Diplomasi kapal perang
Dalam politik internasional, diplomasi kapal perang (atau "Ideologi Tongkat Besar" dalam sejarah AS)merujuk kepada kebijakan asing dengan bantuan pengerahan kekuatan angkatan laut—yang memberikan atau mencetak ancaman perang langsung, sehingga seharusnya istilah tersebut tidak ditujukan kepada pasukan superior.[1]
Asal muasal istilah
[sunting | sunting sumber]Istilah tersebut datang dari zaman imperialisme pada abad kesembilan belas, dimana bangsa-bangsa Eropa bersaing satu sama lain.
Sejumlah contoh diplomasi kapal perang terkenal dan kontroversial adalah Insiden Don Pacifico pada 1850, dimana Sekretaris Luar Negeri Inggris Lord Palmerston menempatkan sebuah skuadron Royal Navy untuk memblokade pelabuhan Yunani Piraeus dalam rangka membalas perlakuan tidak menyenangkan terhadap seorang Inggris, David Pacifico, di Athena, dan kegagalan berkelanjutan pemerintah Raja Otto untuk mengkompensasikan kelahiran Gibraltar (dan kemudian Inggris) Pacifico.
Contoh terkenal
[sunting | sunting sumber]Abad ke-18
[sunting | sunting sumber]Abad ke-19
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Perang Barbari Kedua (1815)
- Perang Candu (1840, 1856)
- Insiden Don Pacifico (1850)
- Perang Inggris-Burma Kedua (1852)
- Pembukaan Jepang oleh Komodor Matthew C. Perry dan Black Ships-nya (1853–54)
- Kampanye Shimonoseki (1863-1864)
- Flotilla Tonkin (1883)
- Krisis Baltimore (1891)
- Perang Prancis-Siam 1893
- Perang Inggris-Zanzibar (1896)
- Urusan Luders (1897)
- Perlindungan Sungai Yangtze (1850s-1930s)
- Keruntuhan Kerajaan Hawaii (1893)
Abad ke-20
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Krisis Venezuela 1902–1903
- Pemisahan Panama dari Kolombia
- Armada Putih Besar (1907)
- Krisis Agadir (1911)
- Pendudukan Veracruz (1914)
- Krisis Selat Taiwan Pertama (1954–55)
- Krisis Selat Taiwan Kedua (1958)
- Operasi Vantage (1961)
- Krisis Selat Taiwan Ketiga (1995–96)
Abad ke-21
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Krisis Laut Tiongkok Selatan (27 Okt 2015)
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Cable, James. "Gunboat Diplomacy: Political Applications of Limited Naval Force" Chatto and Windus for the Institute for Strategic Studies, 1971. P.10
Daftar pustaka
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Arnold, Bruce Makoto (2005). Diplomacy Far Removed: A Reinterpretation of the U.S. Decision to Open Diplomatic Relations with Japan (Tesis). University of Arizona. [2]
- Cable, James: Gunboat diplomacy. Political Applications of Limited Naval Forces, London 1971 (re-edited 1981 and 1994)
- Wiechmann, Gerhard: Die preußisch-deutsche Marine in Lateinamerika 1866-1914. Eine Studie deutscher Kanonenbootpolitik (The Prussian-German Navy in Latin America 1866-1914. A study of German Gunboat diplomacy), Bremen 2002.
- Wiechmann, Gerhard: Die Königlich Preußische Marine in Lateinamerika 1851 bis 1867. Ein Versuch deutscher Kanonenbootpolitik (The royal Prussian navy in Latin America 1851 to 1867. An attempt of German gunboat diplomacy), in: Sandra Carreras/Günther Maihold (ed.): Preußen und Lateinamerika. Im Spannungsfeld von Kommerz, Macht und Kultur, p. 105-144, Münster 2004.
- Eberspächer, Cord: Die deutsche Yangtse-Patrouille. Deutsche Kanonenbootpolitik in China im Zeitalter des Imperialismus (The German Yangtse patrol. German Gunboat diplomacy in China in the age of imperialism), Bochum 2004.
- Healy, D.: Gunboat Diplomacy in the Wilson Era. The U.S. Navy in Haiti 1915-1916, Madison WIS 1976.
- Hagan, K. J.: American Gunboat Diplomacy and the Old Navy 1877-1889, Westport/London 1973.
- Preston, A./Major, J.: Send a Gunboat! A study of the Gunboat and its role in British policy, 1854-1904, London 1967.
- Krüger, Henning: Zwischen Küstenverteidigung und Weltpolitik. Die politische Geschichte der preußischen Marine 1848 bis 1867 (Between coastal defence and world policy. The political history of the prussian navy 1848 to 1867), Bochum 2008.
- Long, D. F.: "Martial Thunder": The First Official American Armed Intervention in Asia, in: Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 42, 1973, p. 143-162.
- Willock, R.: Gunboat Diplomacy: Operations of the (British) North America and West Indies Squadron, 1875-1915, Part 2, in: American Neptune, Vol. XXVIII, 1968, p. 85-112.
- Bauer, K. J.: The "Sancala" Affair: Captain Voorhees Seizes an Argentine Squadron, in: American Neptune, Vol. XXIV, 1969, p. 174-186
- N.N.: Die Vernichtung des haitianischen Rebellenkreuzers "Crete à Pierrot" durch S.M.Kbt. "Panther" (The destruction of the Haitian rebel cruiser "Crete à Pierrot" through His Majesty´s gunboat "Panther"), in: Marine-Rundschau, 13. Jahrgang, 1902, S. 1189-1197.
- Rheder: Die militärische Unternehmung S.M.S.S. "Charlotte" und "Stein" gegen Haiti im Dezember 1897 (The military enterprise of His Majesty´s schoolships "Charlotte" and "Stein" against Haiti in December 1897), in: Marine-Rundschau, 41. Jahrgang, 1937, S. 761-765.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Wiktionary-logo-en.svg/37px-Wiktionary-logo-en.svg.png)
- 1991 article examining potential role of U. S. Navy in 1990s diplomacy
- Article from a U. S./liberal perspective considering America's global military 'footprint' Diarsipkan 2013-03-10 di Wayback Machine.
- A U. K. sailor's-eye-view of two modern gunboat diplomacy missions Diarsipkan 2004-09-18 di Wayback Machine.
- Storm in a teacup? Gunboats on the Caspian Sea Diarsipkan 2011-09-27 di Wayback Machine.
- Anti-war analyst Noam Chomsky applies the term to NATO's action against Serbia Diarsipkan 2012-02-09 di Wayback Machine.
- TIME magazine on Clinton's Tomahawk Diplomacy
- Ongoing legal dispute at the International Court of Justice over the legality of NATO actions against Serbia
- Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States; author, Commodore M. C. Perry
- Kitahara, Michio. Commodore Perry and the Japanese: A Study in the Dramaturgy of Power, 1986