Daftar acara National Geographic Channel
(Dialihkan dari Daftar program yang disiarkan oleh national geographic channel)
Berikut adalah daftar program televisi yang sebelumnya atau saat ini disiarkan oleh National Geographic Channel:
[sunting | sunting sumber]- A Leader's Legacy
- Abandoned
- About Asia*
- Adventure Wanted
- Aftermath
- Aftermath: Population Zero
- Africa's Deadly Dozen
- Africa's Lost Eden**
- African Megaflyover
- Against All Odds
- Air Crash Investigation
- Alaskan Killer Shark
- Alaska State Troopers
- Alaska Wing Men
- Alien Deep With Bob Ballard
- Alien Invasion
- Amazing Moments 30 mins
- Amazing Planet
- America's Lost Treasures
- America's Ports
- American Doomsday
- American Colony: Meet the Hutterites
- American Weed
- Amish: Out of Order
- Among The Great Apes With Michelle Yeoh
- Among the Wild Chimpanzees
- Ancient Computer
- Ancient Secrets
- Ancient Megastructures
- Ancient X Files
- And Man Created Dog
- Andrea Gail
- Animal Impact
- Animal Extractors
- Animal Fugitives
- Animal Mega Moves
- Animals Behaving Badly
- Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler
- Apocalypse: The Second World War
- Around The World For Free
- Asias Deadliest Snakes*
- Asia's Titanic*
- Asteroid Impact
- Attack In The Wild
- Autobahn
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Bandits Of Selous
- Banged Up Abroad
- Beaches
- Beast Hunter (aka Beast Man)
- Be the Creature
- Beetle Battles: Kwang Bang
- Beneath Easter Island
- Ben Franklin's Pirate Fleet
- Beyond The Cosmos
- Beyond the Movie: The Lord of the Rings
- Beyond the Movie: The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King
- Bible's Buried Secrets
- Big, Bigger, Biggest
- Bin Laden's Spy In America
- Bioterror Alert
- Birth of Jesus
- Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy
- Bizarre Science
- Black Bear Unleashed
- Blackbeard: Terror at Sea
- Blinding Horizon
- Blowdown
- Bob Ballard Specials
- Bomb Onboard
- Body Snatchers of Bangkok
- Border Wars (TV series)
- Boxing Behind Bars
- Brain Child
- Brain Games
- Breakout
- Brilliant Beasts
- Britain's Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie
- Britain's Underworld
- Breakout
- Bruce Lee Lives!
- Bruce Lee: The Legend
- Built For Destruction
- Built For The Kill
- Burying King Tut
- Butchering Beauty (AKA Trading Faces)
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Cain and Abel: Brothers at War
- Cameraman Who Dare
- Carrier
- Cars
- Catacombs Of Palermo
- Catching a Crook
- Catching Giants
- Caught Barehanded
- Caught In The Act[perlu disambiguasi]
- Caught on Safari: Battle at Kruger
- Chasing Earthquakes
- Chasing UFOs
- Cheetah: Against All Odds
- Chef On The Road
- China Circus
- China's Ghost Army
- China's Great Wall
- China's Mystery Mummies
- China Quake
- Churchill's German Army
- City Of Ants
- Civil War
- Civil War Gold
- Clash Of The Continent
- Classified: CIA Confidential
- Climbing Redwood Giants
- A Closer Shave
- Cockroach Confidential
- Colombia's Gold War
- Colorado Cannibal
- Conjoined at the Head
- Convoy: War For The Atlantic
- Cooking The World
- Cradle of Mandopop
- Crash Science
- Crime Scene Bangkok
- Crimes Against Nature
- Cross Of Katuma
- Crowd Control
- Cruise Ship Diaries
- Crystal Skull Legend
- Churchill's German Army
[sunting | sunting sumber]- D-Day:Men And Machines
- Danger Men
- Dangerous Encounters
- Dangerous Encounters with Brady Barr
- Dangerous Jobs (aka Cheating Death):
- Deadly Arts
- Death of The Universe
- Death Traps
- Deep Jungle
- Deepest Dive
- Deepsea Under The Pole
- Delhi In Flames
- Demolition Dynasty
- Desert Seas
- Diaries From Hell
- Dino Death Trap
- Dinofish
- Disaster Earth
- Divine Delinquents
- Diving The Labyrinth
- Don't Tell My Mother
- Dogfight Over Guadalcanal
- Dogfight Over MIG Alley
- Dog Whisperer
- DogTown
- Doomsday Preppers
- Dragon Chronicles
- Drain the Great Lake
- Drain The Ocean
- Driving Dreams
- Drugs, Inc.
