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American Expeditionary Force

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Pasukan Ekspedisi Amerika
American Expeditionary Force (Inggris)
G. H. Q. Distinctive Cloth Insignia
NegaraAmerika Serikat
CabangAngkatan Darat Amerika Serikat
PeranPerintah dan kendali
Jumlah personel2,057,675 orang (1918)
Markas Besar UmumChaumont, Prancis
PertempuranPerang Dunia I
Dibubarkan31 Agustus 1920
Panglima TertinggiJenderal Angkatan Darat John J. Pershing
Komandan Layanan PasokanMayor Jenderal James Harbord
Kepala Army Air ServiceMayor Jenderal Mason M. Patrick

American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)[a] adalah formasi Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat di Front Barat selama Perang Dunia I, yang sebagian besar terdiri dari unit-unit dari Angkatan Darat AS. AEF didirikan pada tanggal 5 Juli 1917, di Prancis di bawah komando Mayor Jenderal John J. Pershing saat itu. Pasukan ini bertempur bersama unit-unit Angkatan Darat Prancis, Angkatan Darat Britania Raya, Angkatan Darat Kanada, Angkatan Darat India Britania, Angkatan Darat Selandia Baru, dan Angkatan Darat Australia melawan Angkatan Darat Kekaisaran Jerman. Sejumlah kecil pasukan AEF juga bertempur bersama unit-unit Angkatan Darat Italia pada tahun 1918 melawan Angkatan Darat Austria-Hungaria. AEF membantu Angkatan Darat Prancis di Front Barat selama Serangan Aisne (pada Pertempuran Château-Thierry dan Pertempuran Belleau Wood) pada musim panas tahun 1918, dan bertempur dalam pertempuran-pertempuran utamanya dalam Pertempuran Saint-Mihiel dan Serangan Meuse-Argonne pada akhir tahun 1918.

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  1. ^ 'Unit militer yang dikirim ke luar negeri oleh pemerintah AS ditetapkan sebagai Pasukan Ekspedisi Amerika (AEF) pada tahun 1917. AEF sering dikutip secara tidak tepat sebagai "Pasukan Ekspedisi Amerika." AEF terdiri dari pasukan Amerika tidak hanya di Front Barat tetapi juga di Britania Raya, Italia, Polandia, dan Rusia, oleh karena itu digunakan kata "Pasukan"."[1]

Bacaan lebih lanjut

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  • Awards and Decorations: World War I Statistics Diarsipkan September 25, 2012, di Wayback Machine.
  • Ayres, Leonard P, The War with Germany: A Statistical Summary Government Printing Office, 1919 full text online
  • Barbeau, Arthur E. and Florette Henri, The Unknown Soldiers: Black American Troops in World War I (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1974),
  • Beaver, Daniel R. Newton D. Baker and the American War Effort, 1917–1919 (1966)
  • CMH Pub 24-1: "Learning Lessons in the American Expeditionary Forces" Diarsipkan May 21, 2015, di Wayback Machine.
  • Chambers, John W., II. To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America (1987)
  • Chapter 17: "World War I: The First Three Years" Diarsipkan June 22, 2015, di Wayback Machine.
  • Chapter 18: "World War I: The U.S. Army Overseas" Diarsipkan May 7, 2010, di Wayback Machine.
  • Coffman, Edward M. (1998). The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War. University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 978-0-8131-0955-8. 
  • Cooke, James J., The Rainbow Division in the Great War, 1917–1919 Praeger Publishers, (1994)
  • Dalessandro, Robert J. & Dalessandro, Rebecca S. American Lions: The 332nd Infantry Regiment in World War I (Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing, 2009)
  • Dalessandro, Robert J., & Knapp, Michael G., "Organization and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Forces, 1917–1923" (Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing, 2008) The best single volume on AEF unit organization.
  • Dalessandro, Robert J. & Gerald Torrence, "Willing Patriots: Men of Color in the First World War" (Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing, 2009)
  • Davenport, Matthew J. "First Over There: The Attack on Cantigny America's First Battle of World War I" (New York, Thomas Dunne: 2015)
  • Faulkner, Richard S. Pershing's Crusaders: The American Soldier in World War I (U Press of Kansas, 2017). xiv, 758 pp
  • Freidel, Frank. Over There (1964), well illustrated
  • Grotelueschen; Mark E. Doctrine under Trial: American Artillery Employment in World War I (2001) ISBN 0-313-31171-4 (full text version at Google Books)
  • Hallas, James H. Doughboy War: The American Expeditionary Force in World War I (2000)
  • Heller Charles E. Chemical Warfare in World War I. The American Experience, 1917–1918. Fort Leavenworth, Kan.: Combat Studies Institute, 1984.
  • Hirrel, Leo P. "Supporting the Doughboys: US Army Logistics and Personnel During World War I." Ft. Leavenworth, KS Combat Studies Institute, 2017. online at no charge
  • Holley, I. B. Ideas and Weapons: Exploitation of the Aerial Weapon by the United States During World War I (1983)
  • Howarth, Stephen. To Shining Sea: A History of the United States Navy, 1775–1991 (1991)
  • Hurley, Alfred F. Billy Mitchell, Crusader for Air Power (1975)
  • James, D. Clayton. The Years of MacArthur, I, 1880–1941. (1970)
  • Johnson; Herbert A. Wingless Eagle: U.S. Army Aviation through World War I University of North Carolina Press, (2001)
  • Kennedy, David M. Over Here: The First World War and American Society (1982)
  • Koistinen, Paul. Mobilizing for Modern War: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1865–1919 (2004)
  • Lengel, Edward G. (2008). To Conquer Hell. New York: Henry Holt. ISBN 978-0-8050-7931-9. 
  • Lengel, Edward G., ed. A Companion to the Meuse-Argonne Campaign (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014). xii, 537 pp.
  • Millett, Allan Reed. Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps (1991)
  • Pershing, John J. Pershing, My Experiences in the World War (1931)
  • Smythe, Donald. Pershing: General of the Armies (1986)
  • Trask, David F. The United States in the Supreme War Council: American War Aims and Inter-Allied Strategy, 1917–1918 (1961)
  • Trask, David F. The AEF and Coalition Warmaking, 1917–1918 (1993) online free
  • Van Ells, Mark D. America and World War I: A Traveler's Guide. (Interlink, 2014)
  • Venzon, Anne ed. The United States in the First World War: An Encyclopedia (1995)
  • Wilson Dale E. Treat 'Em Rough: The Birth of American Armor, 1917–1920 Presidio Press, 1989.
  • Woodward, David R. Trial by Friendship: Anglo-American Relations, 1917–1918 (1993) online
  • Woodward, David R. The American Army and the First World War(Armies of the Great War) Cambridge University Press, 2014. 484 pp. online review
  • Yockelson, Mitchell A. (2008). Borrowed Soldiers: Americans under British Command, 1918. Foreword by John S. D. Eisenhower. University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3919-7. 
  • Yockelson, Mitchell. Forty-Seven Days: How Pershing's Warriors Came of Age to Defeat at the German Army in World War I (New York: NAL, Caliber, 2016) ISBN 978-0-451-46695-2
  • Zeiger; Susan. In Uncle Sam's Service: Women Workers with the American Expeditionary Force, 1917–1919 (1999)

Pranala luar

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Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I) di National Archives

Informasi umum

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Yockelson, p. 241.