Kemitraan Perdagangan dan Investasi Transatlantik
Kemitraan Perdagangan dan Investasi Transatlantik (bahasa Inggris: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; TTIP) adalah rencana perjanjian perdagangan antara Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat yang bertujuan memajukan perdagangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi antarnegara. Pemerintah Amerika Serikat memandang TTIP sebagai perjanjian pelengkap Kemitraan Trans-Pasifik (TPP).[1] Perjanjian ini masih dirundingkan. Tiga bidang utamanya adalah akses pasar, regulasi khusus, dan peraturan, prinsip, dan bentuk kerja sama yang lebih luas.[2][3] Menurut ekonom Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, rencananya negosiasi disepakati pada penghujung tahun 2014, namun baru benar-benar berakhir pada tahun 2019 atau 2020.[4]
Laporan mengenai perundingan dan isi rancangan TTIP dirahasiakan dari publik dan hanya dapat diakses oleh orang-orang tertentu.[5] Sejumlah bocoran TTIP menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan masyarakat.[6]
Komisi Eropa mengatakan bahwa TTIP akan mendatangkan €120 miliar ke ekonomi Uni Eropa, €90 miliar ke ekonomi Amerika Serikat, dan €100 miliar ke ekonomi dunia.[7] Menurut Anu Bradford, dosen hukum Columbia Law School, dan Thomas J. Bollyky dari Council on Foreign Relations, TTIP bertujuan "membebaskan sepertiga perdagangan global" dan menciptakan jutaan lapangan kerja baru.[8] Akan tetapi, sebuah artikel Guardian yang ditulis Dean Baker dari Center for Economic and Policy Research[9][10][11] berpendapat bahwa manfaat ekonomi yang dirasakan tiap keluarga cenderung kecil.[12] Menurut laporan Parlemen Eropa, TTIP akan memicu penambahan lapangan kerja sekaligus pemutusan hubungan kerja, tergantung model dan asumsi ekonomi yang digunakan dalam prediksi pertumbuhannya.[13]
Perjanjian ini dikritik dan ditentang oleh beberapa serikat pekerja, organisasi amal, LSM, dan aktivis lingkungan, khususnya di Eropa.[14][15] The Independent menulis bahwa kritikus TTIP umumnya menentang "pencabutan hambatan dagang bagi perusahaan besar seperti peraturan kelayakan pangan, peraturan lingkungan, peraturan perbankan, dan kedaulatan negara",[16] dan menyebut TTIP sebagai "serangan terhadap masyarakat Eropa dan A.S. oleh perusahaan-perusahaan transnasional".[16] The Guardian menulis bahwa kritikus TTIP menolak "diskusi tertutup yang tidak demokratis", "pengaruh para pelobi besar", kemampuan TTIP untuk "mengangkangi kewenangan demokratis pemerintah daerah",[17] dan mencap TTIP sebagai "kesepakatan dagang paling kontroversial yang pernah dirundingkan Uni UE".[18] Mekanisme demokrasi langsung UE, European Citizens' Initiative, yang memungkinkan warga UE secara langsung meminta Komisi Eropa mengusulkan rancangan undang-undang,[19] berhasil mengumpulkan 3,2 juta dukungan dalam kampanye menolak TTIP dan CETA dalam kurun satu tahun.[20][21]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Berbagai organisasi menerbitkan laporan dengan rencana perjanjian ini, di antaranya:
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Ambitious but Achievable – A Stakeholder Survey and Three Scenarios (April 2013) ISBN 978-1-61977-032-4[22]
- TTIP and the Fifty States: Jobs and Growth from Coast to Coast (September 2013) ISBN 978-1-61977-038-6[23]
- The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement (December 2013) ISBN 978-3-00-044648-1[24]
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A Charter for Deregulation, An Attack on Jobs, An End to Democracy (February 2014)[25]
Lihat pula
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
- Hak digital
- Hubungan Amerika Serikat–Uni Eropa
- Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas Transatlantik
- Kemitraan Trans-Pasifik (TPP)
- Pelanggaran hak cipta
- Perjanjian perdagangan bebas Amerika Serikat
- Perjanjian perdagangan bebas Uni Eropa
- Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Transatlantic Interests In Asia, Russel, Daniel R., United States Department of State, 13 January 2014
- ^ State of Play of TTIP negotiations ahead of the 6th round of negotiations, European Commission DG Trade, 11 July 2014
- ^ List of lead negotiators for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, European Commission DG Trade
List of lead negotiators for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Office of the United States Trade Representative
- ^ Philip Blenkinsop. EU-U.S. trade deal seems distant dream after early optimism. Reuters. 16 June 2015.
- ^ "TTIP controversy: Secret trade deal can only be read in secure 'reading room' in Brussels". The Independent. Diakses tanggal 23 September 2015.
