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It's correctly to write DaGHestan (< av. Taχistan "Thronesland",but not "Dagestan"

[sunting sumber]

Please, don't copy some wrong statements from the English Wikipedia. Daghestanians it is not are Russians and this Caucasian-Muslim territory never belonged and doesn't belong to the Russian people. In all English-Russian and German-Russian dictionaries before coming to power of team of Yeltsin/Putin the main spelling of the name of this republic (never the being earth of the Russian people) was Daghestan (from Avarian Takhistan "the earth/land of a throne", this writing is recorded in documents of the Ottoman Empire See: Erel Şerafeddin.Dağıstan ve Dağıstanlılar.Istanbul.1961.S.2). The same fact is confirmed by a mention in the Arab sources of the kingdom Särir "Thron",Ard as Sarir "The Land of Thron" (see also av.Taχšahar "Capital city"< Middle Persian/Pahlavi "Taχtšahr "dominion/land/the city government of/with Throne")).And the "country of mountains" it became as a result of replacement of a breath consonant of "t" by a ringing "d"> 'Dağıstan'.It became tradition and in all Daghestanian languages the term Daghestan is said as semi-Persian and semi-Turkic "Daγ/Dağ-e stan (Middle Persian or Pahlavi Daγ/Dağ-i stan; Turkic "Dağıstan").This is heritage of Middle Persian language/Pahlavi.To me not clear what reason in deliberate falsification of the name? Why the term Daghestan needs to be distorted? Before Yeltsin/Putin team in Kremlin and any so called "counter-terrorist operations" in N.Caucasus, aggression against Georgia and occupation of the Crimea ALWAYS WROTE DAGHESTAN, but not Dagestan. Therefore I insist on immediate change the name the republic as false pro-Russian and humiliating in fact--Wrkan (bicara) 26 November 2017 14.04 (UTC)Balas

[sunting sumber]

Hello fellow editors,

I have found one or more external links on Dagestan that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:

When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.

This notice will only be made once for these URLs.

Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 30 Oktober 2023 12.30 (UTC)Balas