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Berkas:Potsdamer Platz Filmmuseum Boulevard der Stars Gerhard Lamprecht.jpg

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Ukuran asli (9.021 × 9.641 piksel, ukuran berkas: 25,84 MB, tipe MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: Buoldevard der Stars
Sumber Karya sendiri (IPTC Unique Object Name: CS-pytwqbeuetl)
This image is a work by Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons user C.Suthorn. When reusing, credit me as described in the Licensing information below. I would appreciate being notified (wikimail, talk page, email, Social Media) if you use my work outside Wikimedia.

Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license below, as it is not in the public domain. If you would like special permission to use, license, or purchase the image please contact me to negotiate terms.

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C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 / commons.wikimedia.org
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 / C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 / commons.wikimedia.org
(Perhatikan tiga tautan yang diperlukan ke file penulis, lisensi, dan gambar dalam atribusi.)
(Reusing this image)
This image has been in parallel of before published under under a non-exclusive commercial license here.
Lokasi kamera52° 30′ 33,69″ U, 13° 22′ 23,24″ T Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Lihat gambar ini dan gambar di sekitarnya di: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Berkas ini dilisensikan di bawah lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-Berbagi Serupa 4.0 Internasional.
Atribusi: C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 / commons.wikimedia.org
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A prepared attribution especially for use in Social Media and Print (newspapers, flyers, books, murals, mousepads, mugs, posters, t-shirts) can be copied here
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Please write an email to C.Suthorn or to the email address published on my user page, if you have further questions to the terms of licence.

Deutsch: Dieses Bild ist nicht gemeinfrei! Dies bedeutet, dass es u. a. Urheberrechtsschutz genießt. Es darf nur nach den hier genannten Regeln (oder mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung des Urhebers) genutzt werden. Dies schließt insbesondere eine Verwendung in sozialen Netzwerken aus, deren Nutzungsbedingungen der hier aufgeführten Lizenz nicht entsprechen.

English: This image is not public domain. Please respect the copyright protection. It may only be used according to the rules mentioned here (or with an individual permission by the creator). This specifically excludes use in social media, if applicable terms of the licenses listed here not appropriate.


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6 Juni 2020

52°30'33.689"N, 13°22'23.239"E

0.00110864745011086474 detik

6,72 milimeter


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terkini27 Juli 2023 18.52Miniatur versi sejak 27 Juli 2023 18.529.021 × 9.641 (25,84 MB)C.Suthorntidy optim huffman tbl 24: 0 25,84MiB 27.092.361 pytwqbeuetl 91012520 1d59~40eb QR21:05BA49EABDD333B02663FA85C5A3F891BEF8EF8F4E89C66446B9C57BD15F100 85c3~d23f 9.021 9.641 86.971.461 86.97MP 0.93 8K+ 1027 cc-by-sa-4.0 licence info in file desc. Boulevard der Stars]
18 April 2023 15.22Miniatur versi sejak 18 April 2023 15.229.021 × 9.641 (25,84 MB)C.Suthorntidy keywords, thumb 20: 2 25,84MiB 27.097.822 pytwqbeuetl 91012520 8110~51be QR21:05BA49EABDD333B02663FA85C5A3F891BEF8EF8F4E89C66446B9C57BD15F100 85c3~d23f 9.021 9.641 86.971.461 86.97MP 0.93 8K+ 113 cc-by-sa-4.0 licence info in file desc. Boulevard der Stars]
22 Maret 2023 18.49Miniatur versi sejak 22 Maret 2023 18.499.021 × 9.641 (25,83 MB)C.Suthorntidy keywords, thumb 4: 27.084.779 25,83MiB pytwqbeuetl 91012520 7f0c16650a98896c166f0040d0284de51c0452e8 QR21:05BA49EABDD333B02663FA85C5A3F891BEF8EF8F4E89C66446B9C57BD15F100, cc-by-sa-4.0 C.Suthorn, see licence info in file description Potsdamer_Platz_Filmmuseum_Boulevard_der_Stars_Gerhard_Lamprecht.jpg
19 April 2021 10.23Miniatur versi sejak 19 April 2021 10.239.021 × 9.641 (25,79 MB)C.Suthornadding IPTC information, Unique Object Name CS-pytwqbeuetl curid 91012520 license cc-by-sa-4.0, C.Suthorn, Potsdamer Platz Filmmuseum Boulevard der Stars Gerhard Lamprecht.jpg
8 Juni 2020 15.47Miniatur versi sejak 8 Juni 2020 15.479.021 × 9.641 (25,79 MB)C.SuthornCropped < 1 % horizontally, 20 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.
8 Juni 2020 15.42Miniatur versi sejak 8 Juni 2020 15.429.024 × 12.032 (31,74 MB)C.SuthornCropped 25 % horizontally, -33 % vertically, rotated 270° using CropTool with precise mode.
7 Juni 2020 12.47Miniatur versi sejak 7 Juni 2020 12.4712.032 × 9.024 (32,52 MB)C.SuthornUploaded a work by {{User:C.Suthorn/author}} from {{own}} with UploadWizard

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