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Suku pengembara di Arab itu disebut suku Badawi (Inggris: Bedouin). Memang nama suku Badui Sunda diambil dari kata Arab ini. Namun yg dimaksud bukan suku Arab ini. Meursault2004 13:04, 23 Mar 2005 (UTC)
External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023)
[sunting sumber]Hello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on Suku Badui (Arab) that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
- is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 17 Oktober 2023 18.09 (UTC)
[sunting sumber]@Illchy. Saya melihat artikel ini sebelumnya berjudul Suku Badui (Arab) tetapi diipindahkan oleh pengguna Faleztino yang sekarang ditelah dkunci akunnya secara global. Bagaimana jika artikel ini dikembalikan ke judul semula? Jika ada pendapat lain dari Anda, mari berdiskusi. Salam, – JumadilM Diskusi 31 Agustus 2024 04.58 (UTC)