Shabbos goy
Shabbos goy, Shabbat goy atau Shabbes goy (Yiddish: שבת גוי, shabbos goy Ibrani: גוי של שבת goy shel shabat) adalah orang non-Yahudi yang melakukan jenis-jenis pekerjaan tertentu (melakha) yang menurut hukum agama Yahudi (halakha) dilarang untuk dilakukan Yahudi pada hari Sabat. Frase tersebut merupakan sebuah kombinasi dari kata "Shabbos" (שבת) yang artinya Sabat, dan goy, yang artinya "bangsa" namun juga dapat berarti "non-Yahudi" (dalam Ibrani Biblikal "goy" artinya "bangsa", tetapi dalam Ibrani Mishnaik digunakan dalam artian "non-nasional", seperti "non-Yahudi"). Kata goy sering dipandang sebagai istilah kasar terhadap non-Yahudi.
Yudaisme melarang Yahudi melakukan jenis-jenis pekerjaan tertentu (yang dikenal sebagai melakha) pada hari Sabat. Dengan mengikuti panduan tertentu (lihat Shulkhan Arukh), non-Yahudi dapat melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu yang bermanfaat bagi Yahudi namun tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Yahudi pada hari Sabat. Terdapat sejumlah pembatasan[1] dan jenis pekerjaan tertentu yang dilarang, seperti pekerjaan membangun.[2]
"Shabbat goy" tidak dibutuhkan jika nyawa seseorang sedang terancam (pikuach nefesh). Para dokter Yahudi harus bekerja pada hari Sabat jika jasa mereka dibutuhkan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Pada abad ke-20, Colin Powell, Mario Cuomo, Martin Scorsese, Floyd B. Olson, Harry Truman, dan Elvis Presley remaja membantu tetangga Yahudi mereka dengan cara ini.[3][4][5][6]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ "The Myth of the Shabbos Goy"
- ^ "May One Allow a Non-Jewish Contractor to Build on Shabbat?" [1] Diarsipkan 2017-11-09 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ "Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell and Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York State, each a former Shabbos goy, both share fond recollections of their youth, when they were uniquely qualified to lend a Jewish neighbor a hand." Fertig, Avi. "Glatt Kosher Adventure To The Land Down Under", The Jewish Press, November 21, 2007.
- ^ "...[R]eaders follow General Powell all the way back from Gulf War strategist to South Bronx Shabbos goy, the lad who earned a quarter on Friday nights turning on and off the synagogue lights for Orthodox Jews." Clines, Francis X. "The Co-Author of Gen. Powell's Book Is Given a Part as the Story Goes On", The New York Times, October 1, 1995.
- ^ Chan, Sewell, "White Ethnic Politics: Irish and Italian Catholics and Jews, Oh, My!", The New York Times, October 25, 2007
- ^ Sources give two different people for whom Elvis was a Shabbos goy. In Tugging at Jewish Weeds: An Interview with Steve Stern[pranala nonaktif permanen] it was the Dubrovner family; to Alfred J. Kolatch, in his Inside Judaism: The Concepts, Customs, and Celebrations of the Jewish People (Pub. Jonathan David, 2006), p. 480, citing a secondary source, it is Rabbi Alfred Fruchter who is helped.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Katz, Jacob (trans. Yoel Lerner). The "Shabbes Goy": A Study in Halakhic Flexibility, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia/Jerusalem, 1989. Diarsipkan 2011-06-28 di Wayback Machine.
- Velarde, Joe. The Shabbos Goy – That Was Me
- Shmirat Shabbat Kihilchata (Chapter 30: 1-7 Milechet Nachri b'Shabbat v'b Yom Tov)