Pistis Sofia
Pistis Sofia (bahasa Yunani Koine: Πίστις Σοφία) adalah sebuah teks gnostik yang ditemukan pada 1773,[1] diyakini ditulis antara abad ke-3[2] dan ke-4 Masehi.[3] Manuskrip yang ada, yang dianggap berasal dari akhir abad ke-4 oleh banyak cendekiawan,[4] berisi ajaran-ajaran kelompok Gnostik soal kisah Yesus mengumpulkan para murid-Nya, termasuk Maria ibu-Nya, Maria Magdalena dan Marta.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Jones, p. 45.
- ^ Mead 1921, pp. xxix-xxxviii.
- ^ Pearson, p. 74.
- ^ Horton, p. 136
- Atribusi
Artikel ini mengandung teks dari suatu publikasi yang sekarang berada di domain publik: Lipsius, Richard Adelbert (1887), "Pistis Sophia", dalam Smith, William; Wace, Henry, A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines, Volume IV, London: John Murray, hlm. 405–415. Download scanned book as DJVU [1] or PDF [2].
Daftar pustaka
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Köstlin, K.R. (1854). Baur; Zeller, ed. "Theologische Jahrbücher". XIII: 1–104; 137–196. Parameter
akan diabaikan (bantuan) - Mead, G.R.S. (1892). Simon Magus. London: The Theosophical Publishing Society.
- Mead, G.R.S (1900). Fragments of a Faith Forgotten. London: The Theosophical Publishing Society.
- Legge, Francis (1964) [1914]. Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity, From 330 B.C. to 330 A.D. (edisi ke-Two volumes bound as one). New York: University Books. LCCN 64-24125.
- Legge, Francis (1924). Horner, G., ed. Introduction to the Pistis Sophia. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. hlm. vii–xlviii.
- Harris, J.R.; Mingana, A., ed. (1916–20). The Odes and Psalms of Solomon. Manchester. Text 1916; Translation and Notes 1920.
- Hurtak, James and D.E. Hurtak, Pistis Sophia Text and Commentary. Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science, 1999.
- Mead, G.R.S. (1921). Pistis Sophia. London: J. M. Watkins.
- 1st edition (1896): Masseiana Diarsipkan 2016-03-04 di Wayback Machine. (full text, HTML); Internet Archive (multiple formats).
- Revised 2nd edition (1921): Internet Sacred Text Archive, and with search function at the Gnostic Society Library (full text, HTML); Internet Archive (multiple formats).
- Charlesworth, James H. (1973). The Odes of Solomon.
- Brock, Ann Graham. Setting the Record Straight - The Politics of Identification: Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother in Pistis Sophia. hlm. 43–52. of: Jones, F. Stanley, ed. (2002). Which Mary? The Marys of Early Christian Tradition. Leiden. ISBN 90-04-12708-9. Hapus pranala luar di parameter
(bantuan) - Pearson, Birger Albert (2004). Gnosticism and Christianity: In Roman and Coptic Egypt. New York & London: Continuum International Publishing Group. ISBN 0567026108.
- Horton Jr., Fred L. (2005). The Melchizedek Tradition: A Critical Examination of the Sources to the Fifth Century A.D. and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521018714.
- Williams, Frank (2009). The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis. Book I (Sects 1-46) (edisi ke-Second). Leiden; New York; København; Köln: E.J. Brill. ISBN 9004170170.
- Burkitt, F.C. (1932). Church and Gnosis. A Study of Christian Thought and Speculation in the Second Century. London: Cambridge University Press.
- Doresse, J. (1958). Les livres secrets des gnostiques d’Égypte: Introduction aux écrits gnostiques coptes découverts à Khénoboskion. Paris: Librairie Plon.
- Tardieu, M. (1986). Introduction à la littérature gnostique Vol 1: Collections retrouvées avant 1945. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
- Trautmann, J.D. (1979). "La citation du Psaume 85 (84, 11-12) et ses commentaires dans la Pistis Sophia". Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses (59): 551–557.
- Evans, E. (2015). The Books of Jeu and the Pistis Sophia as Handbooks to Eternity: Exploring the Gnostic Mysteries of the Ineffable. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004284463. Hapus pranala luar di parameter
Editions of the Coptic text
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Schwartze, Moritz Gotthilf; Petermann, Julius Heinrich, ed. (1851). Pistis Sophia opus gnosticum Valentino adiudicatum e codico manuscripto coptico Londinensi (dalam bahasa Latin). Berlin. First edition in Coptic with a Latin translation. This work of Schwartze was published postum by Petermann.
- Schmidt, Carl, ed. (1905). Die Pistis Sophia. Die beiden Bücher des Jeû. Unbekanntes altgnostisches Werk (dalam bahasa German). Band 1 Die Pistis Sophia. Leipzig: Hinrichs.
- Schmidt, Carl, ed. (1925). Pistis Sophia, ein gnostisches Originalwerk des dritten Jahrhunderts aus dem Koptischen übersetzt. In neuer Bearbeitung mit einleitenden Untersuchungen und Indices (dalam bahasa German). Leipzig: Hinrichs. 4th ed. Berlin 1981. German translation.
- Schmidt, Carl, ed. (1925). Pistis Sophia (dalam bahasa German). Coptica 2, Hauniae. Gyldendalske Boghandel-Nordisk Forlag. German introduction and Coptic Text.
- Schmidt, Carl; MacDermot, Violet, ed. (1978). Pistis Sophia. Nag Hammadi Studies 9. Leiden: E. J. Brill. ISBN 9004056351.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Early Christian Writings: Pistis Sophia