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Live: Madison Square Garden Center

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Live: Madison Square Garden Center
Album live karya Bill Cosby
DirilisSeptember 1970
Madison Square Garden
Kota New York
GenreStand-up comedy
LabelUni/MCA Records
Kronologi Bill Cosby
More of the Best of Bill Cosby
(1970)More of the Best of Bill Cosby1970
Live: Madison Square Garden Center
When I Was a Kid
(1971)When I Was a Kid1971

Live: Madison Square Garden Center adalah album keempatbelas Bill Cosby. Album ini dirilis pda tahun 1970.\

Daftar lagu

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. Bill's Marriage – 3:40
  2. His First Baby – 8:30
  3. Bill Takes His Daughters to the Zoo – 2:50
  4. Ennis and His Two Sisters – 5:45
  5. The Story of the Chicken – 2:55
  6. Animal Stories – 7:00
  7. A Handball Game at the "Y" – 4:00
  8. Bill Visits Ray Charles – 5:00

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]