Louis Le Prince
Louis Le Prince | |
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Lahir | Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince 28 Agustus 1841 Metz, Prancis |
Menghilang | 16 September 1890 (pada umur 49 tahun) Dijon, Prancis |
Status | Dinyatakan meninggal |
Pekerjaan | Kimiawan, insinyur, penemu, pembuat film |
Suami/istri | Elizabeth Le Prince-Whitley
(m. 1869–Kesalahan ekspresi: Operator < tak terduga) |
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Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince (28 Agustus 1841 – menghilang 16 September 1890) adalah seorang penemu asal Prancis yang menembakkan gambar bergerak pertama pada kertas film menggunakan kamera lensa tunggal.[1][2] Dia telah dikenal sebagai "Bapak Sinematografi" sejak tahun 1930.[3]
Seorang asal Prancis yang juga bekerja di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat, Le Prince melakukan terobosan karyanya pada tahun 1888 di kota Leeds, West Yorkshire, Inggris.[4]
Pada Oktober 1888, Le Prince memfilmkan urutan gambar yang bergerak Roundhay Garden Scene dan suasana jalanan di Leeds Bridge menggunakan kamera lensa tunggalnya dan kertas film Eastman.[5] Ini adalah beberapa tahun sebelum karya penemu seperti Auguste and Louis Lumière dan Thomas Edison bersaing.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ BBC Education – Local Heroes Le Prince Biography di www.bbc.co.uk Galat: URL arsip tidak dikenal (diarsipkan tanggal 19991128020048), BBC, archived on 1999-11-28
- ^ Howells, Richard (Summer 2006). "Louis Le Prince: the body of evidence". Screen. Oxford, UK: Oxford Journals. 47 (2): 179–200. doi:10.1093/screen/hjl015. Diakses tanggal 2009-04-16.
- ^ THE "FATHER" OF KINEMATOGRAPHY: LEEDS MEMORIAL PIONEER WORK IN ENGLAND Our Special Correspondent. The Manchester Guardian (1901–1959), Manchester, England 13 Dec 1930: 19.
- ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33198686
- ^ "Pioneers of Early Cinema: 1, AIMÉ AUGUSTIN LE PRINCE (1841-1890?)" (PDF). www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk. hlm. 2. Diakses tanggal 2012-11-25.
he developed a single-lens camera which he used to make moving picture sequences at the Whitley family home in Roundhay and of Leeds Bridge in October 1888. ... it has been claimed that a photograph of a drowned man in the Paris police archives is that of Le Prince.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Insight Collections and Research Centre Diarsipkan 2006-11-09 di Wayback Machine.
- Guinness Book of Movie Facts and Feats
- Who's Who of Victorian Cinema
- The Career of Louis Aimée Augustin Le Prince by E. Kilburn Scott (July 1931)
- La naissance du cinéma: cent sept ans et un crime... Diarsipkan 1999-11-28 di Wayback Machine. by Irénée Dembowski (in Kino 1989, translated from Polish to French in Cahiers de l'AFIS, numéro 182, nov.–déc. by Michel Rouzé, quoted by Alliage numéro 22 1995)
- The Missing Reel, by Christopher Rawlence (Athenum Publishers, New York, 1990)
- Le Prince's Early Film Cameras, by Simon Popple (in Photographica World, September 1993)
- Le Prince and the Lumières, by Rod Varley (in Making of the Modern World, Science Museum, UK, 1992)
- Career of Louis Aimée Augustin Le Prince, by E. Kilburn Scott, (in Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, US, July 1931)
- Burns, Paul The History of the Discovery of Cinematography Diarsipkan 2009-05-18 di Wayback Machine. An Illustrated Chronology
- The Pioneer Work of Le Prince in Kinematography, by E. Kilburn Scott (in The Photographic Journal #63, August 1923, pp. 373–378)
- Louis Aimée Augustin Le Prince by Merritt Crawford (in Cinema, 1 December 1930, pp. 28–31)
- L'affaire Lumière. Du mythe à l'histoire, enquête sur les origines du cinéma by Léo Sauvage, 1985 ISBN 2-86244-045-0
- Ingenious Diarsipkan 2007-09-28 di Wayback Machine. Le Prince 16-lens camera
- Louis Le Prince: the body of evidence by Richard Howells (in Screen vol.47 #2, Oxford University Press, 2006)
- Le Prince, inventeur et artiste, précurseur du cinéma by Jean-Jacques Aulas and Jacques Pfend (in Revue d'Histoire du Cinéma N°32, December 2000, p. 9) ISSN 0769-0959
- New research centre honours father of film Diarsipkan 2012-02-05 di Wayback Machine.
- Essential Films chapter 2, Culture Wars Diarsipkan 2010-03-07 di Wayback Machine. by Ion Martea
- Roundhay Garden Scene (1888), Culture Wars Diarsipkan 2011-07-16 di Wayback Machine. by Ion Martea
- Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge (1888), Culture Wars Diarsipkan 2011-07-16 di Wayback Machine. by Ion Martea
- The Indispensable Murder Book, edited by Joseph Henry Jackson (New York: The Book Society, 1951), pp. 437–464, "The Red and White Girdle" by Christopher Morley. This deals with the murder of Gouffe, and shows the intense study of that trunk murder in 1889–90.
- The facts concerning the life and death of LOUIS AIME AUGUSTIN LEPRINCE, pioneer of the moving pîcture and his family, by Jacques Pfend (Sarreguemines/57200/France) 2014.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
- Louis Le Prince di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris)
- THE LEPRINCE DATABASE: jacques.pfend@wanadoo.fr
- L'EMPREINTE DE LOUIS AIME AUGUSTIN LEPRINCE DANS L'HISTOIRE DU CINEMA.(Université Paris Ouest, par Marie Crémaschi. sep. 2013.
- Jean-Jacques Aulas et Jacques Pfend, Louis Aimé Augustin Leprince, inventeur et artiste, précurseur du cinéma
- Adventures In Cybersound – extended biography by Dr Russell Naughton, RMIT University, Melbourne. Retrieved 2008-09-26
- Roundhay Garden Scene di YouTube
- Leeds Bridge di YouTube
- Accordion Player by Louis Le Prince di YouTube a rough video from the first 17 frames
- Louis Le Prince Centre for Cinema, Photography, and Television. University of Leeds. Retrieved 2008-09-26
- The Legend of Louis Le Prince Diarsipkan 2006-09-02 di Wayback Machine.
- Leodis – a photographic archive of Leeds. Leeds Library & Information Service. Allows search for key terms such as Louis Le Prince or Leeds Bridge or Bridge End or Hick Brothers or Auto Express (workshop site), etc.
- National Science Museum, London
- National Media Museum, Bradford
- Armley Mills- Leeds Industrial Museum
- Le Prince single-lens camera 1888, Science & Society Picture Library
- Chronomedia year 1888 (Terramedia)
- Burns, Paul The History of the Discovery of Cinematography 1885–1889 Diarsipkan 2009-05-18 di Wayback Machine. An Illustrated Chronological History
- Local films for local people (BBC Bradford & West Yorkshire)