Daftar genus Poaceae
Di bawah ini merupakan daftar marga (genus) tumbuhan anggota Poaceae:[1]
Subfamili Anomochlooideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Anomochloeae
- Tribus Streptochaeteae
Subfamili Pharoideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]Subfamili Puelioideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Atractocarpeae
- Tribus Guaduelleae
Subfamili Pooideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Ampelodesmeae
- Tribus Brachyelytreae
- Tribus Brachypodieae
- Tribus Bromeae
- Tribus Brylkinieae[25]
- Tribus Diarrheneae[25]
- Tribus Littledaleae
- Tribus Lygeeae
- Tribus Phaenospermateae
- Tribus Poeae
- Grup kloroplas 1
- Torreyochloinae
- Aveninae
- Acrospelion
- Arrhenatherum
- Avellinia
- Avena
- Cinnagrostis
- Gaudinia
- Graphephorum
- Helictotrichon
- Koeleria
- Lagurus
- Leptophyllochloa
- Peyritschia
- Rostraria
- Sphenopholis
- Tricholemma
- Trisetaria
- Trisetopsis
- Trisetum
- Tzeleviochloa
- Phalaridinae
- Anthoxanthinae
- Supersubtribus Agrostidodinae
- Brizinae
- Echinopogoninae
- Calothecinae
- Agrostinae
- Agrostis
- Bromidium
- Calamagrostis
- Chaetotropis
- Gastridium
- Hypseochloa
- Lachnagrostis
- Limnodea
- Podagrostis
- Polypogon
- Triplachne
- Grup kloroplas 2
- Scolochloinae
- Sesleriinae
- Airinae
- Holcinae
- Aristaveninae
- Supersubtribus Loliodinae
- Loliinae
- Dactylidinae
- Cynosurinae
- Ammochloinae
- Parapholiinae
- Klad PPAM
- subtribus incertae sedis
- Coleanthinae
- Catabrosa
- Catabrosella
- Coleanthus
- Colpodium
- Hyalopoa
- Paracolpodium
- Phippsia
- Puccinellia
- Sclerochloa
- Zingeria
- Supersubtribus Poodinae
- subtribus incertae sedis
- Arctagrostis
- Arctochloa
- Arctophila
- Brizochloa
- Dupontia
- Dupontiopsis
- Hookerochloa
- Nicoraepoa
- Saxipoa
- Sylvipoa
- Poinae
- Miliinae
- Phleinae
- Beckmanniinae
- Cinninae
- Alopecurinae
- Ventenatinae
- Tribus Stipeae[32]
- Achnatherum
- Aciachne
- Amelichloa
- Anatherostipa
- Anemanthele
- Austrostipa
- Celtica
- Eriocoma
- Hesperostipa
- Jarava
- Lorenzochloa
- Macrochloa
- Nassella
- Oloptum
- Ortachne
- Orthoraphium
- Oryzopsis
- Pappostipa
- Patis
- Piptatheropsis
- Piptatherum
- Piptochaetium
- Psammochloa
- Ptilagrostis
- Stipa
- Stipellula
- Timouria
- Trikerala
- Tribus Triticeae
- Aegilops
- Agropyron
- Amblyopyrum
- Anthosachne
- Australopyrum
- Connorochloa
- Crithopsis
- Dasypyrum
- Douglasdeweya
- Elymus
- Eremopyrum
- Festucopsis
- Henrardia
- Heteranthelium
- Hordelymus
- Hordeum
- Kengyilia
- Leymus
- Pascopyrum
- Peridictyon
- Psathyrostachys
- Pseudoroegneria
- Secale
- Stenostachys
- Taeniatherum
- Thinopyrum
- Triticum
Subfamili Bambusoideae[33][34]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Olyreae
- Subtribus Buergersiochloinae
- Subtribus Olyrineae
- Subtribus Parianinae
- Tribus Bambuseae
- Subtribus Arthrostylidiinae
- Subtribus Bambusinae
- Subtribus Chusqueinae
- Subtribus Dinochloinae
- Subtribus Greslaniinae
- Subtribus Guaduinae
- Subtribus Hickeliinae
- Subtribus Holttumochloinae
- Subtribus Melocanninae
- Subtribus Racemobambosinae
- Subtribus Temburongiinae
- incertae sedis (penempatan yang tidak pasti)
- Tribus Arundinarieae
- Acidosasa
- Ampelocalamus
- Arundinaria
- Bashania
- Bergbambos
- Chimonobambusa
- Chimonocalamus
- Drepanostachyum
- Fargesia
- Ferrocalamus
- Gaoligongshania
- Gelidocalamus
- Himalayacalamus
- Indocalamus
- Indosasa
- Kuruna
- Oldeania
- Oligostachyum
- Phyllostachys
- Pleioblastus
- Pseudosasa
- Sarocalamus
- Sasa
- Sasaella
- Sasamorpha
- Semiarundinaria
- Shibataea
- Sinobambusa
- Thamnocalamus
- Vietnamocalamus
- Yushania
Subfamili Oryzoideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Ehrharteae
- Tribus Oryzeae
- Leersia Sw.
