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Berkas:PDB 1r36 EBI.jpg

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PDB_1r36_EBI.jpg (800 × 600 piksel, ukuran berkas: 42 KB, tipe MIME: image/jpeg)

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SCOP Lineage

Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP)

Class: All alpha proteins

Fold: DNA or RNA-binding 3-helical bundle
Superfamily: Winged helix DNA-binding domain
Family: ets domain
Protein Domain: ETS-1 transcription factor, residues 331-440
Deskripsi Cartoon representation of the molecular structure of protein registered with 1r36 code.
Sumber https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/static/entry/1r36_deposited_chain_front_image-800x800.png, displayed on https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/entry/pdb/1r36
Pembuat Jawahar Swaminathan and MSD staff at the European Bioinformatics Institute
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terkini8 Februari 2009 19.48Miniatur versi sejak 8 Februari 2009 19.48800 × 600 (42 KB)DonabelSDSU.bot {{SCOP navigation|All alpha proteins|DNA or RNA-binding 3-helical bundle|Winged helix DNA-binding domain|ets domain|ETS-1 transcription factor, residues 331-440}}{{EBI License|pdb=1r36|date=November 16, 2008}} [[Category:ETS-1 transcription factor

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