Richard Blumenthal

Richard Blumenthal[1] (/ˈbluːmənθɔːl/; lahir 13 Februari 1946) adalah seorang jaksa dan politikus Amerika Serikat yang sekarang menjabat sebagai Senator Amerika Serikat senior dari Connecticut, sebuah kursi dimana ia mula-mula terpilih pada 2020. Sebagai anggota Partai Demokrat, ia adalah salah satu anggota terkaya dalam Senat,[2] dengan kekayaan bersih sebanyak lebih dari $100 juta.[3] Sebelumnya, ia menjabat sebagai Jaksa Agung Connecticut dari 1991 sampai 2011.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Referensi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Tomasson, Robert E. (October 11, 1981). "Westport Lawyer Prepares for U.s. Role". The New York Times.
- ^ NW, The Center for Responsive Politics 1300 L. St; Washington, Suite 200; info, DC 20005 telelphone857-0044. "Richard Blumenthal- Net Worth - Personal Finances". OpenSecrets.
- ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag
tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernamaAnand
Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Altimari, Dave and Mahony, Edmund (January 30, 2010). Computer Firm Owner Awarded $18 Million In Countersuit Against State Diarsipkan 2010-02-02 di Wayback Machine.. Retrieved February 7, 2010.
- Mosher, James (December 27, 2009). Don't outlaw our stoves, Eastern Connecticut farmers urge, Attorney general: Burning wood outside pollutes air. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
- Pesci, Donald (December 10, 2009). Blumenthal: worst Attorney General in U.S.. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
- Baue, William (July 9, 2002). Connecticut Fights to Keep Stanley Works from Disappearing to Bermuda. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (August 14, 1997). Governor, Attorney General Urge Tighter Restrictions on Air Pollution. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (October 15, 2001). Attorney General Submits Comments To FERC Opposing Formation Of Regional Transmission Organization. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (May 10, 2002). Lawsuit Filed By Blumenthal, Nappier Brings Halt To Stanley Works' Reincorporation Plans. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (June 3, 2002). Attorney General Asks SEC To Investigate Stanley Works Vote. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (September 30, 2003). Blumenthal, New England AGs And Consumer Advocates Warn That Proposed RTO Will Raise Rates, Without Consumer Benefit. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Connecticut Attorney General's Office (October 27, 2003). Connecticut and 11 Other States File Suit to Prevent Weakening of the Clean Air Act. Press release. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Patrick, Mike (October 10, 2003). Law School lauds Blumenthal with public service award. QUDaily. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Sorry, Stanley - editorial (May 9, 2003). Wall Street Journal, cited from the article at The Center for Freedom and Prosperity, The Wall Street Journal, May 9, 2003. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Peterson, Paul; White, David; Doolittle, Nick; & Roschelle, Amy (September 29, 2003) of Synapse, Energy Economics Inc. FERC's Transmission Pricing Policy: New England Cost Impacts. Report commissioned by Connecticut Attorney General's Office.
- Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means (June 6, 2002). Statement of the Hon. Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General, Connecticut Attorney General's Office. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means (June 25, 2002). Statement of the Hon. Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General, Connecticut Attorney General's Office, Hearing on Corporate Inversions. Retrieved September 5, 2004.
- Plotz, David (September 15, 2000). "Richard Blumenthal: He was supposed to be president. So why is he only Connecticut's attorney general?" Diarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine.. Retrieved January 6, 2010.
- Titus, Elizabeth, "Blumenthal predicts Hagel will be confirmed", Politico, 1/13/13. Re: Chuck Hagel's nomination as US Secretary of Defense; Blumenthal seat on Armed Services noted; Blumenthal spoke on Fox News Sunday.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Richard Blumenthal.
- Senator Richard Blumenthal official U.S. Senate website
- Blumenthal for Senate Diarsipkan 2002-08-06 di Wayback Machine.
- Richard Blumenthal di Curlie (dari DMOZ)
- Kemunculan di C-SPAN