- Maltebrunia Kunth
- Oryza L.
- Prosphytochloa Schweick.
- Chikusichloa Koidz.
- Hygroryza Nees
- Luziola Juss.
- Potamophila R.Br.
- Rhynchoryza Baill.
- Zizania L.
- Zizaniopsis Doll & Asch.
- Tribus Streptogyneae
- Tribus Phyllorachideae
Subfamili Aristidoideae[39][40]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Subfamili Arundinoideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Arundineae
- Tribus Molinieae
- Subtribus Crinipinae
- Subtribus Moliniinae
- Tribus incertae sedis
Subfamili Chloridoideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Tribus Centropodieae
- Subtribus incertae sedis
- Subtribus Aeluropodinae
- Subtribus Dactylocteniinae
- Subtribus Eleusininae
- Afrotrichloris
- Apochiton
- Astrebla
- Austrochloris
- Chloris
- Chrysochloa
- Coelachyrum
- Cynodon
- Daknopholis
- Dinebra
- Diplachne
- Disakisperma
- Eleusine
- Enteropogon
- Eustachys
- Harpochloa
- Leptochloa
- Lepturus
- Micrachne
- Microchloa
- Neostapfiella
- Oxychloris
- Pommereulla
- Rheochloa
- Schoenefeldia
- Stapfochloa
- Tetrapogon
- Subtribus Orcuttiinae
- Subtribus Orininae
- Subtribus Pappophorinae
- Subtribus Triodiinae
- Subtribus Tripogoninae
- Supersubtribus Boutelouodinae
- Subtribus Boutelouinae
- Subtribus Hilariinae
- Subtribus Monanthochloinae
- Subtribus Muhlenbergiinae
- Subtribus Scleropogoninae
- Subtribus Traginae
- Supersubtribus Gouiniodinae
- Subtribus Farragininae
- Subtribus Gouiniinae
- Subtribus Hubbardochloinae
- Subtribus Perotidinae
- Subtribus Trichoneurinae
- Subtribus Zaqiqahinae
- Tribus Eragrostideae
- Subtribus Cotteinae
- Subtribus Unioliinae
- Subtribus Eragrostidinae
- Tribus Triraphideae
- Tribus Zoysieae
- Tribus Chasmanthieae[47]
- Tribus Zeugiteae
- Tribus Steyermarkochloeae
- Tribus Tristachyideae
- Tribus Centotheceae
- Tribus Cyperochloeae
- Tribus Paniceae
- Subtribus incertae sedis
- Chloachne
- Homopholis
- Hydrothauma
- Hylebates
- Kellochloa
- Oryzidium
- Sacciolepis
- Thedachloa
- Trichanthecium
- Subtribus Anthephorinae
- Anthephora
- Chaetopoa
- Chlorocalymma
- Digitaria
- Megaloprotachne
- Taeniorhachis
- Tarigidia
- Thyridachne
- Trachys
- Subtribus Dichantheliinae
- Subtribus Boivinellinae
- Acroceras
- Alloteropsis
- Amphicarpum
- Chasechloa
- Cyphochlaena
- Cyrtococcum
- Echinochloa
- Entolasia
- Lasiacis
- Mayariochloa
- Microcalamus
- Morronea
- Oplismenus
- Ottochloa
- Parodiophyllochloa
- Poecilostachys
- Pseudechinolaena
- Setiacis
- Subtribus Neurachninae
- Subtribus Melinidinae
- Chaetium
- Eccoptocarpha
- Eriochloa
- Leucophrys
- Megathyrsus
- Melinis
- Moorochloa
- Rupichloa
- Scutachne
- Thuarea
- Tricholaena
- Urochloa
- Yvesia
- Subtribus Panicinae
- Subtribus Cenchrinae
- Acritochaete
- Alexfloydia
- Cenchrus
- Chamaeraphis
- Dissochondrus
- Holcolemma
- Hygrochloa
- Ixophorus
- Paractaenum
