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Daftar Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional di Dunia

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Sejak konsepsi pada tahun 1907, Organisasi Kepanduan telah menyebar dari Inggris kelebih dari 216 negara dan negara teritorial di seluruh dunia. Ada lebih dari 38 juta Anggota Pramuka di dunia, dengan 160 organisasi kepanduan nasional yang diatur oleh Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia (World Organization of the Scout Movement) dan hampir sama dengan anggota dari Asosiasi Kepanduan Sedunia Putri (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).

Daftar Anggota Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional

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Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia mengakui banyak organisasi kepanduan di setiap negara. Beberapa negara memiliki beberapa organisasi yang digabungkan sebagai sebuah federasi, dengan kelompok yang berbeda dibagi atas dasar agama (misalnya, Prancis dan Denmark), identifikasi etnis (misalnya, Bosnia dan Israel) atau bahasa (misalnya, Belgia). Kanada adalah satu-satunya negara yang diakui memiliki dua asosiasi yang berbeda, yang terbagi oleh bahasa.

Negara Anggota
(from 2010)[1]
Nama Organisasi Kepanduan Tahun Bergabung dengan WOSM[2] Tahun Didirikannya Organisasi[2] Pengakuan terhadap anggota putera / puteri[2]
Albania 1,730 Beslidhja Skaut Albania 2005 2004 ya
Algeria 24,750 Scouts Musulmans Algériens 1963 1934 ya
Angola 13,777 Associação de Escuteiros de Angola 1998 1998 ya
Argentina 42,812 Scouts de Argentina 1922 1912 ya
Armenia 2,303 Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun 1997 1912 ya
Australia 73,523 Scouts Australia 1953 1908 ya
Austria 10,277 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs 1922/1946 1912 ya
Azerbaijan 1,677 Azərbaycan Skaut Assosiasiyasi 2000 1997 ya
The Bahamas 1,060 The Scout Association of the Bahamas 1974 1913 ya
Bahrain 2,301 Boy Scouts of Bahrain 1970 1953 hanya putera
Bangladesh 1,015,116 Bangladesh Scouts 1974 1972 ya
Barbados 2,738 Barbados Boy Scouts Association 1969 1912 hanya putera
Belarus 1,200 Belarusian Republican Scout Association 1989 1909 ya
Belgium 96,837 Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium (federation of several organizations) 1922 1911 ya
Belize 3,041 The Scout Association of Belize 1987 1911 ya
Benin 5,259 Scoutisme Béninois 1964 1932 ya
Bhutan 18,170 Bhutan Scout Tshogpa 1999 1991 ya
Bolivia 7,898 Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia 1950 1915 ya
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,250 Savjet izviđačkih organizacija u Bosni i Hercegovini (federation of several organizations) 1999 1999 ya
Botswana 2,075 The Botswana Scouts Association 1958 1936 hanya putera
Brasil 53,055 União dos Escoteiros do Brasil 1922 1910 ya
Brunei 2,086 Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam 1981 1933 ya
Bulgaria 2,109 Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty 1999 1911–1913 ya
Burkina Faso 9, 398 Fédération Burkinabé du Scoutisme (federation of several organizations) 1972 1943 ya
Burundi 6,661 Association des Scouts du Burundi 1979 1940 ya
Cambodia 5,404 National Association of Cambodian Scouts 2008 2000 ya
Cameroon 4,561 Les Scouts du Cameroun 1971 1937 ya
Canada 107,798 Scouts Canada, with which is affiliated the Association des Scouts du Canada 1946 1908 ya
Cape Verde 733 Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde 2002 2002 NA
Chad 14,500 Fédération du Scoutisme Tchadien (federation of several organizations) 1974 1960 ya
Chile 19,476 Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile 1922/1974 1909 ya
Republic of China (Taiwan) 49,457 Scouts of China 1937 1912 ya
Colombia 11,057 Asociación Scouts de Colombia 1933 1917 ya
Comoros 1,725 Wezombeli 1990 1975 ya
Democratic Republic of the Congo 71,486 Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo 1963 1924 ya
Costa Rica 5,319 Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Costa Rica 1925 1915 ya
Côte d'Ivoire 23,213 Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme (federation of several organizations) 1972 1937 ya
Croatia 3,827 Savez izviđača Hrvatske 1993 1915 ya
Cyprus 5,926 Cyprus Scouts Association 1961 1913 ya
Czech Republic 19,196 Junák-Svaz Skautů a Skautek 1922/1990/1996 1911 ya
Denmark 40,813 Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (federation of several organizations) 1922 1909 ya
Dominica 1,100 The Scout Association of Dominica 1990 1929 ya
Dominican Republic 1,278 Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos 1930 1926 ya
Ecuador 3,220 Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador 1922 1920 ya
Egypt 79,611 Egyptian Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides (federation of several organizations) 1922 1914 ya
El Salvador 2,820 Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador 1940 1938 ya
Estonia 1,337 Eesti Skautide Ühing 1922/1996 1911/1989 ya
Ethiopia 19,001 Ethiopia Scout Association 2002 1950 ya
Fiji 3,926 Fiji Scouts Association 1971 1914 ya
Finland 55,686 Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry 1922 1910 ya
France 76,342 Scoutisme Français (federation of several organizations) 1922 1910 ya
Gabon 3,809 Fédération Gabonaise du Scoutisme (federation of several organizations) 1971 1936 ya
Gambia 18,448 The Gambia Scout Association 1984 1921 ya
Georgia 1,343 Sakartvelos Skauturi Modzraobis Organizatsia 1997 1994 ya
Germany 115,944 Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbände (federation of several organizations) 1950 1910 ya
Ghana 3,919 The Ghana Scout Association 1960 1912 ya
Greece 18,482 Soma Hellinon Proskopon 1922 1910 ya
Grenada 1,378 The Scout Association of Grenada 1979 1924 ya
Guatemala 6,020 Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala 1930 1928 ya
Guinea 10,592 Association Nationale des Scouts de Guinée 1990/2005 1984 NA
Guyana 424 The Scout Association of Guyana 1967 1909 ya
Haiti 43,618 Scouts d'Haïti 1932/1940 1916 ya
Honduras 3,031 Asociación de Scouts de Honduras 1957 1952 ya
Hong Kong 95,877 The Scout Association of Hong Kong 1977 1914 ya
Hungary 8,145 Magyar Cserkészszövetség 1922/1990 1912 ya
Iceland 1,741 Bandalag Íslenskra Skáta 1924 1912 ya
India 2,886,460 The Bharat Scouts and Guides 1938 1909 ya
Indonesia 25,703,893 Gerakan Pramuka 1953 1912 ya
Ireland 37,692 Scouting Ireland 1949 1908 ya
Israel 21,920 Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel (federation of several organizations) 1951 1920 ya
