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Templat ini memasukkan berkas ke dalam kategori Kategori:Berkas domain publik yang tidak memenuhi syarat hak cipta atau salah satu subkategorinya.


[sunting sumber]

Gunakan templat-templat berikut untuk menandai gambar yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk dilindungi hak cipta:

{{PD-ineligible}} Use when there are no better options. This is a very general that just says the image fails to pass the threshold of originality and does not qualify for copyright protection.
{{PD-ineligible-USonly}} Same as above, except when the image is believed to be below the threshold of originality in the United States but not its home country.
{{PD-simple}} Use when:
  1. The image only consists of typefaces, individual words, slogans, or simple geometric shapes.
  2. It is not a logo.

Don't be deceived by its name!

{{PD-logo}} Use when:
  1. The image only consists of typefaces, individual words, slogans, or simple geometric shapes.
  2. It is a logo.

Use {{Trademark}} along with it, when applicable.

Sangat spesifik
{{PD-shape}} Use only when the image is a single geometric shape.
{{PD-chem}} Use only on raster images showing a structural formula of a chemical compound.
{{PD-music-ineligible}} For depiction of musical concepts or techniques, such as simple note sheets. The musical sound generated must not be eligible for copyright.


[sunting sumber]
Ini adalah TemplateData untuk templat ini yang digunakan oleh TemplateWizard, VisualEditor dan alat-alat lainnya. Lihat laporan penggunaan parameter bulanan untuk Template:PD-ineligible.

TemplateData untuk PD-ineligible

Parameter templat

Tak ada parameter yang ditentukan

Lihat pula

[sunting sumber]

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[sunting sumber]