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Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat
The Pentagon
Lloyd Austin
Secretary of Defense
Kathleen Hicks
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Office of the Secretary of Defense
(including Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities)
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Deputy's Advisory Working Group
Office of Net Assessment
Special Access Program Oversight Committee
Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Sustainment
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Office of Economic Adjustment
Defense Acquisition University
Defense Acquisition Board
Defense Microelectronics Activity
Under Secretary of Defense
for Research and Engineering
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Innovation Unit
Defense Technical Information Center
Department of Defense Test Resource Management Center
Missile Defense Agency
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Under Secretary of Defense
for Personnel and Readiness
Defense Commissary Agency
Department of Defense Education Activity
Defense Human Resources Activity
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
Defense Travel Management Office
Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service
Defense Health Agency
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
Defense Information Systems Agency
White House Communications Agency
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaissance Office
National Security Agency/Central Security Service
Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
Defense Media Activity
American Forces Press Service
American Forces Radio and Television Service
Stars and Stripes
The Pentagon Channel
General Counsel of the Department of Defense
Defense Legal Services Agency
(Office of Military Commissions)
Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
Washington Headquarters Services
White House Military Office
Military Departments
Department of the Army
Secretary of the Army
The Secretariat
Under Secretary of the Army
Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology
Assistant Secretary for Civil Works
Assistant Secretary (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
General Counsel of the Army
The Administrative Assistant
The Army Staff:
Chief of Staff of the Army
Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
Sergeant Major of the Army
Deputy Chief of Staff G-8
Chief of Chaplains
Judge Advocate General
Provost Marshal General
Surgeon General
U.S. Army
field organizations: see
Structure of the United States Army
Department of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy
The Secretariat
Under Secretary of the Navy
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment)
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisitions)
General Counsel of the Navy
Judge Advocate General
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
Naval Inspector General
Headquarters Marine Corps
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps
field organizations: see
Organization of the United States Marine Corps
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Chief of Naval Operations
Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Director of Naval Reactors
Chief of Chaplains
Chief of Naval Personnel
Surgeon General
United States Navy
field organizations: see
Structure of the United States Navy
Department of the Air Force
Secretary of the Air Force
The Secretariat
Under Secretary of the Air Force
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition)
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management & Comptroller)
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment & Logistics)
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower & Reserve Affairs)
General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force
Air Force Office of Special Investigations
The Air Staff
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Chief of Chaplains
Chief of Safety
Chief Scientist
Judge Advocate General
Surgeon General
U.S. Air Force
field organizations:
Major Commands
Direct Reporting Units
Field Operating Agencies
Space Staff
Chief of Space Operations
United States Space Force
field organizations
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman
Joint Requirements Oversight Council
Director of the Joint Staff
Joint Staff
National Military Command Center
Alternate National Military Command Center
National Defense University
Joint Personnel Recovery Agency
Combatant Commands
Africa Command
Central Command
European Command
Northern Command
Indo-Pacific Command
Southern Command
Space Command
Cyber Command
Special Operations Command
Strategic Command
Transportation Command
National Guard Bureau
Chief of the National Guard Bureau
Air National Guard
Army National Guard
Office of the Inspector General
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
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Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat
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