- Paratheria
- Pennisetum
- Plagiosetum
- Pseudochaetochloa
- Pseudoraphis
- Setaria
- Setariopsis
- Spinifex
- Stenotaphrum
- Stereochlaena
- Streptolophus
- Uranthoecium
- Whiteochloa
- Xerochloa
- Zuloagaea
- Zygochloa
- Tribus Lecomtelleae
- Tribus Paspaleae
- Subtribus incertae sedis
- Subtribus Paspalinae
- Aakia
- Acostia
- Anthaenantia
- Anthaenantiopsis
- Axonopus
- Baptorhachis
- Echinolaena
- Gerritea
- Hildaea
- Hopia
- Ichnanthus
- Ocellochloa
- Oedochloa
- Osvaldoa
- Paspalum
- Renvoizea
- Streptostachys
- Subtribus Otachyriinae
- Subtribus Arthropogoninae
- Achlaena
- Altoparadisium
- Apochloa
- Arthropogon
- Canastra
- Coleataenia
- Cyphonanthus
- Homolepis
- Keratochlaena
- Mesosetum
- Oncorachis
- Oplismenopsis
- Phanopyrum
- Stephostachys
- Tatianyx
- Triscenia
- Tribus Andropogoneae
- Subtribus incertae sedis
- Subtribus Arthraxoninae
- Subtribus Tripsacinae
- Subtribus Chionachninae
- Subtribus Coicinae
- Subtribus Rottboelliinae
- Chasmopodium
- Eremochloa
- Glyphochloa
- Hackelochloa
- Hemarthria
- Heteropholis
- Jardinea
- Lasiurus
- Loxodera
- Manisuris
- Mnesithea
- Ophiuros
- Phacelurus
- Ratzeburgia
- Rottboellia
- Thaumastochloa
- Subtribus Ischaeminae
- Subtribus Germainiinae
- Subtribus Saccharinae
- Agenium
- Asthenochloa
- Cleistachne
- Erianthus
- Eriochrysis
- Euclasta
- Eulalia
- Hemisorghum
- Homozeugos
- Imperata
- Lasiorhachis
- Leptatherum
- Miscanthidium
- Miscanthus
- Narenga
- Polytrias
- Pseudodichanthium
- Pseudopogonatherum
- Pseudosorghum
- Saccharum
- Sclerostachya
- Sorghastrum
- Sorghum
- Trachypogon
- Tripidium
- Veldkampia
- Subtribus Andropogoninae
- Anadelphia
- Andropogon
- Bhidea
- Bothriochloa
- Capillipedium
- Clausospicula
- Cymbopogon
- Dichanthium
- Diectomis
- Diheteropogon
- Elymandra
- Eremopogon
- Exotheca
- Heteropogon
- Hyparrhenia
- Hyperthelia
- Iseilema
- Lakshimia
- Monocymbium
- Parahyparrhenia
- Pseudanthistiria
- Schizachyrium
- Spathia
- Spodiopogon
- Themeda
- Tribus Arundinelleae
- Tribus Eriachneae
- Tribus Isachneae
- Tribus Micraireae[61][62][63]
Subfamili Danthonioideae
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Austroderia
- Capeochloa
- Chaetobromus
- Chimaerochloa
- Chionochloa
- Cortaderia
- Danthonia
- Danthonidium
- Geochloa
- Merxmuellera
- Notochloe
- Pentameris
- Phaenanthoecium
- Plinthanthesis
- Pseudopentameris
- Rytidosperma
- Schismus
- Tenaxia
- Tribolium
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ a b c Soreng, Robert J.; Peterson, Paul M.; Romschenko, Konstantin; Davidse, Gerrit; Zuloaga, Fernando O.; Judziewicz, Emmet J.; Filgueiras, Tarciso S.; Davis, Jerrold I.; Morrone, Osvaldo (2015). "A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae)". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 53 (2): 117–137. doi:10.1111/jse.12150. ISSN 1674-4918.
