Karya ini telah bebas dan dapat digunakan oleh siapapun untuk berbagai keperluan. Apabila Anda ingin menggunakan kembali konten ini, Anda tidak perlu meminta izin selama Anda mengikuti syarat-syarat lisensi yang tertera di halaman ini.
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This is a faithful photographic reproduction of an original two-dimensional work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
This is a photographic work, audiovisual recording, motion picture, sound recording, or broadcast work, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work of applied arts, and at least 25 years have elapsed its first publication or it was not published within 25 years of authorship.
This is a work by a pseudonymous or anonymous author, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work other than described above, and
Its last author died at least 50 years ago, or
Its last author died before publication and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication, or
The author is a legal entity, and at least 50 years have elapsed since the first publication of the work or the work was not published within 50 years of authorship.
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This digital reproduction has been released under the following licenses:
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Karya ini dilepaskan ke domain umum oleh pemiliknya, Walters Art Museum. Lisensi ini berlaku di seluruh dunia. Di sejumlah negara, tindakan ini tidak memungkinkan secara sah; bila seperti itu: Walters Art Museum memberikan siapa pun hak untuk menggunakan karya ini untuk tujuan apa pun, tanpa persyaratan apa pun, kecuali yang ditetapkan oleh hukum.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
In many jurisdictions, faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are not copyrightable. The Wikimedia Foundation's position is that these works are not copyrightable in the United States (see Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs). In these jurisdictions, this work is actually in the public domain and the requirements of the digital reproduction's license are not compulsory.
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