; Yoma 29a; Sukkah 7b; Rosh Hashanah 1b, 17b; Megillah 6a; Sanhedrin 28b. Land of Israel, circa 400 CE. Reprinted in, e.g., Talmud Yerushalmi. Edited by Chaim Malinowitz, Yisroel Simcha Schorr, and Mordechai Marcus, volumes 1–3, 5, 8, 21–22, 24, 26. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 2005–2012.
- Bereshith Rabba 1:1–29:5; 30:7–8; 31:1; 32:7; 33:3; 34:9, 13; 38:4, 9; 42:3; 44:17; 49:2; 50:7; 51:2; 53:8; 54:1; 61:4; 64:2; 65:13; 73:3; 80:5–6; 82:14; 85:2; 89:2; 92:6, 8; 97; 100:7. Land of Israel, 5th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Genesis. Translated by H. Freedman and Maurice Simon. London: Soncino Press, 1939. ISBN 0-900689-38-2.
- Leviticus Rabbah 1:9; 6:6; 9:3, 6, 9; 10:5, 9; 11:1, 2, 7; 13:5; 14:1; 15:1, 9; 18:2; 19:6; 20:2; 22:2; 23:3, 9; 25:3; 27:1, 5; 29:11; 30:4; 31:1, 8; 33:6; 35:6, 8; 36:1, 4. Land of Israel, 5th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Leviticus. Translated by H. Freedman and Maurice Simon. London: Soncino Press, 1939. ISBN 0-900689-38-2.

- Talmud Babilonia: Berakhot 2a, 26a, 34b, 57b, 59b, 61a; Shabbat 88a, 89a, 95a, 109a, 111a, 118b, 119b; Eruvin 18a–b, 27b, 100b; Pesachim 2a, 54a, 72b, 88a, 118a; Yoma 20b, 23a, 44b, 52b, 67b, 75a; Sukkah 11b, 49a, 52b; Beitzah 36b; Rosh Hashanah 11a, 24b, 31a; Taanit 8a, 9b, 10a, 22b, 26a, 27b; Megillah 10b, 20b, 22a, 25a, 28a; Moed Katan 7b, 8b, 16a, 17a, 18b, 23a, 24b; Chagigah 2b, 11b–12b, 13b, 15a; Yevamot 61a–63a, 65b, 121a; Ketubot 5a, 8a, 10b, 61a, 67b; Nedarim 39b, 41a; Sotah 9b, 12a, 14a; Gittin 43b, 60a; Kiddushin 6a, 13b, 30b, 35a, 61b; Bava Kamma 55a; Bava Metzia 18a, 85b; Bava Batra 16a–b, 74b, 84a, 113a, 121a; Sanhedrin 29a, 37a–b, 38b–39a, 46b, 56a–b, 58a, 59b, 67b, 70b, 91b, 99a, 101b, 107b–108b, 110a, 113b; Makkot 23a; Shevuot 47b; Avodah Zarah 3a, 5a, 11b, 29a, 43b; Zevachim 116a; Menachot 29b; Chullin 26b, 27b, 60a–b, 71a, 83a; Bekhorot 8a, 47a, 55a–b; Tamid 32a; Niddah 22b, 25a, 30b, 45b. Babylonia, 6th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Talmud Bavli. Edited by Yisroel Simcha Schorr, Chaim Malinowitz, and Mordechai Marcus, 72 volumes. Brooklyn: Mesorah Pubs., 2006.
Abad Pertengahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Deuteronomy Rabbah 2:13, 25; 4:5; 6:11; 8:1; 9:8; 10:2. Land of Israel, 9th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Leviticus. Translated by H. Freedman and Maurice Simon. London: Soncino Press, 1939. ISBN 0-900689-38-2.
- Sefer Yetzirah. 10th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Aryeh Kaplan. Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation; In Theory and Practice. Boston: Weiser Books, 1997. ISBN 0-87728-855-0.
- Exodus Rabbah 1:2, 14, 20, 32; 2:4; 3:13; 5:1; 9:11; 10:1–2; 12:3; 14:2; 15:7, 22, 30; 21:6, 8; 23:4; 25:6; 29:6–8; 30:3, 13; 31:17; 32:1–2; 33:4; 34:2; 35:1; 41:2; 48:2; 50:1; 52:5. 10th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Exodus. Translated by S. M. Lehrman. London: Soncino Press, 1939. ISBN 0-900689-38-2.
- Solomon ibn Gabirol. A Crown for the King, 4:50–51; 6:63; 10:107–15; 12:124–25 24:290; 25:294–95; 31:371–78. Spain, 11th century. Translated by David R. Slavitt, pages 8–11, 14–17, 38–41. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-19-511962-2.