- ^ Brongniart, Adolphe Théodore. 1851. Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique, séries 3. v 16: page 368 + plate 23
- ^ Tropicos, Anomochloa marantoidea Brongn.
- ^ Watson L, Dallwitz MJ. (2008). "The grass genera of the world: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval; including synonyms, morphology, anatomy, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, classification, pathogens, world and local distribution, and references". The Grass Genera of the World. Diakses tanggal 2009-08-19.
- ^ Morris, L. M.; Duvall, M. R. (2010). "The chloroplast genome of Anomochloa marantoidea (Anomochlooideae; Poaceae) comprises a mixture of grass-like and unique features". American Journal of Botany. 97 (4): 620–7. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900226. hdl:10843/13411 . PMID 21622424. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2020-01-31. Diakses tanggal 2023-05-07.
- ^ Judziewicz, E. J. & T. R. Soderstrom. 1989. Morphological, anatomical, and taxonomic studies in Anomochloa and Streptochaeta (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 68: i–iii, 1–52
- ^ Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel. 1829. Flora Brasiliensis seu Enumeratio Plantarum 2(1): 536-538 in Latin
- ^ Tropicos, Streptochaeta Schrad. ex Nees
- ^ Grassbase - The World Online Grass Flora
- ^ Franchet, Adrien René. 1887. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Paris 1: 674-675 descriptions in Latin, commentary in French
- ^ Tropicos, Puelia Franch.
- ^ Franchet, Adrien René. 1887. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Paris 1: 676-677. descriptions in Latin, commentary in French
- ^ Watson L, Dallwitz MJ. (2008). "The grass genera of the world: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval; including synonyms, morphology, anatomy, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, classification, pathogens, world and local distribution, and references". The Grass Genera of the World. Diakses tanggal 2009-08-19.
- ^ Kerguélen, Michel François-Jacques 1976. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 123(5–6): 319
- ^ Watson L, Dallwitz MJ. (2008). "The grass genera of the world: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval; including synonyms, morphology, anatomy, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, classification, pathogens, world and local distribution, and references". The Grass Genera of the World. Diakses tanggal 2009-08-19.
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 39 in Latin
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie plate IX (9), figure II (2 a-f) line drawings of Brachyelytrum erectum
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 100-101 in Latin
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie plante XIX (19), figure III (3 a-f) line drawings of Brachypodium pinnatum
- ^ Flora of China, Vol. 22 Page 368 短柄草族 duan bing cao zu Poaceae Tribe Brachypodieae
- ^ Flora of Pakistan, Brachypodium P. Beauv.
- ^ Altervista Flora Italiana, genere Brachypodium
- ^ Sanbi Red List of South African Plants
- ^ Watson L, Dallwitz MJ. (2008). "The grass genera of the world: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval; including synonyms, morphology, anatomy, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, classification, pathogens, world and local distribution, and references". The Grass Genera of the World. Diakses tanggal 2009-08-19.
