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Joseph II, Kaisar Romawi Suci

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Joseph II, Kaisar Romawi Suci.

Joseph Benedikt August Johannes Anton Michael Adam (13 Maret 174120 Februari 1790) adalah Kaisar Romawi Suci dari tahun 1765 hingga 1790 dan penguasa Monarki Habsburg dari tahun 1780 hingga 1790. Ia adalah putra tertua Maria Theresa dari Austria dan suaminya, Franz I.

Ia juga dikenal dengan berbagai nama: Jerman: Joseph II., Belanda: Jozef II, Italia: Giuseppe II, Ceko: Josef II, Slowakia: Jozef II, Slovenia: Jožef II Romania: Iosif al II-lea, Hungaria: II. József, Kroasia: Josip II., Polandia: Józef II.

Bacaan lebih lanjut

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Beales, Derek (2005). Enlightenment and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Europe.
  • Bernard, Paul P. The Limits of Enlightenment: Joseph II and the Law (1979)
  • Blanning, T. C. W. Joseph II (1994), 228 pp; a short scholarly biography
  • Blanning, T. C. W. Joseph II and Enlightened Despotism (1984)
  • Bright, James Franck. Joseph II (1897), 222 pp full text online
  • Bronza, Boro (2010). "The Habsburg Monarchy and the Projects for Division of the Ottoman Balkans, 1771-1788". Empires and Peninsulas: Southeastern Europe between Karlowitz and the Peace of Adrianople, 1699–1829. Berlin: LIT Verlag. hlm. 51–62. ISBN 9783643106117. 
  • Dickson, P. G. M. "Joseph II's Reshaping of the Austrian Church," The Historical Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1. (Mar. 1993), pp. 89–114. in JSTOR
  • Henderson, Nicholas. "Joseph II", History Today, 1991 41 (March): pp. 21–27. ISSN 0018-2753 Fulltext: Ebsco online.
  • Macek, Bernhard A. Die Kroenung Josephs II. in Frankfurt am Main. Logistisches Meisterwerk, zeremonielle Glanzleistung und Kulturgueter fuer die Ewigkeit (2010) ISBN 978-3-631-60849-4.
  • McHugh, James T. "Last of the enlightened despots: A comparison of President Mikhail Gorbachev and Emperor Joseph II." Social Science Journal 32.1 (1995): 69-85
  • Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara (2017). Maria Theresia: Die Kaiserin in ihrer Zeit. Eine Biographie. Munich: C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-69748-7. 
  • Vovk, Justin C. (2010). In Destiny's Hands: Five Tragic Rulers, Children of Maria Theresa. iUniverse: Bloomington, Ind. ISBN 978-1-4502-0081-3
  • Wilson, Peter H. Absolutism in Central Europe (2000) online edition

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]
Joseph II, Kaisar Romawi Suci
Didahului oleh:
Franz I
Kaisar Romawi Suci
1765 – 1790
Diteruskan oleh:
Leopold II