- Numbers Rabbah 1:1; 2:21; 3:8; 4:8; 5:3–4; 7:5, 7; 8:4; 9:7, 18, 24; 10:1–2, 4–5, 8; 11:2–3; 12:4, 6, 13; 13:2–3, 5–6, 12, 14; 14:6, 9, 12; 15:7, 9; 16:24; 17:1; 18:7, 22; 19:2–3, 11, 23; 20:2, 6; 21:18; 23:13. 12th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Midrash Rabbah: Numbers. Translated by Judah J. Slotki. London: Soncino Press, 1939. ISBN 0-900689-38-2.
- Esther Rabbah: prologue 10–11; 3:9; 7:11; 9:2–3.
- Song of Songs Rabbah 1:6, 16, 17, 25, 47; 2:41, 47; 3:18, 22; 4:32; 5:1, 13; 6:25; 7:17; 8:1.
- Ruth Rabbah: prologue 7; 1:4; 2:3; 5:2; 8:1.
- Lamentations Rabbah: prologue 4, 24, 26; 1:1, 37, 43, 52; 2:10; 3:13; 5:22.
- Ecclesiastes Rabbah 1:3, 12–14, 35–37; 2:15, 23, 26–27; 3:1, 13–15, 17–18, 22; 5:7, 11; 6:9; 7:6–7, 20, 33, 35, 39, 42; 8:2; 9:8; 10:12.
- Beowulf. Lines 99–114, 1255–68. England, 8th–11th Centuries. In, e.g., Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. Translated by Seamus Heaney, pages 9, 89. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000. ISBN 0-374-11119-7. (Cain).

- Rashi. Commentary. Genesis 1–6. Troyes, France, late 11th century. Reprinted in, e.g., Rashi. The Torah: With Rashi’s Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated. Translated and annotated by Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg, volume 1, pages 1–63. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-89906-026-9.
- Yehuda Halevi. Kuzari. 2:14, 20; 3:1, 73; 4:3, 25; 5:10. Toledo, Spain, 1130–1140. Reprinted in, e.g., Jehuda Halevi. Kuzari: An Argument for the Faith of Israel. Introduction by Henry Slonimsky, pages 89–91, 94, 135, 193, 195, 209, 229, 235, 254–56. New York: Schocken, 1964. ISBN 0-8052-0075-4.
- Zohar, volume 1, pages 1a, 3b, 11b, 15a–59a Diarsipkan 2010-09-13 di Wayback Machine., 59b, 60b, 70b–71a, 73a–b, 76a, 79b–80a, 82b, 85a, 95b, 97a–b, 102b, 103b, 105b, 115a, 124a, 128b, 130b–131a, 138a–b, 141b, 143a–b, 144b, 148b, 154b–155a, 158a, 162b–163a, 165a–b, 166b, 171a, 177a, 179a–b, 184a, 194a, 199b, 208a, 216a, 224a, 227b, 232a, 240a; volume 2, pages 10a–b, 11b–12a, 15b, 23a, 24b, 27a–b, 28b, 34a, 37a–b, 39a, 51a, 54b–55a, 63b, 68b, 70a, 75a, 79a, 85b, 88a, 90a, 94b, 99b, 103a, 113b, 127b, 147b, 149b, 167a–168a, 171a, 172a, 174b–175a, 184a, 192b, 201a, 207b, 210b–211b, 219b, 220b, 222b, 224b, 226a, 229b–230a, 231a–b, 234b–235a; volume 3, pages 7a, 9b, 19a–b, 24b, 35b, 39b–40a, 44b, 46b, 48a–b, 58a, 61b, 83b, 93a, 107a, 117a, 148a, 189a, 261b, 298a. Spain, akhir abad ke-13. Dicetak ulang antara lain dalam The Zohar. Terjemahan Harry Sperling dan Maurice Simon. 5 volume. London: Soncino Press, 1934.

[sunting | sunting sumber]- Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan, 2:20; 3:34, 36, 38; 4:44. England, 1651. Reprint edited by C. B. Macpherson, pages 259, 430, 432, 440, 453, 479, 486, 636–37, 645–47. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Classics, 1982. ISBN 0-14-043195-0.
- John Milton. Paradise Lost. 1667. Reprint, Penguin Classics, 2003. ISBN 0-14-042439-3.
- Lord Byron. Cain. 1821.
- Doctrine and Covenants 27:11; 107:54. Missouri, 1835.