- ^ a b c Soreng, Robert J.; Peterson, Paul M.; Romaschenko, Konstantin; Davidse, Gerrit; Teisher, Jordan K.; Clark, Lynn G.; Barberá, Patricia; Gillespie, Lynn J.; Zuloaga, Fernando O. (2017). "A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae) II: An update and a comparison of two 2015 classifications". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 55 (4): 259–290. doi:10.1111/jse.12262 . ISSN 1674-4918.
- ^ Hemsley, William Botting. 1896. Hooker's Icones Plantarum 25: plate 2472 line drawing of Littledalea tibetica; following page has description in Latin plus commentary in English
- ^ Linnaeus, Carl von. 1754. Genera Plantarum, ed. 5 27, (522).
- ^ Abdeddaim-Boughanmi, K. and M. Kaid-Harche. (2009). Structure, ultrastructure of the anther, pollen microsporogenesis and morphology of pollen grains of two populations of Lygeum spartum L. in Algeria. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4(3), 201-05.
- ^ Bouchenak-Khelladi Y, Salamin N, Savolainen V, et al. (May 2008). "Large multi-gene phylogenetic trees of the grasses (Poaceae): progress towards complete tribal and generic level sampling". Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 47 (2): 488–505. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.01.035. PMID 18358746.
- ^ Tsvelev, N.N. 2006. Synopsis of the mannagrass genus, Glyceria (Poaceae). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow and Leningrad). 2006. 91(2):255–276
- ^ Templat:BSBI 2007
- ^ Barkworth ME, Arriaga MO, Smith JF, Jacobs SWL, Valdes-Reyna J, Bushman BS (2008) Molecules and Morphology in South American Stipeae (Poaceae). Systematic Botany 33(4), 719-731.
- ^ Grass Phylogeny Working Group II (2012). "New grass phylogeny resolves deep evolutionary relationships and discovers C4 origins". New Phytologist. 193 (2): 304–312. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03972.x. hdl:2262/73271 . ISSN 0028-646X. PMID 22115274.
- ^ Kelchner S; Bamboo Phylogeny Working Group (2013). "Higher level phylogenetic relationships within the bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) based on five plastid markers" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 67 (2): 404–413. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.02.005. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 23454093. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 5 June 2015.
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie page 80 description in Latin, commentary in French
- ^ Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph. 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie plate XVI (16), figure VIII (8) line drawings of flowers of Streptogyna crinita
- ^ Tropicos, Streptogyna P. Beauv.
- ^ Grassbase - The World Online Grass Flora
- ^ Grass Phylogeny Working Group; Nigel P. Barker; Lynn G. Clark; Jerrold I. Davis; Melvin R. Duvall; Gerald F. Guala; Catherine Hsiao; Elizabeth A. Kellogg; H. Peter Linder (2001). "Phylogeny and Subfamilial Classification of the Grasses (Poaceae)" (PDF). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 88 (3): 373–457. doi:10.2307/3298585. JSTOR 3298585.
- ^ Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae): integrating plastid DNA sequences and morphology into a new classification Osvaldo Morrone, Lone Aagesen, Maria A. Scataglini, Diego L. Salariato, Silvia S. Denham, Maria A. Chemisquy, Silvana M. Sede, Liliana M. Giussani, Elizabeth A. Kellogg and Fernando O. Zuloag Cladistics 28 (2012) 333–356
- ^ Peterson, PM; Romaschenko, K; Johnson, G (September 2010). "A phylogeny and classification of the Muhlenbergiinae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae) based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences". American Journal of Botany. 97 (9): 1532–54. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900359. PMID 21616906.
- ^ Peterson, PM; Romaschenko, K; Johnson, G (May 2010). "A classification of the Chloridoideae (Poaceae) based on multi-gene phylogenetic trees". Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 55 (2): 580–98. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.01.018. PMID 20096795.
