Gottfried Benn
Gottfried Benn | |
![]() Gottfried Benn pada tahun 1934 | |
Lahir | 2 Mei 1886 |
Meninggal | 7 Juli 1956 |
Penghargaan | |
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Gottfried Benn (lahir 2 Mei 1886 di Putlitz dan meninggal 7 Juli 1956 di Berlin) merupakan seorang penulis asal Jerman. Ia dianggap sebagai tokoh ekspresionisme dan salah satu penulis berbahasa Jerman terbesar dari generasinya, bersama dengan Paul Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, Ernst Jünger atau Berthold Brecht. Ia dinominasikan untuk Penghargaan Nobel Kesusastraan lima kali.[1]
Daftar buku
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Morgue und andere Gedichte [Morgue and other Poems] (Berlin, 1912)
- Fleisch (1917)
- Die Gesammelten Schriften [The collected works] (Berlin, 1922)
- Schutt (1924)
- Betäubung (1925)
- Spaltung (1925)
- Nach dem Nihilismus (Berlin, 1932)
- Der Neue Staat und die Intellektuellen (1933)
- Kunst und Macht (1935)
- Ausgewählte Gedichte [Selected Poems] (May, 1936) Note: 1st edition contained two poems that were removed for the 2nd edition in November 1936: 'Mann und Frau gehen durch die Krebsbaracke' and 'D-Zug'. The vast majority of the 1st editions were collected and destroyed.
- Statische Gedichte [Static poems] (Zürich, 1948)
- Ptolemäer (Limes, 1949); Ptolemy's Disciple (edited, translated and with a preface by Simona Draghici), Plutarch Press, 2005, ISBN 0-943045-20-7 (pbk).
- Doppelleben (1950); autobiography translated as Double Life (edited, translated, and with a preface by Simona Draghici, Plutarch Press, 2002, ISBN 0-943045-19-3).
- Stimme hinter dem Vorhang; translated as The Voice Behind the Screen (translated with an introduction by Simona Draghici (Plutarch Press, 1996, ISBN 0-943045-10-X).
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Sämtliche Werke ("Stuttgarter Ausgabe"), ed. by Gerhard Schuster and Holger Hof, 7 volumes in 8 parts, (Stuttgart 1986–2003, ISBN 3-608-95313-2).
- Prose, Essays, Poems by Gottfried Benn, edited by Volkmar Sander; introduction by Reinhard Paul Becker (Continuum International Publishing Group, 1987, ISBN 0-8264-0310-7 & ISBN 0-8264-0311-5 (pbk.)
- Selected Poems (Clarendon German series) by Gottfried Benn (Oxford U.P., 1970, ISBN 0-19-832451-0)
- Gottfried Benn in Transition by Gottfried Benn, edited by Simona Draghici (Plutarch Press, 2003, ISBN 0-943045-21-5)
- Poems, 1937–1947 (Plutarch Press, 1991, ISBN 0-943045-06-1)
- Impromptus (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013, ISBN 9780374175375)
- Gottfried Benn – Friedrich Wilhelm Oelze: Briefwechsel 1932–1956, edited by Harald Steinhagen, Stephan Kraft and Holger Hof, 4 volumes, (Klett-Cotta/Wallstein, ISBN 9783835318267)
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ "Nomination Database". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2022-09-29. Diakses tanggal 2017-04-19.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- German Dreams and German Dreamers: Gottfried Benn's German Universe by Henry Grosshans (Wyndham Hall Press, 1987, ISBN 1-55605-001-1 (pbk.).
- Gottfried Benn: The Unreconstructed Expressionist by J. M. Ritchie (London: Wolff, 1972, ISBN 0-85496-046-5.
- Beyond Nihilism: Gottfried Benn's Postmodernist Poetics by Susan Ray (Oxford; New York: P. Lang, 2003, ISBN 3-03910-006-8 & ISBN 0-8204-6275-6 (pbk.).
- Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations by Mark William Roche (University of North Carolina Press, 1991, ISBN 0-8078-8112-0.
- Primal Vision: Selected Poetry and Prose of Gottfried Benn edited by E. B. Ashton (NY: Bodley Head, 1961; Boyars, 1971; Marion Boyars, 1984, ISBN 0-7145-2500-6
- Twentieth-Century Culture: A Biographical Companion edited by Alan Bullock and R. B. Woodings (Harpercollins, 1984, ISBN 0-06-015248-6
- Gottfried Benn and his Critics: Major Interpretations 1912–1992 by Augustinus P. Dierick. [Columbia SC: Camden House Inc.], 1992.
- German Literature Under National Socialism by J. M. Ritchie (London: C. Helm; Barnes & Noble, 1983, ISBN 0-389-20418-8.
- The Appeal of Fascism: A Study of Intellectuals and Fascism, 1919–1945 by Alastair Hamilton, foreword by Stephen Spender (London: Blond, 1971, ISBN 0-218-51426-3.
- Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890 by Philip Rees (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990, ISBN 0-13-089301-3).
- Reason and Energy: Studies in German Literature by Michael Hamburger (London: Routledge & Paul, 1957; New York: Grove Press, 1957; London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970, revised ed., ISBN 0-297-00267-8.
- Encyclopedia of the Third Reich by Louis Leo Snyder (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976, ISBN 0-07-059525-9; London: Blandford, 1989, ISBN 0-7137-2167-7; New York: Paragon House, 1989, 1st pbk. ed., ISBN 1-55778-144-3; New York: Marlowe, 1998, ISBN 1-56924-917-2
- Snow from Broken Eyes: Cocaine in the Lives and Works of Three Expressionist Poets, Richard Millington, (Peter Lang AG, 2012)
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Gottfried Benn.
- Karya Gottfried Benn di Project Gutenberg
- Karya oleh/tentang Gottfried Benn di Internet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta)
- Translation of Astern/Asters Diarsipkan 2019-08-27 di Wayback Machine.
- (Jerman) Gottfried Benn dalam katalog Perpustakaan Nasional Jerman
- Gottfried Benn Diarsipkan 2023-07-19 di Wayback Machine. at NNDB
- Gottfried Benn Society Diarsipkan 2021-01-25 di Wayback Machine., German language site
- Latently existing words Diarsipkan 2017-11-09 di Wayback Machine.