Karya-karya tulis Cicero
Tulisan-tulisan Marcus Tullius Cicero meliputi salah satu bagian terkenal dari karya sejarah dan filsafat dalam seluruh zaman klasik. Sisero, negarawan, pengacara, pakar teori politik, filsuf, dan konstitusionalis Romawi, hidup dari 106 sampai 43 SM. Ia adalah senator dan konsul (kepala magistrat) Romawi yang memainkan peran penting dalam transformasi Republik Romawi menjadi Kekaisaran Romawi. Sezaman dengan Julius Caesar, Cicero banyak dianggap sebagai salah satu orator dan pembuat prosa teragung di Roma.[1][2]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Rawson, E.: Cicero, a portrait (1975) p. 303
- ^ Haskell, H.J.: This was Cicero (1964) pp. 300–01
[sunting | sunting sumber]Edisi kritikal dan terjemahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]Teubner editions (Bibliotheca Teubneriana), B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart and Leipzig
- Epistulae ad Atticum (ed.) D R Shackleton-Bailey
- Vol.I: Libri I–VIII (BT 1208, 1987)
- Vol.II: Libri IX–XVI (BT 1209, 1987)
- Epistulae ad Familiares libri I–XVI (ed.) D R Shackleton-Bailey (BT 1210, 1988)
- Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem. Epistulae ad M. Brutum. Commentariolum petitionis. Fragmenta epistolarum (ed.) D R Shackleton-Bailey (BT 1211, 1988)
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Cicero’s letters to Atticus, Vol. I, II, IV, VI, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1965
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Latin extracts of Cicero on Himself, translated by Charles Gordon Cooper, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1963
- Crawford, Jane W:
- M. Tullius Cicero: The Lost and Unpublished Orations (Hypomnemata Untersuchungen zur Antike und zu Ihrem Nachleben, Heft 80, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1984) ISBN 3-525-25178-5
- M. Tullius Cicero: The Fragmentary Speeches, an Edition with Commentary, 2nd edition (American Philological Association, American Classical Studies no. 37, Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1994) ISBN 0-7885-0076-7
Terjemahan Inggris Penguin Classics
- Cicero
- Selected Political Speeches (Penguin Books, 1969)
- Selected Works: Against Verres I, Twenty-three letters, The Second Philippic against Antony, On Duties III, On Old Age, by Michael Grant (Penguin Books, 1960)
- On Government: Against Verres II 5, For Murena, For Balbus, On the State III, V, VI, On Laws III, The Brutus, The Philippics IV, V, X, by Michael Grant (Penguin Books, 1993)
- Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic, Six Lives by Plutarch: Marius, Sulla, Crassus, Pompey, Caesar, Cicero, by Rex Warner (Penguin Books, 1958; with Introduction and notes by Robin Seager, 1972)
Karya modern
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Taylor, H: Cicero: A sketch of his life and works (A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1918)
- Strachan-Davidson, J. L., Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic, University of Oxford Press, London, 1936
- Cowell, Cicero and the Roman Republic, Penguin Books Ltd, Great Britain, 1973
- Haskell, H.J.: (1946) This was Cicero, Fawcett publications, Inc. Greenwich, Conn.
- Smith, R E: Cicero the Statesman (Cambridge University Press, 1966)
- Gruen, Erich S: The last Generation of the Roman Republic (University of California Press, 1974)
- Rawson, Elizabeth: Cicero, A portrait (Allen Lane, Penguin Books, 1975) ISBN 0-7139-0864-5
- Kinsey, T E: "Cicero's case against Magnus, Capito and Chrysogonus in the pro Sex. Roscio Amerino and its use for the historian", L'Ant.Classique 49 (1980), 173–190
- Frier, Bruce W: The Rise of the Roman Jurists: Studies in Cicero's Pro Caecina, (Princeton University Press, 1985) ISBN 0-691-03578-4
- March, Duane A: "Cicero and the 'Gang of Five'", Classical World 82 (1989), 225–234
- Shackleton-Bailey, D R: Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches, 2nd edition (Teubner, Stuttgart & Leipzig, 1992)
- Gotoff, Harold C: Cicero's Caesarian Speeches: A Stylistic Commentary (The University of North Carolina Press, 1993) ISBN 0-8078-4407-1
- Everitt, Anthony: Cicero: the life and times of Rome's greatest politician (Random House, 2001) hardback, 359 pages, ISBN 0-375-50746-9
- Manuwald, Gesine: "Performance and Rhetoric in Cicero's Philippics", Antichthon 38 (2004[2006]), 51–69
Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Francis A. Yates (1974). The Art of Memory, University of Chicago Press, 448 pages, Reprint: ISBN 0-226-95001-8
- Taylor Caldwell (1965), A Pillar of Iron, Doubleday & Company, Reprint: ISBN 0-385-05303-7
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
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- General:
- Quotes with Cicero's teachings on oratory
- Links to Cicero resources
- University of Texas Cicero Homepage
- "Cicero" article by Edward Clayton in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Works by Cicero:
- List of online translations of Cicero's works
- Online Library of Liberty
- Karya Cicero di Project Gutenberg
- Perseus Project (Latin and English): Classics Collection (see: M. Tullius Cicero)
- Works of Cicero, The Latin Library
- UAH (Latin, with translation notes): Cicero Page Diarsipkan 2006-02-21 di Wayback Machine.
- De Officiis, translated by Walter Miller
- Cicero's works: text, concordances and frequency list
- Critical Editions and Translations of the Philosophical Works of Cicero
- Biographies and descriptions of Cicero's time:
- At Project Gutenberg
- Plutarch's biography of Cicero contained in the Parallel Lives
- Life of Cicero by Anthony Trollope, Volume I – Volume II
- Cicero by Rev. W. Lucas Collins (Ancient Classics for English Readers)
- Roman life in the days of Cicero by Rev. Alfred J. Church
- Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero by W. Warde Fowler
- At Heraklia website
- Dryden's translation of Cicero from Plutarch's Parallel Lives Diarsipkan 2011-10-01 di Wayback Machine.
- At Middlebury College website
- At Project Gutenberg
- SORGLL: Cicero, In Catilinam I.1–3, read by Robert Sonkowsky Diarsipkan 2005-11-02 di Wayback Machine.