Pemilihan Paus 1227
Pemilihan Paus 19 Maret 1227 adalah sebuah pemilihan Paus yang diadakan setelah kematian Paus Honorius III di Roma (18 Maret 1227).
Para kardinal berkumpul di Septizodium, Roma pada hari berikutnya setelah kematian Honorius III
Konklaf ini berakhir dengan terpilihnya Paus Gregorius IX.[1]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ The Catholic Encyclopedia: Pope Gregory IX; and Gaetano Moroni, vol. XXXII p. 257 and vol. LXXXV, p. 261. Timo Bandhold, p. 9, says that only Konrad von Urach is known to have been a committee member and the rest two members of that body are unknown
[sunting | sunting sumber]Konrad Eubel, Hierarchia Catholica Medii Aevi, volumen I, 1913
F. Bourkle-Young: notes to the papal election of 1227
Vatican history Diarsipkan 2018-11-03 di Wayback Machine.
The Catholic Encyclopedia: Pope Gregory IX
Werner Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg von 1191 bis 1216, Wien 1984
Timo Bandhold, Die Wahl Papst Gregors IX., 2007, ISBN 3-638-81022-4
Gaetano Moroni, Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni Vol. XXXII and vol. LXXXV, Tipografia Emiliana, Venezia, 1840 - 1861