Garis besar Amerika Serikat

Garis besar berikut ini disediakan sebagai gambaran umum dan panduan topik untuk Amerika Serikat:
Amerika Serikat – republik federal yang terutama berada di Amerika Utara, dan negara terbesar ketiga di dunia menurut luas daratan dan keseluruhan. Ini berbagi perbatasan darat dengan Kanada di sebelah utara dan dengan Meksiko di sebelah selatan dan memiliki perbatasan maritim dengan Bahama, Kuba, Rusia, dan negara lainnya. Dengan keruntuhan Uni Soviet dan dilanjutkan berakhirnya Perang Dingin pada 1991, Amerika Serikat tampil sebagai adidaya satu-satunya di dunia.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Pemerintahan
- Official U.S. Government Web Portal Gateway to governmental sites
- White House Official site of the President of the United States
- Senate Official site of the United States Senate
- House Official site of the United States House of Representatives
- Supreme Court Official site of the Supreme Court of the United States
- Library of Congress Official site of the Library of Congress
- Ikhtisar dan Data
- Portrait of the United States Overview from the U.S. Information Agency
- United States CIA World Factbook entry
- United States Encyclopædia Britannica entry
- U.S. Census Housing and Economic Statistics Wide-ranging data from the U.S. Census Bureau
- "State Fact Sheets", population, employment, income, and farm data from the U.S. Economic Research Service
- "The 50 States of the U.S.A.", collected informational links for each state
- Sejarah
- Historical Documents Collected by the National Center for Public Policy Research
- U.S. National Mottos: History and Constitutionality Analysis by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
- USA Collected links to historical data
- Peta
- National Atlas of the United States Official maps from the U.S. Department of the Interior
- Lainnya
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Official government site