Grumman F7F Tigercat

Grumman F7F Tigercat adalah pesawat tempur bermesin ganda pertama yang memasuki layanan dengan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat.
Dirancang untuk kapal induk kelas Midway baru, pesawat terlalu besar untuk beroperasi dari deck sebelumnya. Meskipun dikirimkan ke United States Marine Corps (USMC) unit tempur sebelum akhir Perang Dunia II, Tigercat tidak melihat layanan tempur dalam perang itu. Kebanyakan F7F berakhir di layanan berbasis darat, sebagai pesawat serangan atau pesawat tempur malam, hanya kemudian F7F-4n bersertifikat untuk layanan operator. Mereka melihat pelayanan di Perang Korea dan telah ditarik dari layanan pada tahun 1954.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Bridgman, Leonard (ed.). “The Grumman Tigercat.” Jane’s Fighting Aircraft of World War II. London: Studio, 1946. ISBN 1-85170-493-0.
- Carlson, Ted. "Semper Fi Tigercat". Flight Journal, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2008.
- Carr, Orrin I. "Fire 'Cat!" Air Classics, Vol. 12, No. 9, Sept. 1976. Canoga Park, CA: Challenge Publications, pp. 38–47.
- Dorr, Robert F. and David Donald. Fighters of the United States Air Force. London: Temple, 1990. ISBN 0-600-55094-X.
- Gault, Owen. "Grumman's Tiger Twins: The Skyrocket & Tigercat". Air Classics, Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 1973. Canoga Park, CA: Challenge Publications, pp. 22–27.
- Green, William. "Grumman F7F-1 - F7F-3 Tigercat". War Planes of the Second World War, Volume Four: Fighters London: Macdonald & Co.(Publishers) Ltd., 1961, pp. 106–108. ISBN 0-356-01448-7.
- Green, William and Gordon Swanborough. "Grumman F7F Tigercat". WW2 Fact Files: US Navy and Marine Corps Fighters. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishers Ltd., 1976, pp. 57–61. ISBN 0-356-08222-9.
- Grossnick, Roy A. and William J. Armstrong. United States Naval Aviation: 1910–1995. Annapolis, MA: Naval Historical Center, 1997. ISBN 0-16-049124-X.
- Legg, David. "Tigercat on camera." Aircraft Illustrated, Volume 24, no. 1, January 1991.
- Meyer, Corwin ("Corky") H. "F7F Tigercat: The Untold Story". Flight Journal, August 2002. Ridgefield, CT: AirAge Publications. pp. 48–56, 58.
- Morgan, Eric B. "Grumman F7F Tigercat F.7/30". Twentyfirst Profile, Volume 1, No. 11. New Milton, Hants, UK: 21st Profile Ltd. ISBN 0-9618210-0-4 .
- Morgan, Eric B. "The Grumman Twins". Twentyfirst Profile, Volume 2, No. 15. New Milton, Hants, UK: 21st Profile Ltd. ISBN 0-9618210-1-1 .
- O'Leary, Michael. "Tigercat Restoration". Air Classics, Vol. 38, No. 11, Nov. 2002. Canoga Park, CA: Challenge Publications.
- O'Leary, Michael. United States Naval Fighters of World War II in Action. Poole, Dorset, UK: Blandford Press, 1980. ISBN 0-7137-0956-1.
- Taylor, John W.R. "Grumman F7F Tigercat". Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the Present. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. ISBN 0-425-03633-2.
- Thruelsen, Richard. The Grumman Story. New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1976. ISBN 0-275-54260-2.
- Zuk, Bill. Janusz Zurakowski: Legends in the Sky. St. Catharine's, Ontario: Vanwell, 2004. ISBN 1-55125-083-7.
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[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai F7F Tigercat.
- Manual: (1949) AN 01-85FA-1 Pilot's Handbook for Navy Model F7F-1N, F7F-2N, F7F-3, F7F-3N, F7F-4N Airplanes
- Naval Aviation Museum: F7F History & Pictures Diarsipkan 2010-06-20 di Wayback Machine.
- F7F Tigercat "Big Bossman" air Racer Diarsipkan 2006-02-24 di Wayback Machine.
- F7F Tigercat Flight Demonstration by Clay Lacy Diarsipkan 2015-12-20 di Wayback Machine.