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Komentar terbaru: 1 tahun yang lalu oleh InternetArchiveBot pada topik External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023)

I'm confused about the line on Citrus reticulata in the right-side block: it currently associates it to jeruk keprok, but the page about jeruk keprok seems to refer to grapefruit. Citrus reticulata is not the grapefruit but the Mandarin orange, also known as mandarine and tangerine in English. Either this page or the jeruk keprok page is mistaken. My Tuttle mini-dictionnary English-Indonesian gives 2 translations for tangerine: jeruk garut and jeruk keprok. -- Bmaisonny (bicara) 11 Oktober 2014 09.09 (UTC)Balas

Thanks @Bmaisonny: for the correction. Yes I noticed it now. The real species name of jeruk keprok according to my sources is either Citrus reticulata or Citrus nobilis (http://ccrc.farmasi.ugm.ac.id/?page_id=177). I'm going to edit the page and its interwiki in wikidata. -- Hysocc, Let's talk 11 Oktober 2014 11.37 (UTC)Balas

Why it must be CITRUS not JERUK?

[sunting sumber]

Jeruk is not referring to a single species but vary in the genus of citrus. So, the page must be "Jeruk" rather than "Citrus" for common reason.

The species pages must be "jeruk manis", "jeruk keprok", "jeruk siam", "jeruk bali", etc. 24 Agustus 2023 04.24 (UTC)Balas

[sunting sumber]

Hello fellow editors,

I have found one or more external links on Citrus that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:

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Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 28 Oktober 2023 13.32 (UTC)Balas