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Keuskupan Manchester (Anglikan)

Koordinat: 53°29′N 2°14′W / 53.48°N 2.24°W / 53.48; -2.24
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Keuskupan Manchester
Kediakonan agung
Bolton, Manchester, Rochdale, Salford
KatedralKatedral Manchester
Kepemimpinan kini
UskupDavid Walker, Uskup Manchester
SufraganMark Davies, Uskup Middleton
Mark Ashcroft, Uskup Bolton
Diakon agung
Cherry Vann, Deakon Agung Rochdale
David Sharples, Deakon Agung Salford
Karen Lund, Deakon Agung Manchester
Jean Burgess, Deakon Agung Bolton
Situs web

Keuskupan Manchester adalah sebuah keuskupan Gereja Inggris di Provinsi York, Inggris. Berbasis di kota Manchester, keuskupan tersebut meliputi sebagian besar Manchester Raya dan sebagian kecil Lancashire dan Cheshire.


[sunting | sunting sumber]

Bacaan tambahan

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Dobb, Arthur J. (1978) Like a Mighty Tortoise: the history of the Diocese of Manchester; illustrated by Arthur J. Dobb and Derek Simpson. [Manchester]: [The author] ; Littleborough: [Distributed by] Upjohn and Bottomley (Printers)
  • Dobb, Arthur J. et al. (comps.; 2007) The Mighty Tortoise Marches On; or the Seven Stages of Man...chester. (The present study... began by being asked to prepare a presentation on the diocese for the annual national conference of the Central Council for the Care of Churches to be held in Manchester in 2009", preface)

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]

53°29′N 2°14′W / 53.48°N 2.24°W / 53.48; -2.24