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Henri de Lubac

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Henri de Lubac

Kardinal-Deakon Santa Maria in Domnica
GerejaGereja Latin
Penunjukan2 February 1983
Masa jabatan berakhir
4 September 1991
PendahuluAlfredo Ottaviani
PenerusLuigi Poggi
Tahbisan imam
22 Agustus 1927
Pelantikan kardinal
2 Februari 1983
oleh Paus Yohanes Paulus II
Informasi pribadi
Nama lahirHenri-Marie Joseph Sonier de Lubac
Lahir(1896-02-20)20 Februari 1896
Cambrai, Prancis
Meninggal4 September 1991(1991-09-04) (umur 95)
Paris, Prancis
DenominasiKatolik Roma
PekerjaanImama/teolog Yesuit

Henri-Marie Joseph Sonier de Lubac SJ (bahasa Prancis: [lybak]; 20 Februari 1896 – 4 September 1991), juga dikenal sebagai Henri de Lubac, adalah seorang imam Yesuit Prancis yang menjadi kardinal Gereja Katolik dan dianggap sebagai salah satu teolog paling berpengaruh pada abad ke-20. Tulisan dan riset doktrinalnya memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk Konsili Vatikan II.

Daftar pustaka pilihan

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  • Publication of de Lubac's Oeuvres completes (50 vols; Paris: Cerf, 1998).
  • Catholicisme: les aspects sociaux du dogme, (Paris, 1938: seven editions were published, the last in 1983), translated as Catholicism, trans. Sheppard, L. & Englund, E, (London: Longman Green, 1950), and later reissued as Catholicism: Christ and the Common Destiny of Man, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1988).
  • Corpus Mysticum: Essai sur L'Eucharistie et l’Église au moyen âge, (Paris, 1944), translated as Corpus Mysticum: The Eucharist and the Church in the Middle Ages, trans Gemma Simmonds with Richard Price and Christopher Stephens, (London, 2006).
  • Le drame de l'humanisme athée [fr], (Paris, 1944), translated as The Drama of Atheist Humanism, trans. Riley, M., Nash, A. & Sebanc, M., (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995 − translation of the 1983 edition including chapters omitted from the 1949 translation).
  • De la Connaissance de Dieu, (Paris, 1945). A greatly expanded version of this book later appeared under the title Sur les chemins de Dieu, (Paris, 1956); this later work was translated as The Discovery of God, trans Alexander Dru with Mark Sebanc and Cassian Fulsom, (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996).
  • Surnaturel: Études historiques, (1946). A new French edition issued by (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1991) contains a complete translation into French of all Greek and Latin citations. There is not yet (2013) an English translation. However, Augustinianism and modern theology (1967) closely follows Part One of Surnaturel, and the conclusion is translated by David Coffey in Philosophy and Theology, 11:2, (1999), 368-80.
  • Histoire et esprit: l'intelligence de l'Écriture d'apres Origene, (Paris, 1950), translated as History and Spirit: The Understanding of Scripture According to Origen, trans. Anne Englund Nash with Juvenal Merriell, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2007).
  • Aspects du bouddhisme, (Paris, 1951), translated as Aspects of Buddhism, trans George Lamb, (London: Sheed and Ward, 1953).
  • Rencontre du bouddhisme et de l'occident, (Paris, 1952).
  • Méditation sur l'Église, (Paris, 1953), translated as The Splendor of the Church, trans Michael Mason, (London: Sheed & Ward, 1956), and later reissued by (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986).
  • Aspects du bouddhisme, vol 2: Amida, (Paris: Seuil, 1955), translated as History of Pure Land Buddhism, trans. Amita Bhaka, Buddha Dhyana Dana Review, 12: 5-6 (2002); 13: 1, (2003).
  • Exégèse médiévale, 4 vols, (Paris, 1959, 1961, 1964), translated as Medieval Exegesis, trans. Mark Sebanc (vol i), Edward M Macierowski (vols ii and iii), 4 vols, (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998-).
  • Teilhard de Chardin: the man and his meaning, trans. Rene Hague, (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1965).
  • Augustisme et théologie moderne, (Paris, 1965), translated as Augustinianism and Modern Theology, (London: G Chapman; New York: Herder & Herder, 1969), and reissued as (New York: Crossroad, 2000).
  • Le Mystere du surnaturel, (1965), translated as The Mystery of the Supernatural, trans. Rosemary Sheed, (London: G Chapman, 1967), new edition by (New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1998).
  • The religion of Teilhard de Chardin, trans. Rene Hague, (New York: Desclee Co.,1967).
  • Teilhard explained, trans. Anthony Buono, (New York: Paulist Press,1968).
  • The Eternal Feminine: a study on the poem by Teilhard de Chardin, trans. René Hague, (New York: Harper & Row,1971).
  • Petite catéchese sur nature et grace, (Paris, 1980), translated as A Brief Catechesis on Nature and Grace, trans. Richard Arnauder, FSC, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 1984).
  • Trois jésuites nous parlent: Yves de Montcheuil,1899-1944, Charles Nicolet,1897-1961, Jean Zupan, 1899-1968, (Paris, 1980), translated as Three Jesuits speak: Yves de Montcheuil,1899-1944, Charles Nicolet,1897-1961, Jean Zupan, 1899-1968. Presented by Henri de Lubac, trans. by K. D. Whitehead, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987).
  • The Motherhood of the Church, trans. Sergia Englund, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1982).
  • Paradoxes of Faith. trans. Simon, P., Kreilkamp, S., & Beaumont, E., (San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 1987).
  • The Christian Faith: an essay on the structure of the Apostles' Creed, trans. Richard Arnandez, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986).
  • At the Service of the Church: Henri de Lubac reflects on the circumstances that occasioned his writings, trans. Anne Englund Nash, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993).
  • Theology in History, trans. Anne Englund Nash, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996).
  • More Paradoxes. trans. A. Nash. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 2002 a translation of Autres Paradoxes.