- Dubai Mega Mall
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Earth 2007
- Earth Hour
- Earth Overhaul
- Earth: The Biography
- Earth Shocks
- Earth:Making of a Planet
- Ebola
- Egypt Underworld
- Empire War
- End Day
- Engineering Connections
- Escape Factory
- Evacuate Earth - Website
- Expedition Antarctica
- Expedition Great White
- Expedition Wild
- Exploding Las Vegas
- Explorations
- Extraordinary Dogs
- Extraterrestrial
- Explorer
- Extreme Engineering
- Extreme Expeditions
- Extreme Ice
- Extreme Powerboats
- Extreme Speed
- Every Singaporean Son*
- Eye of the Leopard
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Faking China
- Family Guns
- Finding Atlantis
- Finding The Lost Da Vinci
- Fishzilla: Snakehead Invasion
- Flight of the Elephants
- Florence Unlocked
- Fight Masters
- Fight Science
- The Final Report
- Finding Atlantis
- Finding The Lost Da Vinci
- Finding The Next Earth
- Fish Warrior
- Flushed
- Food Lovers Guide to the Planet
- Food School
- Forbidden Tomb Of Genghis Khan
- Forensic First
- Freemasons On Trial
- Frequently Asked Questions
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Garbage Mountain
- Garbage Moguls (2009)
- General At War
- Geologic Journey
- George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview
- Ghost Ship of the Great Lakes
- Ghost Ship Resurrection
- Golden Baboons
- Gorilla Murder
- Great Migrations
- Ground War
- Guardians Of Angkor
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Hard Time
- Hawaii: Rivers Of Fire
- Health Secrets Behind Korean Cuisine
- Helicopter Wars
- Herod's Lost Tomb
- Hijack El Al Flight 426
- Hip Hop Nation
- Hiroshima: The Next Day
- Hiss of Death
- History's Secrets
- Hitler's G.I. Death Camp (2011)[1]
- Hitler's Lost Battle Ship
- Hitler's Secret Attack on America
- Hitler's Secret Bunkers
- Hitler's Secret Weapon
- Hong Kong's Big Bet
- Hong Kong To The World
- Hooked
- How Big Can It Get
- How Hard It Can Be?
- How To Build A Beating Heart
- How To Build A Volcano
- How To Stop a Hurricane
- Hubble's Final Frontier
- Human Ape
- Human Footprint
- Hunt For The Abominable Snowman
- Hunt for the Giant Squid
- Hunter Hunted
- Hyper Rescue Tokyo
[sunting | sunting sumber]- I Came Away Alive
- I Came Back From the Dead
- I Didn't Know That
- I Fell from the Sky
- Impossible Bridges
- Incredible Human Machine
- Indy Motor Speedway
- Insects From Hell
- Inside 9/11
- Inside SERIES
- Inside Hurricane Katrina
- Inside Nature's Giants
- Inside the Mafia
- Inside the Green Berets
- In The Womb
- Interpol Investigates
- Into Iceland's Volcano
- Into The Crystal Cave
- Islands
- Is It Real?