Italy 102,778 Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo 1922/1946 1912 ya
Jamaica 2,539 The Scout Association of Jamaica 1963 1910 ya
Japan 156,420 Scout Association of Japan 1922/1950 1913 ya
Jordan 15,521 Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides 1955 1954 ya
Kazakhstan 1,223 Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan 1992 2008 ya
Kenya 323,929 The Kenya Scouts Association 1964 1910 ya
Kiribati 1,333 Kiribati Scout Association 1993 1993 ya
South Korea 201,455 Korea Scout Association 1953 1922 ya
Kuwait 6,061 Kuwait Boy Scouts Association 1955 1952 hanya putera
Latvia 466 Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrālā Organizācija 1993 1917 ya
Lebanon 14,040 Lebanese Scouting Federation (federation of several organizations) 1947 1912 ya
Lesotho 371 Lesotho Scouts Association 1971 1936 hanya putera
Liberia 2,418 Boy Scouts of Liberia 1922/1965 1922 hanya putera
Libya 13,698 Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement 1958 1954 ya
Liechtenstein 799 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins 1933 1931 ya
Lithuania 2,311 Lietuvos Skautija 1997 1918 ya
Luxembourg 5,275 Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association (federation of several organizations) 1922 1914 ya
Republic of Macedonia 1,988 Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija 1997 1921 ya
Madagascar 14,905 Firaisan'ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara (federation of several organizations) 1960 1921 ya
Malawi 4,000 The Scout Association of Malawi 2005 1996 NA
Malaysia 48,394 Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia 1957 1911 ya
Maldives 5,538 The Scout Association of Maldives 1990 1963 ya
Malta 2,936 The Scout Association of Malta 1966 1908 ya
Mauritania 3,790 Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie 1983 1947 ya
Mauritius 2,782 The Mauritius Scout Association 1971 1912 ya
Mexico 33,509 Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C. 1926 1920 ya
Moldova 2,430 Organizaţia Naţionala A Scouţilor Din Moldova 1997 1921 ya
Monaco 61 Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco 1990 1990 ya
Mongolia 8,822 Mongolyn Skautyn Kholboo 1994 1992 ya
Montenegro 1,100 Savez Izviđača Crne Gore 2008 2006 ya
Morocco 12,304 Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain 1961 1933 ya
Mozambique 15,644 Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique 1999 1960 ya
Namibia 2,845 Scouts of Namibia 1990 1917 ya
Nepal 19,952 Nepal Scouts 1969 1952 ya
Netherlands 53,324 Scouting Nederland 1922 1910 ya
New Zealand 18,649 Scouting New Zealand 1953 1908 ya
Nicaragua 1,509 Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua 1946 1917 ya
Niger 3,202 Association des Scouts du Niger 1996 1947 ya
Nigeria 46,701 Boy Scouts of Nigeria 1961 1915 hanya putera
Norway 17,348 Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (federation of several organizations) 1922 1911 ya
Oman 8,892 The National Organisation for Scouts and Guides 1977 1948 ya
Pakistan 526,626 Pakistan Boy Scouts Association 1948 1947 hanya putera
Palestinian Authority 18,738 Palestinian Scout Association 1996 1912 ya
Panama 1,775 Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá 1924/1950 1924 ya
Papua New Guinea 6,284 The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea 1976 1926 hanya putera
Paraguay 369 Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay 1962 1960 ya
Peru 4,852 Asociación de Scouts del Perú 1922 1916 ya
Philippines 1,464,765 Boy Scouts of the Philippines 1946 1923 ya
Poland 61,394 Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego 1996 1918 ya
Portugal 75,359 Federação Escotista de Portugal 1922 1913 ya
Qatar 4,208 The Scout and Guide Association of Qatar 1965 1955 ya
Romania 2,278 Cercetaşii României 1993 1914 ya
Russia 14,130 Russian Association of Scouts/Navigators 2004 1909 ya
Rwanda 18,884 Association des Scouts du Rwanda 1975 1940 ya
Saint Lucia 393 The Saint Lucia Scout Association 1990 1910 ya
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 549 The Scout Association of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1990 1911 ya
San Marino 152 Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi 1990 1973 ya
Saudi Arabia 19,269 Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association 1963 1961 hanya putera
Senegal 9,966 Confédération Sénégalaise du Scoutisme (federation of several organizations) 1963 1930 ya
Serbia 3,773 Savez Izviđača Srbije 1995 1915 ya
Seychelles 372 Seychelles Scout Association 1927 2002 ya
Sierra Leone 11,749 Sierra Leone Scouts Association 1964 1909 ya
Singapore 10,292 The Singapore Scout Association 1966 1910 ya
Slowakia 3,157 Slovenský skauting 1922/1990/1997 1913 ya
Slovenia 5,179 Zveza tabornikov Slovenije 1994 1915 ya
South Africa 15,781 South African Scout Association 1937 1908 ya
Spain 53,184 Federación de Escultismo en España 1922/1978 1912 ya
Sri Lanka 36,297 Sri Lanka Scout Association 1953 1912 ya
Sudan 14,868 Sudan Scouts Association 1956 1935 hanya putera
Suriname 2,601 Boy Scouts van Suriname 1968 1924 ya
Swaziland 6,850 Swaziland Boy Scouts Association 1968 1928 hanya putera
Sweden 49,196 Svenska Scoutrådet (federation of several organizations) 1922 1911 ya
Switzerland 23,994 Swiss Guide and Scout Movement 1922 1912 ya
Suriah 9,358 Pramuka Suriah 2008 1912/1949 ya
Tajikistan 511 Ittihodi Scouthoi Tojikiston 1997 1991 ya
Tanzania 91,057 Tanzania Scouts Association 1963 1929 ya
Thailand 1,257,645 The National Scout Organization of Thailand 1922 1911 ya
Togo 9,727 Association Scoute du Togo 1977 1920 ya
Trinidad and Tobago 5,234 The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago 1963 1911 ya
Tunisia 24,080 Les Scouts Tunisiens 1957 1933 ya
Turkey 33,974 Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu 1950 1923 ya
Uganda 116,465 The Uganda Scouts Association 1964 1915 ya
Ukraine 4,650 National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine 2008 2007 ya
United Arab Emirates 5,522 Emirates Scout Association 1977 1972 hanya putera
United Kingdom 446,557 The Scout Association 1922 1907 ya
United States 3,968,206 Boy Scouts of America 1922 1910 ya
Uruguay 1,549 Movimiento Scout del Uruguay 1950 1946 ya
Venezuela 14,801 Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela 1937 1913 ya
Yemen 6,481 Yemen Scouts and Guides Association - Scout branch 1980 1927 hanya putera
Zambia 7,396 Zambia Scouts Association 1965 1930 ya
Zimbabwe 5,932 The Boy Scouts Association of Zimbabwe 1980 1909 hanya putera

