Regionalisme Siberia

Regionalisme Siberia (bahasa Rusia: Сибирское областничество, translit. Sibirskoye oblastnichestvo, har. 'Geralan oblast Siberia') adalah sebuah gerakan politik yang mengadvokasikan pembentukan negara Siberia otonom. Gerakan tersebut bermula pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan mencapai puncaknya dengan kegiatan militer Aleksandr Kolchak dan Viktor Pepelyayev pada Perang Saudara Rusia.
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Daftar pustaka
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Anisimova, Alla; Echevskaia, Olga (2016). "Reading Post-Soviet (Trans)formations of Siberian Identity through Biographical Narrative," REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia 5, no. 2. pp. 127–148.
- Anisimova, Alla; Echevskaya, Olga (2018). "Siberian regional identity: self-perception, solidarity, or political claim?". Dalam Edith W. Clowes; Gisela Erbslöh; Ani Kokobobo. Russia's Regional Identities: The Power of the Provinces. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series. London; New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-20102-6.
- Balzer, M. M. (1999). The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global Perspective. Princeton University Press
- Curtis, K. (1985). The Soviet State: The Domestic Roots of Soviet Foreign Policy. Royal Institute of International Affairs.
- von Hagen, Mark (2007). "Federalisms and Pan-movements: Re-imagining Empire," in Russian Empire: Space, People, Power, ed. Jane Burbank, Mark von Hagen and Anatoli Remnev. Indiana University Press, 494–510.
- Hanson, Gary (1974) "Siberian Regionalism in the 1860s," Topic 27: 62–75.
- Kovalaschina, Elena (2007). "The Historical and Cultural Ideals of the Siberian Oblastnichestvo," Sibirica 6, no. 2: 87–119.
- von Mohrenschildt, Dimitri (1981). Toward a United States of Russia: Plans and Projects of Federal Reconstruction of Russia in the Nineteenth Century. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
- Smith-Peter, Susan (2018). "The Six Waves of Russian Regionalism in European Context, 1830–2000". Dalam Edith W. Clowes; Gisela Erbslöh; Ani Kokobobo. Russia's Regional Identities: The Power of the Provinces. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series. London; New York: Routledge. hlm. 14–43. ISBN 978-1-138-20102-6.
- Sushko, Valentina A. (June 2009). "Сибирский национализм и борьба за власть в крае (март 1917 — ноябрь 1918 г.)" [Siberian nationalism and the struggle for power in the region (March 1917 – November 1918)] (PDF). Вестник Томского государственного университета [ Tomsk State University Bulletin] (dalam bahasa Rusia). 323: 174–179. ISSN 1561-7793.
- Tishkov, Valery (1997). Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame. Sage Publications Ltd.
- Watrous, Stephen (1993). "The Regionalist Conception of Siberia, 1860 to 1920". Dalam Galya Diment; Yuri Slezkine. Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture. New York: St. Martin's Press. hlm. 113–132. ISBN 978-0-312-06072-5.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- The A.S. Pushkin Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library: Siberian Oblastnichestvo. Chronicle
- The flags of the national entities in Russia in 1917–1920
- V.V. Zhuravlev (2000) The National Symbols of the "White" Russia Diarsipkan 2014-08-20 di Wayback Machine.
- Siberian regionalism: a growing threat to Moscow at