- I Was Buried Alive
- I Was Struck by Lightning
- I Was Superhuman
- iPredator
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Jack Johnson: Kokua Concert
- James Cameron
- Japan's Hidden Secret
- Japan's Secret Weapon
- Japan Tsunami:How It Happened
- Japanese Cowboy
- Jean-Michel Cousteau-Ocean Ad
- Jellyfish Invasion
- Jeju, Island Of A Thousand Face
- JFK: The Lost Bullet
- Journey To Europa
- Journey to the Edge of the Universe
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Kenny And Zoltan's Venom Quest
- Kick Fighters
- Killing Hitler
- Killing Lincoln
- Kimchi Chronicles
- King Tut's Curse (2 hours)
- Knights of Mayhem
- Known Universe
- Korean Soul Food*
- Koxinga
- Kung Fu Killers
- Kung Fu Monk
- Kung Fu Quest
[sunting | sunting sumber]- LA Street Racers
- Laden's Spy In America
- Last Man Standing: The Human Race
- Last Secrets of The Third Reich
- Last War Heroes
- Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West
- Let it Ride
- Life Below Zero (premieres May 19, 2013)[2]
- Light The Ocean
- Lightning Reloaded
- Lions Behaving Badly**
- Liquid Bomb Plot
- Live Like An Animal
- Live Free or Die
- Lockdown
- Locked Up Abroad
- Lonely Planet
- Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled
- Long Way Down
- Lost Continent of the Pacific
- Lost in China
- Lost World
- Lucky Muckers
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Mad Labs
- The Mafia
- Make ME Superhuman
- Man Hunt
- Maneater Manhunt
- Man-Made
- Man vs. Monster
- Machines Of War
- Malaysian Journey with Jason Scott Lee
- Manta Mystery (aka Project Manta)
- Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed
- Medieval Fightbook
- Meet The Natives
- Mega Factories
- Mega Mosque
- Megafamilies
- Megafish
- Megaship
- MegaStructures
- MegaStructures Break Down
- The Meadow
- Mega:Mosque
- The Memory Masters
- Mengele's Twins
- Million Dollar Moon Rock Heist
- Monkey Thieves
- Monster Crocs**
- Monster Fish
- Monster Moves
- Monster Fish Of The Congo
- More Amazing Moments
- More Weddings And Another Funeral
- Mother Warthog**
- Mumbai Mega Flood
- Mummy Road Show
- Murder Dolls
- Mystery 360
- Mystery Files
- Mystery Gorillas & Search for the Great Apes
- Mysteries Of The Moose**
- Mystery of the Neanderthals: On Assignment
- My Brilliant Brain
- My Dog Ate What?
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Naked Science
- Naked Earth
- Narco Bling
- Narrow Escapes of WWII
- Nat Geo's Top 10 Photos
- National Geographic: Frontline Diaries
- National Geographic's Most Amazing Moments
- National Geographic's Most Amazing Photos
- National Geographic's Most Astonishing Moments
- National Geographic's Most Astounding Moments
- National Geographic's Most Dangerous Moments
- National Geographic's Most Daring Moments
- National Geographic's Most Extreme Moments
- National Geographic's Most Outrageous Moments
- National Geographic's Most Shocking Moments
- National Geographic's Most Thrilling Moments
- Nazi Death Squads
- Nazi Megastructures
- Nazi Scrapbooks From Hell
- Need for Speed: Bikes
- Need for Speed: Boats
- Nefertiti's Odyssey
- Night Of The Lion
- Night Shift
- Nomads
- Nordic Wild
[sunting | sunting sumber]- One Ocean
- Orca Killing School
- Outbreak Investigation
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Paranatural
- Paranormal?
- Party Like
- Perfect Swarm
- Perfect Weapon
- Perilous Journeys
- Phobia
- Pirate Patrol
- Planes
- Planet Carnivore
- Planet Mechanics
- Plastiki
- Pompeii Uncovered
- Python Hunters
[sunting | sunting sumber]R
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Rape Of Europa
- Rebuilding Titanic
- Redwoods: Anatomy Of A Giant
- Reign Of Terror
- Rescue Emergency
- Restrepo
- Return to Titanic
- Reverse Exploration
- Riddles of The Dead
- Riddle of the Romanovs
- Rivers And Life**
- Road To The London Olympics
- Roads
- Rocket City Rednecks
- Rock Stars
- Roman Homicide
- Rebuilding The Titanic
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Sailing The Treasure Ship
- Salmon Wars
- Salt Flat Speedway
- Salvage Code Red
- Samurai Bow
- Samurai Spider
- Saxon Gold
- Savannah
- Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard
- Saved by the Lioness
- Scam City
- Science of Brick
- Science of Concrete
- Science of Interrogation
- Sea Patrol
