Cristoforo Landino

Cristoforo Landino (8 Februari 1425 – 24 September 1498) adalah seorang humanis asal Italia dan figur penting dari Firenze pada zaman Renaisans. Ia belajar hukum dan bahasa Yunani di bawah bimbingan Gregorius dari Trebizond.
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[sunting | sunting sumber]Referensi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Bernuzzi, Marco. "Cristoforo Landino," in Contemporaries of Erasmus. Eds. Thomas B Deutscher and Peter G Bietenholz. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.
- Gilson, Simon A. "Tradition and Innovation in Cristoforo Landino’s Glosses on Astrology in His Comento sopra la comedia (1481)," Italian Studies, 58 (2003), 48-74.
- Pieper, Christoph, Elegos redolere Vergiliosque sapere: Cristoforo Landinos "Xandra" zwischen Liebe und Gesellschaft. Noctes Neolatinae Bd. 8. Hildesheim: Olms, 2008. xx, 356 S.
- Cristoforo Landino di Mathematics Genealogy Project