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Modul:Road data/strings/USA/MD

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local MD = {}

MD.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
		link = {["68"] = "Interstate 68",
                ["97"] = "Interstate 97",
                ["295"] = "Interstate 295 (Maryland–District of Columbia)",
                ["370"] = "Interstate 370",
                ["495"] = "Interstate 495 (Capital Beltway)",
                ["495X"] = "Cabin John Parkway",
                default = {hook = "split",
                           split = 100,
                           above = "Interstate %route% (Maryland)",
                           below = "Interstate %route% in Maryland"}},
        abbr = "I-%route%",
        width = "expand"}

MD["I-Spur"] = {shield = MD.I.shield,
                link = "Interstate %route% Spur (Maryland)",
                abbr = "I-%route% Spur",
                banner = "Spur plate blue.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MD["I 1957"] = {shield = "I-%route% (1957).svg",
                link = MD.I.link,
                abbr = MD.I.abbr}    

MD["I 1961"] = {shield = {	hook = "splitlen",
							split = 3,
							above = "I-%route% (1961).svg",
							below = "I-%route% (1957).svg"},
                link = MD.I.link,
                abbr = MD.I.abbr}
MD["I-Toll"] = {shield = MD.I.shield,
				link = MD.I.link,
				abbr = MD.I.abbr,
				width = "expand",
				banner = "Toll plate yellow.svg"}
MD["I-Express"] = {shield = MD.I.shield,
                   link = "Interstate %route% Express (Maryland)",
                   abbr = MD.I.abbr .. " Express",
                   width = "expand",
                   banner = "Toll plate yellow.svg",
	               bannersuffix = "blue"}

MD.US = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
         link = "U.S. Route %route% in Maryland",
         abbr = "US %route%",
         width = "expand"}

MD["US-Bus"] = {shield = "US %route% Business (MD).svg",
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Maryland)",
                abbr = "US %route% Bus.",
                width = "expand",
                bannersuffix = "Vermont"}

MD["US-Alt"] = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate ([dab||%dab%, |]Maryland)",
                abbr = "US %route% Alt.",
                banner = "Alt plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MD["US-Truck"] = {shield = MD.US.shield,
                  link = "U.S. Route %route% Truck ([dab||%dab%, |]Maryland)",
                  abbr = "US %route% Truck",
                  banner = "Truck plate.svg",
                  width = "expand"}
MD["US-Byp"] = {shield = MD.US.shield,
                  link = "U.S. Route %route% Bypass ([dab||%dab%, |]Maryland)",
                  abbr = "US %route% Byp.",
                  banner = "Bypass plate.svg",
                  width = "expand"}                  

MD["US-Scenic"] = {shield = MD.US.shield,
                   link = "U.S. Route %route% Scenic ([dab||%dab%, |]Maryland)",
                   abbr = "US %route% Scenic",
                   banner = "Scenic plate.svg",
                   width = "expand"}

MD["US 1926"] = {shield = "US %route% (1926).svg",
                 link = MD.US.link,
                 abbr = MD.US.abbr,
                 width = "US1926"}

MD["US 1948"] = {shield = "US %route% (1948).svg",
                 link = MD.US.link,
                 abbr = MD.US.abbr}

MD["US 1961"] = {shield = "US %route% (1961).svg",
                 link = MD.US.link,
                 abbr = MD.US.abbr}
MD.SR = {shield = "MD Route %route%.svg",
         link = "Maryland Route %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
         abbr = "MD %route%",
         width = "expand"}


MD["SR-Bus"] = {shield = "MD Route %route% Business.svg",
                link = "Maryland Route %route% Business [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                abbr = "MD %route% Bus.",
                width = "expand",
                bannersuffix = "Vermont"}

MD["MD-Bus"] = MD["SR-Bus"]

MD["MD-Byp"] = {shield = MD.SR.shield,
                link = "Maryland Route %route% Bypass [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                abbr = "MD %route% Byp.",
                banner = "By-pass plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MD["SR-Alt"] = {shield = MD.SR.shield,
                link = "Maryland Route %route% Alternate [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                abbr = "MD %route% Alt.",
                banner = "Alt plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MD["MD-Alt"] = MD["SR-Alt"]

MD["SR-Truck"] = {shield = MD.SR.shield,
                  link = "Maryland Route %route% Truck [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                  abbr = "MD %route% Truck",
                  banner = "Truck plate.svg",
                  width = "expand"}

MD["MD-Truck"] = MD["SR-Truck"]

MD["MD-Toll"] = {shield = MD.MD.shield,
                link = MD.MD.link,
                abbr = "MD %route% Toll",
                banner = "Toll plate yellow.svg",
                width = "expand"}
MD.DEMD = {shield = {"Elongated circle %route%.svg", "MD Route %route%.svg"},
           link = "Route %route% (Delaware–Maryland)",
           abbr = "DE / MD %route%",
           width = 40}

MD.MDJFK = {shield = "MD JFK Highway.svg",
            link = "John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway (Maryland)",
            abbr = "JFK Memorial Highway"}

MD.BWP = {shield = "",
		  link = "Baltimore–Washington Parkway",
		  abbr = "Baltimore–Washington Parkway"}

MD.CBP = {shield = "",
		  link = "Clara Barton Parkway",
		  abbr = "Clara Barton Parkway"}

MD.CJP = {shield = "",
		  link = "Cabin John Parkway",
		  abbr = "Cabin John Parkway"}

MD.USBR = {alias = {module = "USA", type = "USBR"}}

MD.National = {shield = "National Road Sign cropped.JPG", --should be improved
              link = "National Road",
              abbr = "Historic National Road"}
MD.WV = {alias = {module = "USA/WV", type = "WV"}}

MD.road = {alias = {module = "USA", type = "road"}}

return MD