Porphyry dari Tyre | |
![]() Porphire Sophiste, pada sebuah penggambaran abad ke-16 di Prancis | |
Lahir | sekitar 234 M Tyre, Kekaisaran Romawi |
Meninggal | sekitar 305 M Rome, Kekaisaran Romawi |
Era | Filsafat kuno |
Kawasan | Filsafat Barat |
Aliran | Neoplatonisme |
Dipengaruhi | |
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Porphyry dari Tyre (/ˈpɔːrfəri/; bahasa Yunani: Πορφύριος, Porphyrios, sekitar 234 – sekitar 305 M) adalah seorang filsuf Neoplatonis yang lahir di Tyre.[1] Ia menyunting dan menerbitkan Enneads, satu-satunya koleksi dari karya gurunya Plotinus. Ia juga menulis karya-karyanya sendiri tentang berbagai topik.[2]
Karya-karya Porphyry
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Wikisource Yunani memiliki teks asli yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:

Wikisource Yunani memiliki teks asli yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:
- Ad Gaurum (of incert attribution)[3] ed. K. Kalbfleisch. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akadamie der Wissenschaft. phil.-hist. kl. (1895): 33-62.
- Contra Christianos, ed., Adolf von Harnack, Porphyrius, "Gegen die Christen,"15 Bücher: Zeugnisse, Fragmente und Referate. Abhandlungen der königlich prüssischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Jahrgang 1916: philosoph.-hist. Klasse: Nr. 1 (Berlin: 1916).
- Contra los Cristianos: Recopilación de Fragmentos, Traducción, Introducción y Notas E. A. Ramos Jurado, J. Ritoré Ponce, A. Carmona Vázquez, I. Rodríguez Moreno, J. Ortolá Salas, J. M. Zamora Calvo (Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz 2006).
- Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini III: Commentarii (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1995).<# 6 and #9 may or may not be by Porphyry>
- De abstinentia ab esu animalium Jean Bouffartigue, M. Patillon, and Alain-Philippe Segonds, edd., 3 vols., Budé (Paris, 1979–1995).
- De Philosophia ex oraculis haurienda G. Wolf, ed. (Berlin: 1956).
- Epistula ad Anebonem, A. R. Sodano ed. (Naples: L'arte Tipografia, 1958).
- Fragmenta Andrew Smith, ed. (Stvtgardiae et Lipsiae: B. G. Tevbneri, 1993).
- The Homeric Questions: a Bilingual Edition Lang Classical Studies 2, R. R. Schlunk, trans. (Frankfurt-am-Main: Lang, 1993).
- Isagoge, Stefan Weinstock, ed. in Catalogus Codicum astrologorum Graecorum, Franz Cumont, ed. (Brussels, 1940): V.4, 187-228. (This is an introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy, not to be confused with the more famous Isagoge on logic.)
- Kommentar zur Harmonielehre des Ptolemaios Ingemar Duuring. ed. (Göteborg: Elanders, 1932).
- Opuscula selecta Augusts Nauck, ed. (Lipsiae: B. G. Tevbneri, 1886). (online at archive.org)
- Porphyrii in Platonis Timaeum commentarium fragmenta A. R. Sodano, ed. (Napoli: 1964).
- Porphyry, the Philosopher, to Marcella: Text and Translation with Introduction and Notes Kathleen O’bBien Wicker, trans., Text and Translations 28; Graeco-Roman Religion Series 10 (Atlanata: Schoalrs Press, 1987).
- Pros Markellan Griechiser Text, herausgegeben, übersetzt, eingeleitet und erklärt von W. Pötscher (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969).
- Sententiae Ad Intelligibilia Ducentes E. Lamberz, ed. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1975).
- Vie de Pythagore, Lettre à Marcella E. des Places, ed. and trans. (Paris: Les Belles Lettre, 1982).
- La Vie de Plotin Luc Brisson, ed. Historie de l'antiquité classique 6 & 16 (Paris: Libraire Philosophique J. Vrin: 1986-1992) 2 vols.
- Vita Plotini in Plotinus, Armstrong, ed. LCL (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968), 2-84.
- To Marcella text and translation with Introduction and Notes by Kathleen O'Biren Wicker (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987).
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Isagoge Mediaeval Sources in Translation 16, E. Warren, trans. (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1975).
- Porphyry's Introduction. Translation of the 'Isagoge' with a Commentary by J. Barnes (Oxford, 2003).
- Porphyry. On Aristotle's Categories. Translated by Steven K. Strange (Ithaca, New York, 1992).
- The Organon or Logical Treatises of Aristotle with the Introduction of Porphyry Bohn's Classical Library 11-12, Octavius Freire Owen, trans. (London: G. Bell, 1908–1910), 2 vols.
- Five Texts on the Mediaeval Problem of Universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockham Paul Vincent Spade, trans. (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994).
- Select Works of Porphyry. Translated by T. Taylor (Guildford, 1994). Contains Abstinence from Eating Animal Food, the Sententiae and the Cave of the Nymphs.
- Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind. Translation of the 'Sententiae' by K. Guthrie (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988).
- Neoplatonic Saints: The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus Translated Texts for Historians 35 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000).
- On Abstinence from Killing Animals Gilliam Clark, trans. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000).
- The Cave of the Nymphs in the Odyssey A revised text with translation by Seminar Classics 609, State University of New York at Buffalo, Arethusa Monograph 1 (Buffalo: Dept. of Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1969).
- On the Cave of the Nymphs Robert Lamberton, trans. (Barrytown, N. Y.: Station Hill Press, 1983).
