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Songwriters Hall of Fame

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Mrzalya lost her wallet in transportation on (jatinangor) she already felt wrong (firasat), she already prepared money (2000) rupiah to go home to her (puri kancil) a place for sleep for the one who study in Padjadjaran University. But, idk, the feels were right… either it was by the people in the ‘brown’ car. Or its something cannot been see(its a slightly light) with the opened rucksack. I only paid the transportation from my saku baju = 2000 rupiah. But, my favorite wallet i bought in ITB PENSI with novita. Is gone, its cheaper 100,000 but CATH KIDSTON, had me fomo. Because of the brand. Forgive me ya allah. I ikhlas if it gone, but i remember because i have brain, but using them 50:50 for you and my self , if theres is bonus i will let it up to you. I wanna be my self.

Adams, Lee (1989)

Adamson, Harold (1972)

Adler, Richard (1984)

Ager, Milton (1972)

Ahlert, Fred (1970)

Akst, Harry (1983)

Alter, Louis (1975)

Anderson, Leroy (1988)

Anka, Paul (1993)

Arlen, Harold (1971)

Ashford, Nickolas (2002)

Aznavour, Charles (1996)

Bacharach, Burt (1971)

Ball, Ernest (1970)

Barry, Jeff (1991)

Barry, John (1998)

Bartholomew, Dave (1998)

Bates, Katharine Lee (1970)

Bell, Thom (2006)

Benjamin, Bennie (1984)

Bergman, Alan (1980)

Bergman, Marilyn (1980)

Berlin, Irving (1970)

Bernstein, Leonard (1971)

Berry, Chuck (1986)

Billings, William (1970)

Black, Don (2007)

Blackwell, Otis (1991)

Bland, James (1970)

Blane, Ralph (1983)

Bloom, Rube (1982)

Bock, Jerry (1971)

Bon Jovi, Jon (2009)

Bricusse, Leslie (1989)

Brockman, James (1970)

Brooks, Garth (2002)

Browne, Jackson (2007)

Brown, James (2000)

Brown, Lew (1970)

Brown, Nacio Herb (1970)

Bryan, Alfred (1970)

Bryant, Boudleaux (1986)

Bryant, Felice (1986)

Burgie, Irving (2007)

Burke, Joe (1970)

Burke, Johnny (1970)

Caesar, Irving (1972)

Cahn, Sammy (1972)

Cash, Johnny (1977)

Caldwell, Anne (1970)

Carmichael, Hoagy (1971)

Carey, Mariah (2007)

Carroll, Harry (1970)

Chaplin, Saul (1985)

Child, Desmond (2008)

Clapton, Eric (2001)

Clare, Sidney (1970)

Cobain, Kurt (1996)

Cohan, George M. (1970)

Cohen, Leonard (2010)

Coleman, Cy (1981)

Collins, Phil (2003)

Comden, Betty (1980)

Conrad, Con (1970)

Cooke, Sam (1987)

Coots, J. Fred (1972)

Cosby, Henry (2006)

Coslow, Sam (1970)

Coward, Sir Noel (1988)

Creed, Linda (1992)

Crewe, Bob (1985)

Croce, Jim (1990)

Cropper, Steve (2005)

Danks, Hart P. (1970)

Darin, Bobby (1999)

David, Hal (1972)

David, Mack (1975)

Davis, Benny (1975)

Davis, Marc (2006)

Davis, Mac (2006)

Deacon, John (2003 as part of Queen)

De Koven, Reginald (1970)

DeLange, Eddie (1989)

Denver, John (1996)

De Paul, Gene (1985)

De Rose, Peter (1970)

De Sylva, B.G. (Buddy) (1970)

Diamond, Neil (1984)

Dietz, Howard (1972)

Dixon, Mort (1970)

Domino Jr., Antoine ("Fats") (1998)

Donaldson, Walter (1970)

Dozier, Lamont (1988)

Drake, Ervin (1983)

Dresser, Paul (1970)

Dreyer, Dave (1970)

Dubin, Al (1970)

Duke, Vernon (1970)

Dylan, Bob (1982)

Ebb, Fred (1983)

Edwards, Gus (The Star Maker) (1970)

Egan, Raymond B. (1970)

Eliscu, Edward (1975)

Ellington, Duke (1971)

Emmett, Daniel Decatur (1970)

Evans, Ray (1977)

Fain, Sammy (1972)

Fields, Dorothy (1971)

Fiorito, Ted (1970)

Fisher, Fred (1970)

