Kristin Davis

Kristin Landen Davis (atau ditulis sebagai Kristin Lee Davis (lahir 23 Februari 1965) merupakan seorang aktris berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat yang meraih penghargaan Golden Globe dan Emmy Award. Namanya dikenal saat menjadi Charlotte Goldenblatt di Sex and the City. Dia dilahirkan di Boulder, Colorado. Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun 1991.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Nine Months (1995)
- Traveling Companion (1998)
- Sour Grapes (1998)
- Blacktop (2000)
- The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D (2005)
- The Shaggy Dog (2006)
- Deck the Halls (2006)
- Sex and the City: The Movie (2008)
[sunting | sunting sumber]- N.Y.P.D. Mounted (1991)
- General Hospital (Unknown episodes, 1991)
- Mann & Machine (1 episode, 1992)
- The Larry Sanders Show (1 episode, 1993)
- Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1 episode, 1994)
- ER (1 episode, 1995)
- Alien Nation: Body and Soul (1995)
- Melrose Place (30 episodes, 1995-1996)
- The Ultimate Lie (1996)
- The Single Guy (1 episode, 1997)
- A Deadly Vision (1997)
- Seinfeld (2 episodes, 1997)
- Atomic Train (1999)
- Sex and the Matrix (2000)
- Take Me Home: The John Denver Story (2000)
- Friends (1 episode, 2000)
- Blacktop (2000)
- Three Days (2001)
- Sex and the City (94 episodes, 1998-2004)
- The Winning Season (2004)
- Will & Grace (1 episode, 2004)
- Soccer Moms (2005)
- Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends (Voice, 26 episodes, 2004-2006)
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Kristin Davis di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris)
- Barnes and Noble biography Diarsipkan 2012-02-04 di Wayback Machine.
- Archive of the original Sex and the City newspaper columns Diarsipkan 2008-01-29 di Wayback Machine.

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