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Margarethe von Trotta

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Templat:Nama Jermanik

Margarethe von Trotta
von Trotta pada 2007
Lahir21 Februari 1942 (umur 82)
Berlin, Jerman
PekerjaanSutradara, penulis latar, aktris
Tahun aktif1968 - sekarang
Suami/istri(Suami Pertama) 1964-1968 (satu putra)
Volker Schlöndorff 1971-1991
IMDB: nm0903137 Allocine: 5102 Allmovie: p118404 TV.com: people/margarethe-von-trotta Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata

Margarethe von Trotta (kelahiran 21 Februari 1942) adalah seorang sutradara Jerman yang disebut sebagai "pasukan utama" dari gerakan Sinema Jerman Baru.[1][2]

Ia menikah dan berkolaborasi dengan sutradara Volker Schlöndorff.

Von Trotta disebut "pembuat film feminis utama di dunia."[3]

Kehidupan awal

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Sebagai anak dari Elisabeth von Trotta dan pelukis Alfred Roloff, ia lahir di Berlin dan berpindah ke Paris pada 1960an

Pada 2001, ia menjadi Presiden Juri di Festival Film Internasional Moskwa ke-23.[4]

Daftar pustaka

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  1. Andac, Ben. "Margarethe Von Trotta." Senses of Cinema. Web. 4 May 2012.<[1]>.
  2. "Awards for Margarethe Von Trotta." IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 2 May 2012.<[2]>.
  3. "Birds Eye View: Filmmaker Focus: Margarethe Von Trotta." 2011 Film Festival: Celebrating Women Filmmakers. Birds Eye View. Web. 2 May 2012.<[3] Diarsipkan 2012-01-10 di Wayback Machine.>.
  4. Eifler, Margret. "Margarethe Von Trotta as Filmmaker: Biographical Retrospectives." The German Quarterly 76.4 (2003): 443-48. JSTOR. Web. 4 May 2012.<[4]>.
  5. Gerhardt, Christina. “RAF as German and Family History: Von Trotta’s Marianne and Juliane and Petzold’s The State I Am in.” The Place of Politics in German Film. Ed. Martin Blumenthal-Barby (Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2014). 166-184. Print.
  6. Gollub, Christian-Albrecht. "Volker Schlöndorff and Margarethe Von Trotta: Transcending the Genres." New German Filmmakers: From Oberhausen through the 1970s. Ed. Klaus Phillips. New York: Ungar Pub., 1984. 266-302. Print.
  7. "An Interview with Margarethe Von Trotta: Director of ‘Vision’" Interview by Zeitgeist Films. Spirituality Practice. Zeitgeist Films. Web. 3 May 2012.<[5]>.
  8. Kuttenberg, Eva. "The Hidden Face of Narcissus: Suicide as Poetic Speech in Margarethe Von Trotta's Early Films." Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture 20 (2004): 122-44. JSTOR. Web. 4 May 2012.<[6]>.
  9. Linville, Susan E. "Retrieving History: Margarethe Von Trotta's Marianne and Juliane." PMLA 106.3 (1991): 446-58. JSTOR. Web. 4 May 2012.<[7]>.
  10. "Margarethe Von Trotta." German Flicks. HyperEd. Web. 2 May 2012.<[8] Diarsipkan 2008-12-08 di Wayback Machine.>.
  11. "Margarethe Von Trotta." IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 6 May 2012.<[9]>.
  12. Parkinson, Anna M. "Neo-Feminist Mütterfilm? The Emotional Politics of Margarethe Von Trotta's 'Rosenstrasse'" The Collapse of the Conventional: German Film and Its Politics at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Jaimey Fisher and Brad Prager. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2010. Print.
  13. Prot, Bénédicte. "Von Trotta to Start Shooting Hannah Arendt Biopic." Cineuropa. German Films. Web. 4 May 2012.<[10]>.
  14. Rueschmann, Eva. "The Politics of Intersubjectivity: The Sister Films of Margarethe Von Trotta." Sisters On Screen: Siblings in Contemporary Cinema. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2000. 147-75. Print.
  15. Seiter, Ellen. "The Political Is Personal: Margarethe Von Trotta's 'Marianne and Juliane'" Films For Women. Ed. Charlotte Brunsdon. London: British Film Institute, 1986. Print.
  16. Skidmore, James M. "Intellectualism and Emotionalism in Margarethe Von Trotta's "Die Bleierne Zeit"" German Studies Review 25.3 (2002): 551-67. JSTOR. German Studies Association. Web. 4 May 2012.<[11]>.
  17. Sklar, Robert. "Invaded by Memories of Germany's Past: An Interview with Margarethe Von Trotta." Cineaste 29.2 (2004): 10-12. Web. 3 May 2012.<[12] Diarsipkan 2013-11-11 di Wayback Machine.>.
  18. Smith, Damon. "MARGARETHE VON TROTTA, "VISION" |Filmmaker Magazine." Filmmaker: The Magazine of Independent Film. Filmmaker Magazine, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 5 Mei 2012.<[13]>.
  19. Wydra, Thilo. "Margarethe Von Trotta on Hannah Arendt: 'Turning Thoughts into Images'" German Filmmakers and Movies. Goethe Institute. Web. 4 Mei 2012.<[14]>.


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  1. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Birds Eye View
  2. ^ Margarethe von Trotta Diarsipkan 2010-05-27 di Wayback Machine. di European Graduate School. Diakses pada 14 Mei 2010.
  3. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama German Flicks
  4. ^ "23rd Moscow International Film Festival (2001)". MIFF. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-03-28. Diakses tanggal 2013-03-29. 

Pranala luar

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