- ^ Hilu, Khidir; Alice, Lawrence (April 2001). "A Phylogeny of Chloridoideae (Poaceae) Based on matK Sequences". Systematic Botany. 26 (2): 386–405. doi:10.1043/0363-6445-26.2.386. JSTOR 2666713.
- ^ a b Grass Phylogeny Working Group II (2012). "New grass phylogeny resolves deep evolutionary relationships and discovers C4 origins". New Phytologist. 193 (2): 304–312. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03972.x. hdl:2262/73271 . ISSN 0028-646X. PMID 22115274.
- ^ Morrone, Osvaldo; Aagesen, Lone; Scataglini, Maria A.; Salariato, Diego L.; Denham, Silvia S.; Chemisquy, Maria A.; Sede, Silvana M.; Giussani, Liliana M.; Kellogg, Elizabeth A.; Zuloaga, Fernando O. (2012). "Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae): integrating plastid DNA sequences and morphology into a new classification". Cladistics. 28 (4): 333–356. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00384.x. ISSN 0748-3007.
- ^ Besnard, G.; Christin, P.-A.; Male, P.-J. G.; Coissac, E.; Ralimanana, H.; Vorontsova, M. S. (2013). "Phylogenomics and taxonomy of Lecomtelleae (Poaceae), an isolated panicoid lineage from Madagascar". Annals of Botany. 112 (6): 1057–1066. doi:10.1093/aob/mct174. ISSN 0305-7364. PMC 3783238 . PMID 23985988.
- ^ Osborne, Colin P.; Salomaa, Anna; Kluyver, Thomas A.; Visser, Vernon; Kellogg, Elizabeth A.; Morrone, Osvaldo; Vorontsova, Maria S.; Clayton, W. Derek; Simpson, David A. (2014). "A global database of C4 photosynthesis in grasses". New Phytologist. 204 (3): 441–446. doi:10.1111/nph.12942. hdl:10019.1/122719 . ISSN 0028-646X. PMID 25046685.
- ^ Uma Shankar, S. D. Lama & K. S. Bawa (2001). "Ecology and economics of domestication of non-timber forest products: an illustration of broomgrass in Darjeeling Himalaya". Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 13 (1): 171–191.
- ^ Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel. 1835. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 18: 180
- ^ .amlisoName/40014309 Tropicos, Nees Search in The Plant List[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ a b Flora of China Vol. 22 Page 446 粽叶芦族 zong ye lu zu Poaceae Tribe Thysanolaeneae
- ^ Grassbase - The World Online Grass Flora
- ^ "Thysanolaena latifolia". Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Diakses tanggal 10 December 2015.
- ^ Bisht, N.S.; Ahlawat, S.P. (1998). "Broom Grass". State Forest Research Institute (9): 1–10.
- ^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
- ^ Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668
- ^ Noltie, H.J. (2000). Flora of Bhutan 3(2): 457-883. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh
- ^ Willdenow, Carl Ludwig von ex Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 138-139 description in Latin, commentary in French
- ^ Willdenow, Carl Ludwig von ex Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie François Joseph 1812. Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie plate XXIV (24), figure VI (6 a-d) line drawings of Gynerium sagittatum; figure captions on caption page 16
- ^ Sánchen-Ken, J. Gabriel; Clark, Lynn G.; Kellogg, Elizabeth A.; Kay, Elma E. (2007). "Reinstatement and emendation of subfamily Micrairoideae (Poaceae)". Systematic Botany. 32 (1): 71–80. doi:10.1600/036364407780360102. ISSN 0363-6445.
- ^ Mueller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von. 1866. Fragmenta Phytographiæ Australiæ 5: 208 in Latin
- ^ Lazarides, M. 1979. Micraira F. Muell. (Poaceae, Micrairoideae). Brunonia 2(1): 67–84.
- ^ Lazarides, M. 1984. New taxa of tropical Australian grasses (Poaceae). Nuytsia 5(2): 273–303.