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Theodore Gill

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Theodore Nicholas Gill

Theodore Nicholas Gill (21 Maret 1837 – 25 September 1914) adalah seorang iktiolog, mamalog, malakolog dan pustakawan asal Amerika. Ia dikenal mengkatalogkan berbagai jenis ikan, mamalia dan moluska terkhususnya, namun juga ahli di ordo hewan lainnya.


[sunting | sunting sumber]

Selain 400 jurnal ilmiah yang ia terbitkan, berikut adalah publikasi-publikasi besarnya:

  • 1871. Arrangements of the Families of Mollusks 49 pp.
  • 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals 98 pp.
  • 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Fishes
  • 1875. Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America
  • 1882. Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific of the United States to the End of 1879
  • Reports on Zoology untuk volume tahunan Smithsonian Institution dari 1879

Bacaan lanjut

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • Abbott, R.T., and M.E. Young (eds.). 1973. American Malacologists: A national register of professional and amateur malacologists and private shell collectors and biographies of early American mollusk workers born between 1618 and 1900. American Malacologists, Falls Church, Virginia. Consolidated/Drake Press, Philadelphia. 494 pp.
  • Obituary in The Auk, October 1914, Number 4.
  • Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, edited by James Grant Wilson, John Fiske and Stanley L. Klos. Six volumes, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1887–1889
  • Jackson, J.R. & Quinn, A. (2023), "Post-Darwinian Fish Classifications: Theories and Methodologies of Günther, Cope, and Gill", History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Vol.45, No.4, (2023), pp. 1–37. DOI:10.1007/s40656-022-00556-1
  • Gill, T.N. (1881), "Dr. Günthers Ichthyology", Science, Vol.2, No.54 (9 July 1881), pp. 323–327. JSTOR 2900596