- Jones Very. Enoch ("Henokh"). 1838. Dalam Harold Bloom. American Religious Poems, halaman 95. Library of America, 2006. ISBN 978-1-931082-74-7.
- Emily Dickinson. Poem 1 (Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine,). 1850. Poem 428 (Taking up the fair Ideal,). Circa 1862. Poem 503 (Better — than Music! For I — who heard it —). Circa 1862. Poem 724 (It's easy to invent a Life —). Circa 1863. Poem 1069 (Paradise is of the option.). Circa 1866. Poem 1119 (Paradise is that old mansion). Circa 1868. Poem 1195 (What we see we know somewhat). Circa 1871. Poem 1545 (The Bible is an antique Volume —). Circa 1882. Poem 1657 (Eden is that old-fashioned House). 19th century. In The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson, pages 3–4, 205, 244–45, 355, 486, 503, 528–29, 644, 677. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1960. ISBN 0-316-18414-4.
- Mark Twain. The Diaries of Adam and Eve. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2000. ISBN 1-57392-827-5
- William Butler Yeats. Adam's Curse. Diarsipkan 2010-01-10 di Wayback Machine. 1902. Reprinted in The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats: Definitive Edition, With the Author's Final Revisions, pages 78–79. New York: Macmillan, 1956.
- Abraham Isaac Kook. The Lights of Penitence, 6:7, 11:4. 1925. The Lights of Holiness. Early 20th century. Reprinted in Abraham Isaac Kook: the Lights of Penitence, the Moral Principles, Lights of Holiness, Essays, Letters, and Poems. Translated by Ben Zion Bokser, pages 59–60, 81, 195. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press 1978. ISBN 0-8091-2159-X.

- Thornton Wilder. The Skin of Our Teeth. 1942. Reprinted Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2003. ISBN 0-06-008893-1.
- Thomas Mann. Joseph and His Brothers. Translated by John E. Woods, pages 3, 10–11, 19–20, 24–36, 56, 68–69, 76, 85–86, 88, 104–05, 107, 154, 160, 171, 323–24, 332, 347–50, 354, 393, 403, 441–42, 446–49, 457, 459, 463, 487, 524, 530, 726–27, 806, 915, 917, 925, 978. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. ISBN 1-4000-4001-9. Originally published as Joseph und seine Brüder. Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1943.
- John Steinbeck. East of Eden. Viking Adult, 1952. ISBN 0-670-28738-5
- Erich Auerbach. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Translated by Willard R. Trask, pages 143–73. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 1953. ISBN 0-691-06078-9.
- Isaac Schapera. “The Sin of Cain.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 85 (1955): pages 33–43. Reprinted in Anthropological Approaches to the Old Testament. Edited by Bernhard Lang, pages 26–42. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985. ISBN 0-8006-1771-1.
- George W. Buchanan. “The Old Testament Meaning of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” Journal of Biblical Literature. Volume 75 (number 2) (1956): pages 114–20.
- Morris Adler. The World of the Talmud, pages 25–26, 28, 76. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, 1958. Reprinted Kessinger Publishing, 2007. ISBN 0-548-08000-3.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Creation and Fall: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1–3. Translated by J.C. Fletcher. London: SCM, 1959. Reprinted edited by Douglas Stephen Bax. Fortress Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8006-8303-X.
- Giorgio R. Castellino. “Genesis IV 7.” Vetus Testamentum. Volume 10 (number 1) (1960): pages 442–45.
- Brevard S. Childs. “Eden, Garden of” and “Eve.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, volume 2, pages 22–23 and 181–82. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962. ISBN 0-687-19271-4.
- Brevard S. Childs. “Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, volume 4, pages 695–97. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962. ISBN 0-687-19273-0.
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- Islwyn Blythin, A. Feuillet, P.P. Saydon, and H. Cazelles. “A Note on Genesis 1:2.” Vetus Testamentum. Volume 12 (number 1) (1962): pages 120–21.
- E.A. Speiser. Genesis: Introduction, Translation, and Notes, pages 1–51. New York: Anchor Bible, 1964. ISBN 0-385-00854-6.
- Bob Dylan. Gates of Eden. Columbia Records, 1965.
- Frederick Buechner. The Magnificent Defeat, pages 19–26. Seabury Press, 1966. Reprinted San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985. ISBN 0-06-061174-X.
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- Jacob Milgrom. “Sex and Wisdom: What the Garden of Eden Story Is Saying: There is a plain, unambiguous meaning to the story: It is about sexual awareness and the creativity of which that is a part.” Bible Review. Volume 10 (number 6) (December 1994).
