Bingkai foto (bahasa Inggris: photos frame) atau bingkai foto (picture frame) atau yang lebih sering disebut sebagai Pigura adalah sebuah tepi dekoratif yang dibuat untuk memasang, melindungi, dan memajang sebuah gambar, foto, atau lukisan.
Michael Möller
Bingkai ada yang dilapisi cat ataupun lapisan kulit sintetik.
Tidak disediakan penulis yang bisa dibaca oleh mesin. Diasumsikan adalah Ymmotrojam (berdasarkan klaim hak cipta).
Bingkai foto / gambar biasanya dipasang di dinding (tembok), atau didirikan di atas meja meja.
Tak diketahuiUnknown author
Bingkai foto / gambar memiliki banyak design dan jenis, mulai dari yang polos hingga yang memiliki berbagai ornamen unik.
This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder.
Feel free to use my photos, but please mention me as the author and send me a message.
This image is not public domain. Please respect the copyright protection. It may only be used according to the rules mentioned here. This specifically excludes use in social media, if applicable terms of the licenses listed here not appropriate.
Please do not upload an updated image here without consultation with the Author. The author would like to make corrections only at his own source. This ensures that the changes are preserved.Please if you think that any changes should be required, please inform the author.Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates derivative or extract.
Bentuk bingkai biasanya Persegi, Bulat atau Persegi panjang.
Paul von Deschwanden
This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder.
Feel free to use my photos, but please mention me as the author and send me a message.
This image is not public domain. Please respect the copyright protection. It may only be used according to the rules mentioned here. This specifically excludes use in social media, if applicable terms of the licenses listed here not appropriate.
Please do not upload an updated image here without consultation with the Author. The author would like to make corrections only at his own source. This ensures that the changes are preserved.Please if you think that any changes should be required, please inform the author.Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates derivative or extract.