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Nathan Myhrvold

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Nathan Myhrvold
Nathan Myhrvold pada 2016
Lahir03 Agustus 1959 (umur 65)
Seattle, Washington
Tempat tinggalMedina, Washington[1]
AlmamaterUCLA (B.S., M.S.)
Princeton University (M.S., Ph.D.)
Suami/istriRosemarie Havranek
Karier ilmiah
InstitusiIntellectual Ventures, Universitas Cambridge, Microsoft Research
Situs webwww.nathanmyhrvold.com

Nathan Paul Myhrvold (lahir 3 Agustus 1959), dulunya kepala jabatan teknologi di Microsoft, adalah salah satu pendiri Intellectual Ventures dan penulis utama Modernist Cuisine dan buku-buku lanjutannya. Myhrvold terdaftar sebagai salah satu penemu pada 17[2] paten AS di Microsoft dan merupakan salah satu penemu pada lebih dari 800 paten AS lain yang dikeluarkan perusahaannya dan afiliasi-afiliasinya.[3]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Why the family behind Intellectual Ventures is throwing support behind this organization - Puget Sound Business Journal Retrieved 2018-12-12.
  2. ^ Search for Myhrvold's Microsoft patents Diarsipkan 2020-11-28 di Wayback Machine. - use search argument in Query box: APT/1 and IN/Myhrvold-Nathan$ and AN/Microsoft and APD/1/1/1985->1/1/2000
  3. ^ Search for Myhrvold's non-Microsoft issued U.S. patents Diarsipkan 2020-11-28 di Wayback Machine. - use search argument in Query box: APT/1 and IN/Myhrvold-Nathan$ andnot AN/Microsoft

Bacaan tambahan

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Auletta, Ken, "The Highwaymen", Harvest Books, 1998. ISBN 0-15-600573-5 — cf Chapter 17: The Microsoft Provocateur: Nathan Myhrvold, Bill Gates Corporate Gadfly.
  • Edstrom, Jennifer and Eller, Marlin, "Barbarians Led by Bill Gates: Microsoft From The Inside: How The World's Richest Corporation Wields Its Power", Holt Paperbacks, 1999. ISBN 0-8050-5755-2

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