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Roh teritorial

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Roh teritorial adalah para malaikat nasional,[1] atau para setan, yang menguasai wilayah geografi tertentu di dunia, sebuah konsep yang diterima dalam gerakan Karismatik, tradisi-tradisi Pentakosta dan teologi Kingdom Now. Keyakinan tersebut dipopulerisasikan lewat novel, This Present Darkness karya Frank Peretti, serta pelayanan Peter Wagner. Keberadaan roh teritorial dipandang signifikan dalam perang spiritual pada kelompok-kelompok Kristen tersebut.

Referensi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Catatan kaki[sunting | sunting sumber]

  1. ^ Carr, Wesley (2005). Angels and principalities : the background, meaning, and development of the Pauline phrase hai archai kai hai exousiai. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. hlm. 31. ISBN 0521018757. 

Daftar pustaka[sunting | sunting sumber]

  • Gross, Edward N. Miracles, Demons and Spiritual Warfare: An Urgent Call for Discernment (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990). ISBN 0-8010-3835-9
  • Hiebert, Paul G. "Biblical Perspectives on Spiritual Warfare," in Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994), pp. 203-215. ISBN 0-8010-4394-8
  • Moreau, A Scott. "Religious Borrowing as a Two-Way Street: An introduction to animistic tendencies in the Euro-North American context," in Christianity and the Religions, Edward Rommen and Harold Netland, eds. (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1995), pp. 166-183. ISBN 0-87808-376-6
  • Priest, Robert J. Thomas Campbell and Bradford A. Mullen, "Missiological Syncretism: The New Animistic Paradigm," in Spiritual Power and Missions, Edward Rommem, ed., (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1995), pp. 143-168.
  • Wagner, C. Peter and F. Melvin Prick Tickler, eds., Wrestling With Dark Angels (Ventura: Regal, 1990) ISBN 0-8307-1446-4
  • Wagner, C. Peter. Breaking Strongholds in Your City (Ventura: Regal, 1993).

Bacaan tambahan[sunting | sunting sumber]

  • DeBernardi, Jean. Spiritual warfare and territorial spirits: the globalization and localisation of a "practical theology" Religious Studies and Theology, 18.2 (1999), p 66-96.
  • Greenlee, David. "Territorial Spirits Reconsidered" Missiology, 22 no 4 (1994), p 507-514.
  • Moreau, A Scott. "Territorial spirits and world evangelisation: a biblical, historical and missiological critique of strategic level spiritual warfare", Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 35.3 (1999), p 354+.
  • Poythress, Vern S. "Territorial Spirits: Some Biblical Perspectives", Urban Mission, 13 (1995), p 37-49.
  • Stevens, David E. "Daniel 10 and the notion of territorial spirits" Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (2000) p 410-431.

Pranala luar[sunting | sunting sumber]

Templat:Kitab Daniel