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Berkas:Catholic Picture Dictionary (Pfeiffer) - Baptism.jpg

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English: The sacrament which removes original and actual sin from the soul, filling it with Sanctifying Grace and so making the person baptized, a son of God and brother of Jesus Christ. Water is poured over the head of the person in the sign of the cross while saying the words, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Sumber The Catholic Picture Dictionary, 1948, Garden City Books, by Harold A. Pfeiffer
Pembuat R. and K. Wood


Public domain
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart and the copyright renewal logs.

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A depiction of the Catholic sacrament of Baptism.


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terkini21 Juli 2023 16.49Miniatur versi sejak 21 Juli 2023 16.49661 × 937 (340 KB)MoriwenUploaded a work by R. and K. Wood from The Catholic Picture Dictionary, 1948, Garden City Books, by Harold A. Pfeiffer with UploadWizard

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