Pelacuran di Tiongkok
(Dialihkan dari Prostitusi di Tiongkok)
Prostitusi menjadi aktivitas ilegal berdasarkan hukum Tiongkok. Meski demikian, perdagangan wanita masih marak, bahkan terorganisir dengan rapi. Sejumlah laporan media lokal menyebut jumlah pekerja seks komersial di Tiongkok mencapai angka 4 juta sampai 6 juta.
Berdasarkan hasil investigasi tim BBC, ditemukan kelompok mafia dan tindak prostitusi di sejumlah lokasi, seperti tempat spa dan bar. Jaringan prostitusi Tiongkok cukup banyak dan mengakar cukup lama.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Aizibing: shehui, lunli he falü wenti zhuanjia yantaohui (艾滋病:社会、伦理和法律问题专家研讨会: "Report of the Expert Workshop on HIV and Prostitution: Social, Ethical and Legal Issues"), Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 29–31 October.
- Gil, V.E. and Anderson, A.F. (1998) "State-sanctioned aggression and the control of prostitution in the People's Republic of China: a review", Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 3: 129-42.
- Hershatter, G., Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press).
- Jeffreys, E., China, Sex and Prostitution, (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004).
- Ruan, F. (1991) Sex in China: Studies in Sexology in Chinese Culture, New York: Plenum Press.
- Shan Guangnai, Zhongguo changji - guoqu he xianzai (中国娼妓过去和现在: "Chinese Prostitution - Past and Present") (Beijing: Falü chubanshe, 1995).
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- All-China Women's Federation, Excerpts from the Criminal Law of the PRC Diarsipkan 2005-11-24 di Wayback Machine.. See in particular articles 358–362.
- Jeffreys, E., A Matter of Choice: Feminist Prostitution Debates and the Example of China.
- Xin Ren, Prostitution and Employment Opportunities for Women under China's Economic Reform Diarsipkan 2015-04-02 di Wayback Machine..
- Pan Suiming, 中国红灯区纪实 ("A true record of China's red-light districts") A sociological study of three prostitution centres. (Tionghoa)
- Gifford, R., On the Road in China: Prostitution, Religion Rise, NPR.
- Child exploitation not new to stricken region Diarsipkan 2005-04-23 di Library of Congress Web Archives
- Illegal Prostitution Occurring in Massage Parlors and Bathhouses