- Sea Strikers
- Seahorses:Wanted Dead Or Alive
- Search For The Amazon Headshrinkers
- Search For The Bushmen
- Search For The Cannibals of The South Pacific
- Search For The Giant Octopus
- Search For The First Dog: A Quest To Find Our Orig
- Search for the Living Cannibals
- Search for the Submarine I-52
- Seconds From Disaster
- Secret Bible
- Secret Shark Pits
- Secrets of The 10 Plagues
- Secrets of the Cross
- Secrets Of The First Emperor
- Secrets Of The King Cobra
- Secrets Of The Parthenon
- Secrets of the Snow Ship
- Secrets Of Taj Mahal
- Secrets Of The Tang Treasure Ship
- Secrets of The Viking Warriors
- Seoul's Got Soul
- Seoul: Unlocking The Grid
- Sex and the Brain
- The Scrap House
- Shark Men
- Shark's of Lost Island
- Showreal Asia*
- Sinking of The Belgrano
- Situation Critical
- Six Degrees Could Change the World
- Skin
- Slammed: Inside Indie Wrestling
- Sleeping Beauties
- Somewhere In China
- Space Crab
- Space Mysteries
- Speed Nation
- Spider Deadly Love
- Spine Chillers
- Spirit Talk
- Stalking Hitler's Generals
- Stonehenge Decoded (1 hour)
- Strictly Asian Ballroom
- Sudden Death
- Sumatra's Last Tiger
- Sumo Kids
- Supercarrier: USS Ronald Reagan
- Supercell
- Super Cyclone
- Super Flu
- Superfish
- Superhuman
- Super Port
- Survive the Tribe
- Surviving the Super Twisters
- Stalking Hitler's Generals
- Storm Stories
- Storm Worlds
- Street Food Around The World
- Street Heat
- Stuntmen of Bollywood
- Swamp Troop
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Taboo
- Taiwan Medical Miracle*
- Taiwan To The World*
- Taiwan Wild*
- Taming The Four Rivers
- Templars: The Last Stand
- Test Your Brain
- That Shouldn't Fly
- The 400 Million Dollar Rock
- The Black Dragon
- The Bombing Of Germany
- The Butterfly Code
- The Chinese Hajj
- The Earth
- The Egyptian Job
- The Great Indian Witchhunt
- The Great Serengeti
- The Incredible Dr. Pol
- The Indestructibles
- The Kung Fu Dragons Of Wudang
- The Last Days of Osama Bin Laden
- The Lost City
- The Megafalls Of Iguacu
- The Pigeon Game
- The Toilet Men
- The Truth Behind
- The Truth Behind Zombies
- The Untold Truth About Supermokh
- The Witch Doctor Will See You Now
- Through Their Eyes
- Typhoon Hunters
- Tiger Man
- Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron
- Tokyo Shock Boys
- Totally Wild
- Training for the Apocalypse
- Trains
- Travelogue
- Trekking the Great Wall
- Truth Files
- A Traveler's Guide to the Planets
- The Ancient Tea Road
- The Bombing of Germany
- The Border
- The Butterfly Code
- The Diving Women Of Jeju
- The Egyptian Job
- The Great Indian Witchhunt
- The Human Weapon
- The Living Edens
- The Known Earth
- The Known Universe
- The Numbers Game
- The Power Game-Chiang Kai-Shek And His Families
- The Rise Of Black Wolf
- The Secret Heart
- The Two Million Year Old Boy
- The Untold Truth About Supermokh
- The World's Oldest Child
- Tiger Man
- To Be Assigned
- Tomb Raptor
- Total Riff Off
- Trapped
- Trekking Malaysia With Jason Scott Lee
- Trekking The Great Wall
- Tsunami Line
- Tuna Cowboys
- Typhoon Hunters
- Top 20 Asian Marvels
[sunting | sunting sumber]V
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Vatican
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Warplanes
- War Secrets
- Warrior Bees
- Warrior Graveyard
- Warzone Gone Wild
- What Would Happen If
- When Continents Collide
- When Rome Ruled (TV series)
- Who Sank The Bismarck
- Wicked Pirate City
- Wicked Tuna
- Wild Amazon
- Wild Case Files
- Wild Japan
- Wild
- Wild Russia
- Wild Sex
- Wild Russia (in co-production with S4C and ZDF)
- Witness
- Witness Disaster
- Who Knew?
- Who Sank The Bismarck?
- Womb Of The World
- Word Travels
- World's Creepiest Killers
- World's Deadliest Animals
- World's Tallest Bridge
- World's Toughest Fixes
- World's Worst Weather
[sunting | sunting sumber]Y
[sunting | sunting sumber]Referensi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Hitler's G.I. Death Camp. National Geographic Channel. 2011. 44 minutes.
- ^ Kondology, Amanda (April 24, 2013). "Brave the Arctic Chill in New Series 'Life Below Zero', Premiering May 19, 10 PM ET/PT". TV by the Numbers. Zap2it. Diakses tanggal April 27, 2013.[pranala nonaktif permanen]
[sunting | sunting sumber]* Hanya ditayangkan di NGC Asia, ** Nat Geo HD