Pergantian Besar
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Pergantian besar (bahasa Prancis: le grand remplacement) adalah sebuah teori konspirasi sayap kanan,[1][2][3][4][5] yang menyatakan bahwa penduduk Katolik Prancis, dan populasi Eropa Kristen kulit putih secara garis besar,[6] secara sistematis digantikan dengan orang non-Eropa,[5] khususnya penduduk Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara dan Sub-Sahara,[3] melalui migrasi massal dan pertumbuhan demografi. Teori tersebut berkaitan dengan keberadaan umat Muslim di Prancis dengan bahaya dan kehancuran potensial budaya dan peradaban Prancis.[7]
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- Froio, Caterina (21 August 2018). "Race, Religion, or Culture? Framing Islam between Racism and Neo-Racism in the Online Network of the French Far Right". Perspectives on Politics. 16 (3): 696–709. doi:10.1017/S1537592718001573.
...the conspiracy theory of the Grand remplacement (Great replacement) positing the 'Islamo-substitution' of biologically autochthonous populations in the French metropolitan territory, by Muslim minorities mostly coming from sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb
- Sowerwine, Charles (2017). "The Far Right in a Neo-Liberal Age: Pessimism, Sexism and Racism in Modern French Thought" (PDF). French History & Civilization. Perspectives on Politics. 7: 190–203. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2018.
...the Grand Remplacement (Great Replacement), a lunar right - or is the term now "alt right?" - conspiracy theory about a plot to effect "the progressive replacement, over a few decades, of the historic population of our country by immigrants, the vast majority of them non-European.
- Plenel, Edwy (28 June 2016). For the Muslims: Islamophobia in France. Verso Books. ISBN 978-1-78478-488-1 – via Google Books.
- Serhan, Yasmeen. "Pivotal Elections Loom Over Europe". The Atlantic. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2018.
...the 'great replacement' conspiracy theory that contends immigrants are replacing the traditional French population.
- Froio, Caterina (21 August 2018). "Race, Religion, or Culture? Framing Islam between Racism and Neo-Racism in the Online Network of the French Far Right". Perspectives on Politics. 16 (3): 696–709. doi:10.1017/S1537592718001573.
- ^ Sowerwine, Charles (2018). France since 1870 : Culture, Politics and Society. London: Palgrave. hlm. 460. ISBN 978-1-137-40611-8. OCLC 1051356006.
Zemmour flirted with a far-right conspiracy theory; the Grand remplacement (Great Replacement)
- ^ a b "How dangerous are Austria's far-right hipsters? | DW | 28 August 2018". DW.COM. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2018.
...and spread the 'great replacement' conspiracy theory – the idea that white Europeans will be replaced by people from the Middle East and Africa through immigration. The theory is based on inflated statistics and un-substantiated demographic projections. Right now, only 4 percent of the European Union is made up of non-EU nationals.
- ^ Baldauf, Johannes (2017). Toxische Narrative : Monitoring rechts-alternativer Akteure (PDF) (dalam bahasa Belanda). Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. hlm. 11. ISBN 978-3-940878-29-8. OCLC 1042949000.
...this narrative is highly compatible with concrete conspiracy narratives about how this replacement is desired and planned, either by 'the politicians' or 'the elite,' which-ever connotes Jewishness more effectively.
- ^ a b "A campaign to deconstruct conspiracy discourse on the Internet". La Croix. 26 January 2018.
...le " grand remplacement ", une théorie de type conspirationniste selon laquelle il existerait un processus de remplacement des Français sur leur sol par des non-Européens.
- ^ "The philosophical sources of Marine Le Pen". Eurozine. 12 October 2017.
...a conspiracy theory which claims that the global elite has staged a plot to replace the indigenous European population with immigrants from other continents
- ^ "Marine Le Pen adviser found guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims". The Independent. 25 April 2017.