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Karya yang dikutip

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De Lubac, Henri (1993). At the Service of the Church: Henri de Lubac Reflects on the Circumstances That Occasioned His Writings. Diterjemahkan oleh Englund, Anne Elizabeth. San Francisco: Ignatius Books. 
Grumett, David (2007). De Lubac: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-17245-7. 
Kerr, Fergus (2007). Twentieth Century Catholic Theologians: From Neoscholasticism to Nuptial Mystery. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell. 
Mettepenningen, Jürgen (2010). Nouvelle Théologie – New Theology: Inheritor of Modernism, Precursor of Vatican II. London: T&T Clark. 
O'Malley, John W. (2008). "Vatican II: Did Anything Happen?". Dalam Schultenover, David G. Vatican II: Did Anything Happen?. New York: Continuum. 

Bacaan tambahan

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Balthasar, Hans Urs von (1991). The Theology of Henri de Lubac: An Overview. Diterjemahkan oleh Fessio, Joseph; Waldstein, Michael M.; Clements, Susan. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. ISBN 978-0-89870-350-4. 
Ducor, Jérôme (2007). "Les écrits d'Henri de Lubac sur le bouddhisme". Les cahiers bouddhiques (dalam bahasa Prancis). Paris: Université Bouddhique Européenne (5): 81–110. ISSN 1777-926X. 
Hillebert, Jordan, ed. (2017). T&T Clark Companion to Henri de Lubac. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-65722-0. 
Hollon, Bryan C. (2009). Everything is Sacred: Spiritual Exegesis in the Political Theology of Henri de Lubac. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. ISBN 978-1-55635-857-9. 
Milbank, John (2014). The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Renewed Split in Modern Catholic Theology (edisi ke-2nd). Cambridge, England: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-8028-7236-4. 
Russo, Antonio (1990). Henri de Lubac: Teologia e dogma nella storia. L'influsso di Blondel (dalam bahasa Italia). Rome: Edizioni Studium. ISBN 978-88-382-3616-7. 
 ⸻  (1994). Henri de Lubac (dalam bahasa Italia). Milan: Edizioni San Paolo. ISBN 978-88-215-2756-2. 
Voderholzer, Rudolf (2008). Meet Henri de Lubac: His Life and Work. Diterjemahkan oleh Miller, Michael J. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. ISBN 978-1-58617-128-5. 
Wood, Susan K. (1998). Spiritual Exegesis and the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-8028-4486-6. 
Russo, Antonio (1997). Henri de Lubac. Paris: Brepols. ISBN 2503830145. 

Pranala luar

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Didahului oleh:
Julijans Vaivods
Anggota Dewan Kudus tertua yang masih hidup
24 Mei 1990 – 4 September 1991
Diteruskan oleh:
Ferdinando Giuseppe Antonelli