- ^ Arthur Neslen. Leaked TTIP documents cast doubt on EU-US trade deal. May 1, 2016.
- ^ "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Trade - European Commission". Diakses tanggal 2014-02-21.
- ^ Bollyky, Thomas J. and Anu Bradford (10 July 2013). "Getting to Yes on Transatlantic Trade". Foreign Affairs. Diakses tanggal 22 July 2013.
- ^ Rosenberg, Tina (4 November 2007). "The Perils Of Petrocracy". New York Times. Diakses tanggal 5 October 2014.
… Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a left-leaning Washington policy group.
- ^ Sussman, Anna Louie (7 September 2015). "Are Women the New Face of Organized Labor?". The Wall Street Journal. Diakses tanggal 20 September 2015.
- ^ Fox, Maggie (24 July 2013). "Obamacare won't slash workers' hours, report finds". NBC News. Diakses tanggal 31 October 2014.
- ^ The Guardian (15 July 2013). The US-EU trade deal: Don't buy the hype Retrieved 24 August 2013.
- ^ Susanne Kraatz. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Labour. European Parliament.
- ^ Stuart Jeffries. What is TTIP and why should we be angry about it?. Published on 3 August 2015.
- ^ Leo Cendrowicz. "Europeans Fight U.S. Trade Deal With Fear of McHospitals, Fracking Under Eiffel Tower". The Daily Beast. Diakses tanggal 2015-07-14.
- ^ a b Lee Williams What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you. The Independent. 6 October 2015.
- ^ Tim Smedley. TTIP: what does the transatlantic trade deal mean for renewable energy?. 5 August 2015.
- ^ Jennifer Rankin. Meet the Swedish politician ready to play hardball with the UK on Brexit. 27 August, 2016.
- ^ "Homepage - European Citizens' Initiative - European Commission".
- ^ Jeffries, Stuart (3 August 2015). "What is TTIP and why should we be angry about it?". Diakses tanggal 23 February 2016.
- ^ "Do the CETA-CHECK!". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2019-02-18. Diakses tanggal 2016-09-12.
- ^ "The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Ambitious but Achievable - A Stakeholder Survey and Three Scenarios" (PDF). Atlantic Council, Bertelsmann Foundation. Diakses tanggal 18 May 2014.
- ^ "TTIP and the Fifty States: Jobs and Growth from Coast to Coast" (PDF). Atlantic Council, Bertelmanns Foundation. Diakses tanggal 18 May 2014.
- ^ Berlin Forum on Global Politics, Internet & Society Collaboratory, "The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement". Diakses tanggal 3 February 2015.
- ^ "A Charter for Deregulation, An Attack on Jobs, An End to Democracy" (PDF). Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels Office. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2016-07-01. Diakses tanggal 19 November 2014.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]![](
- What exactly is the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership? Video produced by DW (Deutsche Welle)
Situs resmi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- EU negotiations site
- EU negotiating texts in TTIP
- European Commission, DG Trade - In focus Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
- USTR Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Diskusi dan analisis
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Towards an EU-US trade and investment deal, European Parliamentary Research Service, 11 July 2014
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, UK House of Lords European Union Committee report, 6 May 2014
- The Transatlantic Colossus: Global Contributions to Broaden the Debate on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement A collaborative publication with over 20 articles on the global implications of the TAFTA | TTIP, Berlin Forum on Global Politics, December 2013
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - Defensive Move or Constructive Engagement A Research Based Documentary placing the TTIP negotiations in a global context produced by the Institut d'Etudes Européennes of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 19 March 2014
- The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A Charter for Deregulation, an Attack on Jobs, an End to Democracy Diarsipkan 2015-03-01 di Wayback Machine., Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels Office, February 2014
- / Free Trade: Project of the Powerful Diarsipkan 2014-08-19 di Wayback Machine., Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels Office, May 2014
- / Politics at a standstill Diarsipkan 2015-04-02 di Wayback Machine., Katapult Magazine, 11. March 2014
- TTIP: Are 40 Cents a Day Big Gains?, Center for Economic and Policy Research, August 2015
Situs web
[sunting | sunting sumber]- TTIP Action Diarsipkan 2015-04-12 di Wayback Machine. (Atlantic Council)
- TTIP: What lies beneath Diarsipkan 2014-07-15 di Wayback Machine. (European Parliament Greens/EFA Group)
- TTIP Diarsipkan 2014-03-21 di Wayback Machine. (American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union)
- The Trans-Atlantic "Free Trade" Agreement (TAFTA) (Public Citizen) (USA)
- Did you say TTIP? Diarsipkan 2014-09-27 di Wayback Machine. (Confederation of European Business)
- No TTIP (UK umbrella organisation)
- EU/US Trade & Investment (British American Business) - backers of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group for EU-US Trade & Investment
- TTIP Leaks (TTIP negotiation documents)