- Phyllis Trible. “Eve and Miriam: From the Margins to the Center.” In Feminist Approaches to the Bible: Symposium at the Smithsonian Institution September 24, 1994. Biblical Archaeology Society, 1995. ISBN 1-880317-41-9.
- Marc Gellman. God’s Mailbox: More Stories About Stories in the Bible, pages 3–23. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996. ISBN 0-688-13169-7.

- Gary A. Rendsburg. “Biblical Literature as Politics: The Case of Genesis.” In Religion and Politics in the Ancient Near East. Edited by Adele Berlin, pages 47, 61–65. Bethesda, Maryland: University Press of Maryland, 1996.
- Adin Steinsaltz. Simple Words: Thinking About What Really Matters in Life, pages 16, 25, 39, 46, 105–07. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999. ISBN 0-684-84642-X.
- Lawrence E. Stager. “Jerusalem as Eden.” Biblical Archaeology Review. Volume 26 (number 3) (May/June 2000): pages 36–47, 66.
- Jennifer Michael Hecht. “History.” In The Next Ancient World, page 20. Dorset, Vermont: Tupelo Press, 2001. ISBN 0-9710310-0-2.
- Pamela Tamarkin Reis. “Genesis as Rashomon: The Creation as Told by God and Man.” Bible Review. Volume 17 (number 3) (June 2001): pages 26–33, 55.
- James Tate. “Just to Feel Human.” In Memoir of the Hawk. The Ecco Press, 2002. ISBN 0-06-093543-X.
- Alan Lew. This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation, pages 118, 121. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 2003. ISBN 0-316-73908-1.
- Joseph Telushkin. The Ten Commandments of Character: Essential Advice for Living an Honorable, Ethical, Honest Life, pages 30–32, 214–17, 292–95. New York: Bell Tower, 2003. ISBN 1-4000-4509-6.
- Robert Alter. The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary, pages xxv, xxxii–xxxiii, xxxv–xxxvi, xli, 17–40. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. ISBN 0-393-01955-1.
- David Maine. Fallen. St. Martin's Press, 2005. ISBN 0-312-32849-4.
- Anthony Hecht. Naming the Animals. In Collected Later Poems, page 64. New York: Knopf, 2005. ISBN 0-375-71030-2.
- J. Richard Middleton. The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2005. ISBN 1-58743-110-6.
- Lawrence Kushner. Kabbalah: A Love Story, pages 11, 69. New York: Morgan Road Books, 2006. ISBN 0-7679-2412-6.
- R.W.L. Moberly. “The Mark of Cain — Revealed at Last?” Harvard Theological Review. Volume 100 (number 1) (January 2007): pages 11–28.
- Suzanne A. Brody. “Etz Chaim” and “Eve’s Lament.” In Dancing in the White Spaces: The Yearly Torah Cycle and More Poems, pages 17, 61–62. Shelbyville, Kentucky: Wasteland Press, 2007. ISBN 1-60047-112-9.
- Shai Cherry. “The Creation of Humanity” and “The Sons of Adam and Eve.” In Torah Through Time: Understanding Bible Commentary, from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times, pages 40–100. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2007. ISBN 0-8276-0848-9.
- Esther Jungreis. Life Is a Test, pages 50, 62, 133–34, 165, 178–80, 209. Brooklyn: Shaar Press, 2007. ISBN 1-4226-0609-0.
- James A. Diamond. “Nachmanides and Rashi on the One Flesh of Conjugal Union: Lovemaking vs. Duty.” Harvard Theological Review. Volume 102 (number 2) (April 2009): pages 193–224.
- Elissa Elliott. Eve: A Novel of the First Woman. New York: Delacorte Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-385-34144-8.
- Jonathan Goldstein. “Adam and Eve” and “Cain and Abel.” In Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible!, pages 13–43. New York: Riverhead Books, 2009. ISBN 978-1-59448-367-7.
- Toni Graphia. "Adam Raised a Cain." In Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, season 2, episode 21. Burbank: Warner Bros. Television, 2009. (Cain and Abel plot element).
- John H. Walton. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009. ISBN 978-0-8308-3704-5.
- Mark S. Smith. The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-8006-6373-5.
- Jim Holt. Why Does the World Exist? An Existential Detective Story. New York: Liveright Publishing, 2012. ISBN 0-87140-409-5.
- Adam Kirsch. “Written in the Stars (Or Not): To overcome fated lives, the Talmud’s rabbis argued, perform virtuous acts according to Torah.” Tablet Magazine. (March 12, 2013). (Creation related to date of birth).
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[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ "Bereshit Torah Stats". Akhlah Inc. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-11-23. Diakses tanggal July 6, 2013.