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Pembicaraan:Senyawa ionik

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Komentar terbaru: 1 tahun yang lalu oleh InternetArchiveBot pada topik External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023)
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Pranala merah

[sunting sumber]
  1. Penjumlahan Ewald
  2. Tetal rapat [en]
  3. Cacat interstisi
  4. Koordinasi sferis
  5. Golongan spinel
  6. Cacat kristalografi
  7. Cacat Schottky
  8. Senyawa non-stoikiometri
  9. Konstanta kisi
  10. Garam asam
  11. Fraktur (mekanika)
  12. Kompresibilitas
  13. Perubahan entalpi larutan
  14. Entropi campuran
  15. Konduktor ion cepat
  16. Warna bahan kimia
  17. Lapisan ganda (ilmu permukaan)
  18. Piroteknisi
  19. Kalium magnesium triklorida [en]
  20. Dikalium magnesium tetraklorida [en]
  21. Barium bis(tetrafluoridobromat) [en]
  22. Uranil
  23. Ikatan dalam padatan

Agung Karjono (bicara) 21 April 2020 03.47 (UTC)Balas

[sunting sumber]

Hello fellow editors,

I have found one or more external links on Senyawa ionik that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:

When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.

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Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 16 Oktober 2023 05.25 (UTC)Balas