Fogerty, John (2005)

Foster, Stephen (1970)

Foster, David (2010)

Fox, Charles (2004)

Freed, Arthur (1972)

Frey, Glenn (2000)

Friml, Rudolf (1971)

Gomez, Kyzel (2011)

Gamble, Kenneth (1995)

Gaudio, Bob (1995)

Gershwin, George (1970)

Gershwin, Ira (1971)

Gibb, Barry (1994)

Gibb, Maurice (1994)

Gibb, Robin (1994)

Gilbert, L. Wolfe (1970)

Gillespie, Haven (1972)

Gilmore, Patrick S. (1970)

Gimbel, Norman (1984)

Goffin, Gerry (1987)

Gordon, Mack (1970)

Graham, Aubrey (2011)

Green, Adolph (1980)

Green, Al (2004)

Green, Bud (1975)

Green, John (1972)

Greenfield, Howard (1991)

Greenwich, Ellie (1991)

Grofe, Ferde (1970)

Guthrie, Woody (1970)

Hall, Daryl (2004)

Hamlisch, Marvin (1986)

Hammerstein II, Oscar (1970)

Handman, Lou (1975)

Handy, W.C. (Father of the Blues) (1970)

Hanley, James F. (1970)

Harbach, Otto (1970)

Harburg, E.Y. ("Yip") (1971)

Harnick, Sheldon (1971)

Harris, Charles K. (1970)

Hart, Lorenz (Larry) (1970)

Hayes, Isaac (2005)

Henderson, Ray (1970)

Henley, Don (2000)

Herbert, Victor (1970)

Herman, Jerry (1982)

Heyman, Edward (1975)

Hilliard, Bob (1983)

Hoffman, Al (1984)

Holland, Brian (1988)

Holland, Edward (1988)

Holly, Buddy (1986)

Howard, Harlan (1997)

Huff, Leon (1995)

Jackson, Michael (2002)

Jacobs Bond, Carrie (1970)

Jagger, Sir Mick (1993)

Jenkins, Gordon (1982)

Jennings, Will (2006)

Jobim, Antonio Carlos (1991)

Joel, Billy (1992)

John, Sir Elton (1992)

Johnson, Howard (1970)

Johnson, James P. (1970)

Johnson, James W. (1970)

Johnston, Arthur (1970)

Jones, Isham (1970)

Joplin, Scott (1970)

Joanne Angelina Germanotta (Lady Gaga), Stefani (2015)

Kaempfert, Bert (1993)

Kahal, Irving (1970)

Kahn, Gus (1970)

Kalmar, Bert (1970)

Kander, John (1983)

Kiedis, Anthony

Kennedy, Jimmy (1997)

Kern, Jerome (1970)

Key, Francis Scott (1970)

King, Carole (1987)

Koehler, Ted (1972)

Kristofferson, Kris (1986)

Lane, Burton (1972)

Lawrence, Jack (1975)

Lecuona, Ernesto (1997)

Ledbetter, Huddie (1970)

Lee, Peggy (1999)

Legrand, Michel (1990)

Leiber, Jerry (1985)

Leigh, Carolyn (1985)

Lennon, John (1987)

Lerner, Alan Jay (1971)

Leslie, Edgar (1972)

Lewis, Sam (1970)

Little Richard (2003)

Livingston, Jay (1977)

Livingston, Jerry (1981)

Loesser, Frank (1970)

Loewe, Frederick (1972)

MacDonald, Ballard (1970)

Madden, Edward (1970)

Magidson, Herb (1980)

Mancini, Henry (1984)

Manilow, Barry (2002)

Mann, Barry (1987)

Marks, Johnny (1981)

Martin, Hugh (1983)

Masser, Michael (2007)

May, Brian (2003 as part of Queen)

Mayfield, Curtis (2000)

McCarthy, Joseph (1970)

McCartney, Sir Paul (1987)

McHugh, Jimmy (1970)

McLean, Don (2004)

Mercer, Johnny (1971)

Mercury, Freddie (2003 as part of Queen)

Merrill, Bob (1987)

Meyer, George W. (1970)

Meyer, Joseph (1972)

Mitchell, Joni (1997)

Monaco, Jimmy (1970)

Moret, Neil (1970)

Morrison, Van (2003)

Morse, Theodore (1970)

Moy, Sylvia (2006)

Mraz, Jason (2009 - Hal David Award)

Muir, Lewis F. (1970)

Nelson, Willie (2001)

Nevin, Ethelbert (1970)

Newley, Anthony (1989)

