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Am Universum

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Am Universum adalah album kelima Amorphis.

Daftar lagu

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. "Alone" – 6:18
  2. "Goddess (Of the Sad Man)" – 3:59
  3. "Night Is Over" – 4:04
  4. "Shattered Within" – 5:19
  5. "Crimson Wave" – 4:45
  6. "Drifting Memories" – 4:24
  7. "Forever More" – 4:33
  8. "Veil of Sin" – 5:10
  9. "Captured State" – 4:27
  10. "Grieve Stricken Heart" – 6:39
  11. "Too Much To See" (Japanese bonus track) – 3:38