Templat:Infobox tennis biography/doc
[sunting sumber]{{Infobox tennis biography | name = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | fullname = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | itf_name = | country_represented = | residence = | birth_date = | birth_place = | death_date = <!-- {{death date and age|yyyy|mm|dd|yyyy|mm|dd}} first date is death date, second date is birth date--> | death_place = | height = <!-- X ft Y in, X cm OR X m; the template will automatically convert (otherwise {{convert}} can be used) --> | college = | coach = | turnedpro = | retired = | plays = | careerprizemoney = | tennishofyear = <!-- year inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame --> | tennishofid = <!-- ID from the Tennis HoF website, taken from http://www.tennisfame.com/hall-of-famers/inductees/First Name-Last Name i.e. martina-navratilova, which is all undercase letters--> | website = <!-- official web site address like this: [http://www.site.com site.com] --> | singlesrecord = | singlestitles = | highestsinglesranking = <!-- use {{Abbr|No.|number}} and numeral --> | currentsinglesranking = <!-- NEVER UPDATE UNTIL THE WTA/ATP WEBSITE IS UPDATED (Usually on Mondays) --> | AustralianOpenresult = | FrenchOpenresult = | Wimbledonresult = | USOpenresult = | AustralianOpenjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | FrenchOpenjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | Wimbledonjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | USOpenjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | AustralianOpenseniorresult = | FrenchOpenseniorresult = | Wimbledonseniorresult = | USOpenseniorresult = | Othertournaments = <!-- adds a "Other tournaments" title --> | WHCCresult = | WCCCresult = | TOCresult = | MastersCupresult = | GrandSlamCupresult = | WCTFinalsresult = | WTAChampionshipsresult = | Olympicsresult = | Promajors = | USProresult = | WembleyProresult = | FrenchProresult = | doublesrecord = | doublestitles = | highestdoublesranking = | currentdoublesranking = <!-- NEVER UPDATE UNTIL THE WTA/ATP WEBSITE IS UPDATED (Usually on Mondays) --> | AustralianOpenDoublesresult = | FrenchOpenDoublesresult = | WimbledonDoublesresult = | USOpenDoublesresult = | AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | USOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox --> | AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult = | FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult = | WimbledonDoublesseniorresult = | USOpenDoublesseniorresult = | OthertournamentsDoubles = | WHCCDoublesresult = | WCCCDoublesresult = | MastersCupDoublesresult = | WTAChampionshipsDoublesresult = | OlympicsDoublesresult = | Mixed = | mixedrecord = | mixedtitles = | AustralianOpenMixedresult = | FrenchOpenMixedresult = | WimbledonMixedresult = | USOpenMixedresult = | OthertournamentsMixedDoubles = | WHCCMixedDoublesresult = | WCCCMixedDoublesresult = | OlympicMixedDoublesresult = | Team = | DavisCupresult = | FedCupresult = | HopmanCupresult = | WorldTeamCupresult = | WightmanCupresult = | medaltemplates = | medaltemplates-expand = | updated = }}
[sunting sumber]- Dalam field updated, pakai tanggal Senin terakhir setelah statistik ATP atau WTA di-update. Bila pemain sudah pensiun, isi N/A.
- Isi Height (tinggi) and Weight (berat) menggunakan sistem imperial (meter dan kilogram), dan Career Prize money (jumlah uang hadiah) dalam Dollar AS.
- Gelar juara Singles (singlestitles) dan Doubles (doublestitles) hanya gelar dalam tur WTA dan ATP, tidak termasuk sirkuit ITF (setingkat dibawahnya).
- Hasil Grand Slam berisi peringkat tertinggi yang tercapai, dan tahun dicapainya.
- Menang - kalah (singlesrecord dan doublesrecord) hanya pertandingan pada tur ATP atau WTA.