- Porphyry Against the Christians, R. M. Berchman, trans., Ancient Mediterranean and Medieval Texts and Contexts 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2005).
- Porphyry’s Against the Christians: The Literary Remains R. Joseph Hoffmann, trans. (Amherst: Prometheus Books, 1994).
- The Homeric Questions edited and translated by R. Schlunk (New York, 1993).
- Porphyry's Letter to His Wife Marcella Concerning the Life of Philosophy and the Ascent to the Gods. Translated by Alice Zimmern (Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1989).
- Porphyry the Philosopher, Introduction to the Tetrabiblos and Serapio of Alexandria, Astrological Definitions. Translated by James Herschel Holden (Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 2009).
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ For Porphyry's dates, place of birth and philosophical school, see Barker 2003. Sarton 1936, pp. 429-430, identifies Transjordania as Porphyry's place of birth.
- ^ Topics range from music to Homer to vegetarianism. For a comprehensive list see Beutler (1894-1980).
- ^ Jonathan Barnes, Method and metaphysics: essays in ancient philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2001, pag. 109, n. 22.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Iamblichus: De mysteriis. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon and Jackson P. Hershbell (Society of Biblical Literature; 2003) ISBN 1-58983-058-X.
- Barker, A. (2003). "Porphyry," in S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth, eds., Oxford Classical Dictionary, revised 3rd edition, pp. 1226–1227.
- Barnes, J. (2003). Introduction to Introduction, by Porphyry. Clarendon Press.
- Beutler, R. (1894–1980). "Porphyrios (21)" in A. Pauly, G. Wissowa, W. Kroll, K. Witte, K. Mittelhaus and K. Ziegler, eds., Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, vol. 22.1.
- Bidez, J. (1913). Vie de Porphyre. Ghent.
- Clark, Gillian, "Porphyry of Tyre on the New Barbarians," in R. Miles (ed), Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity (London: Routledge, 1999), 112-132; = in Eadem, Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity (Farnham; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2011) (Variorum collected studies series, CS978), art. XIV.
- Clark, Gillian, "Philosophic Lives and the philosophic life: Porphyry and Iamblichus," in T. Hägg and P. Rousseau (eds), Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2000), 29–51; = in Eadem, Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity (Farnham; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2011) (Variorum collected studies series, CS978), art. XV.
- Clark, Gillian, "Fattening the soul: Christian asceticism and Porphyry On Abstinence," Studia Patristica, 35, 2001, 41-51; = in Eadem, Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity (Farnham; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2011) (Variorum collected studies series, CS978), art. XVI.
- Digeser, E. D. (1998). "Lactantius, Porphyry, and the Debate over Religious Toleration," The Journal of Roman Studies 88, pp. 129–146.
- Emilsson, E., "Porphyry". Retrieved April 19, 2009.
- Froom, LeRoy (1950). The Prophetic Faith of our Fathers. 1. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (Templat:DjVulink and PDF) tanggal 2014-11-06. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-19.
- Girgenti, G. (1987) Porfirio negli ultimi cinquant'anni: bibliografia sistematica e ragionata della letteratura primaria e secondaria riguardante il pensiero porfiriano e i suoi influssi storici Milan.
- O'Connor, J. and E. Robertson, "Porphyry Malchus". Retrieved April 14, 2009.
- Sarton, G. (1936). "The Unity and Diversity of the Mediterranean World," Osiris 2, pp. 406–463. (In JSTOR.)
- Smith, Andrew (1987) Porphyrian Studies since 1913, in W. Haase, (ed.) Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II.36.2, pp. 717–773.
- Smith, Andrew (1974) Porphyry's Place in the Neoplatonic Tradition. A Study in post-Plotinian Neoplatonism, The Hague, Nijhoff.
- Wilken, R. (1979). "Pagan Criticism of Christianity: Greek Religion and Christian Faith," in W. Schoedel and R. Wilken, eds., Early Christian Literature and the Classical Intellectual Tradition, pp. 117–134.
- Zuiddam, B. A. "Old Critics and Modern Theology," Dutch Reformed Theological Journal (South Africa), xxxvi, 1995, № 2.
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[sunting | sunting sumber]Media tentang Porfirios di Wikimedia Commons
Karya tulis oleh atau tentang Porphyry di Wikisource
- Porphyry Malchus (mathematician) - entry in MacTutor History of Maths Archives.
- (Inggris) Entri Porphyry di Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy oleh Eyjólfur Emilsson.
- Περὶ τοῦ ἐν Ὀδύσσειᾳ τῶν Νυμφῶν Ἄντρου (The Cave of the Nymphs in the Odyssey), original Hellenic text.
- Εἰσαγωγὴ εἰς τὴν Ἀποτελεσματικὴν τοῦ Πτολεμαίου (Introduction to Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos), original Hellenic text.
- Porphyry, On Abstinence from Animal Food, Book I, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, On Abstinence from Animal Food, Book II, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, On Abstinence from Animal Food, Book III, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, On Abstinence from Animal Food, Book IV, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, On the Cave of Nymphs, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, Auxiliaries to the Perception of Intelligible Natures, translated by Thomas Taylor.
- Porphyry, Isagoge, translated by Octavius Freire Owen.
- The Isagoge, or Introduction of Porphyry, translated by Thomas Taylor with an extensive preface by the translator.
- Porphyry, On the Life of Plotinus
- Porphyry, Comments on the Book of Daniel.
- Additional Texts, edited by Roger Pearse