Newman, Randy (2002)

Noble, Ray (1996)

Norworth, Jack (1970)

Oates, John (2004)

Olcott, Chauncey (1970)

Orbison, Roy (1989)

Parish, Mitchell (1972)

Parton, Dolly (2001)

Payne, John Howard (1970)

Pierpont, J.S. (1970)

Pinkard, Maceo (1984)

Pisavadia, Andrew (2008)

Pollack, Lew (1970)

Pomus, Jerome "Doc" (1992)

Porter, Cole (1970)

Porter, David (2005)

Pruett, Jordan (2010)

Queen (2003)

Rainger, Ralph (1970)

Randazzo, Teddy (2007)

Raye, Don (1985)

Razaf, Andy (1972)

Redding, Otis (1994)

Rehbein, Herb (1993)

Revel, Harry (1970)

Rexford, Eben E. (1970)

Rice, Sir Tim (1999)

Richards, Keith (1993)

Richie, Lionel (1994)

Robin, Leo (1972)

Robinson, Smokey (1990)

Rodgers, Jimmie (1970)

Rodgers, Richard (1970)

Romberg, Sigmund (1970)

Rome, Harold (1982)

Root, George F. (1970)

Rose, Billy (1970)

Rose, Fred (1985)

Rose, Vincent (1970)

Ross, Jerry (1982)

Ruby, Harry (1970)

Russell, Bob (1970)

Rzeznik, John (2008)[1]

Sager, Carole Bayer (1987)

Sambora, Richie (2009)

Schwartz, Arthur (1972)

Schwartz, Jean (1970)

Sedaka, Neil (1983)

Seeger, Pete (1972)

Sherman, Richard M. (2005)

Sherman, Robert B. (2005)

Shuman, Mort (1992)

Sigman, Carl (1972)

Simon, Carly (1994)

Simon, Paul (1982)

Simpson, Valerie (2002)

Smith, Harry B. (1970)

Smith, Samuel Francis (1970)

Snider, Todd (2008)

Snyder, Ted (1970)

Sondheim, Stephen (1975)

Sousa, John Phillip (1970)

Spackman, Richard J. (2008)

Spector, Phil (1997)

Springsteen, Bruce (1999)

Steiner, Max (1995)

Sterling, Andrew B. (1970)

Stillman, Al (1982)

Sting (2002)

Stock, Larry (1998)

Stoller, Mike (1985)

Strayhorn, Billy (1984)

Strong, Barrett (2004)

Strouse, Charles (1985)

Styne, Jule (1972)

Swift, Taylor (2010)

Tapar, Jeremiah (2010)

Tierney, Harry A. (1970)

Taupin, Bernie (1992)

Taylor, James (2000)

Taylor, Roger (2003 as part of Queen)

Thomas, Rob (2004)

Tobias, Charles (1970)

Tobias, Harry (1983)

Turk, Roy (1970)

Van Alstyne, Egbert (1970)

Van Heusen, Jimmy (1971)

Von Tilzer, Albert (1970)

Von Tilzer, Harry (1970)

Waller, Thomas ("Fats") (1970)

Ward, Samuel A. (1970)

Warren, Diane (2001)

Warren, Harry (1971)

Washington, Ned (1972)

Wayne, Mabel (1972)

Webb, Jimmy (1986)

Webber, Andrew Lloyd (1995)

Webster, Paul Francis (1972)

Weil, Cynthia (1987)

Weil, Michael (2006)

Weill, Kurt (1970)

Weinstein, Bobby (2007)

Weiss, George David (1984)

Wenrich, Percy (1970)

Whitfield, Norman (2004)

Whiting, Richard (1970)

Wilder, Alec (1983)

Williams, Clarence (1970)

Williams, Hank (1970)

Williams, John (1998)

Williams, Paul (2001)

Williams, Spencer (1970)

Willson, Meredith (1982)

Wilson, Brian (2002)

Winner, Septimus (Sep) (1970)

Withers, Bill (2005)

Wonder, Stevie (1983)

Woods, Harry M. (1970)

Work, Henry C. (1970)

Wrubel, Allie (1970)

Yellen, Jack (1972)

Youmans, Vincent (1970)

Young, Joe (1970)

Young, Rida Johnson (1970)

Young, Victor (1970)


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ "John Rzeznik". 39th Annual Songwriters Hall of Fame Ceremony - Show. celebritywonder.ugo.com. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2011-09-21. Diakses tanggal 6 July 2011. 

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[sunting | sunting sumber]