Organisasi Independen Di luar Negara yang Termasuk Anggota Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Negara-negara dan wilayah dengan Organisasi Kepanduan yang Dijalankan Di luar Negeri oleh Organisasi atau Asosiasi Anggota Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia

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Negara Berdaulat

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Dijalankan oleh The Scout Association (Inggris)

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Bukan Negara yang Berdaulat

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Selandia Baru

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Amerika Serikat

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Potensi Negara Anggota yang Tercatat oleh Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia

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Pada tahun 2008, 29 negara berdaulat mendaftarkan Organisasi Kepanduan Nasionalnya kepada Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia. Sepuluh di antaranya adalah cabang luar negeri dari Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia yang terakreditasi sebagai Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional (Ditandai dengan *).[3]

Negara Tanpa Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional

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Pada tahun 2008, Organisasi Kepanduan Sedunia menandai enam negara berdaulat yang tidak memiliki Organisasi Kepanduan Nasional. Cina dalam perkembangannya dengan bantuan dari Regional Asia Pasifik sekarang telah memiliki Asosiasi Kepanduan, karenanya dipindahkan kebagian berikut ini.

Status Lainnya

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Lihat pula

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  1. ^ "Triennal review: Census as at 1 December 2010" (PDF). World Organization of the Scout Movement. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2012-08-31. Diakses tanggal 2011-01-13. 
  2. ^ a b c "Some statistics". World Organization of the Scout Movement. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2010-04-02. Diakses tanggal 2010-03-30. 
  3. ^ "Scouting elsewhere". World Organization of the Scout Movement. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2007-03-12. Diakses tanggal 2008-07-10.