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Bencana maritim adalah sebuah peristiwa yang biasanya melibatkan sebuah kapal laut dan dapat juga melibatkan tindakan militer. Karena sifat perjalanan yang menggunakan laut sebagai media transportasi seringkali terdapat korban jiwa. Istilah bencana maritim dapat merujuk kepada kapal komersil atau kapal perang milik angkatan laut suatu negara. Sebuah bencana maritim dapat menyebabkan satu atau lebih dari hal-hal berikut seperti :

  • Kehilangan nyawa;
  • Polusi lingkungan laut (tumpahan minyak, pembuangan material, belerang yang dikeluarkan dari bahan bakar, dll);
  • Degradasi ekosistem laut;
  • Kerugian ekonomi dalam skala besar;
  • Penghancuran properti di darat (kecelakaan di pelabuhan tidak hanya terbatas pada kapal tetapi juga merusak daratan terdekat)

Ada banyak sekali insiden yang dilaporkan mengenai bencana laut.

RMS Titanic

Tenggelamnya kapal penumpang RMS Titanic pada tahun 1912 menyebabkan korban jiwa lebih dari 1500 orang adalah salah satu kecelakaan kapal terbesar. Dimasa perang, tenggelamnya kapal Wilhelm Gustloff pada bulan Januari 1945 karena terkena serangan kapal selam Angkatan Laut Uni Soviet menyebabkan perkiraan korban jiwa sekitar 9.400 orang tewas tetap menjadi bencana maritim terisolasi paling mematikan yang pernah ada, tidak termasuk peristiwa seperti kehancuran seluruh armada seperti badai tahun 1274 dan 1281 yang dikatakan telah menghancurkan armada Kubilai Khan dalam invasinya ke Jepang. Hilangnya kapal feri Filipina Doña Paz pada tahun 1987, dengan perkiraan 4.386 orang tewas, merupakan kerugian terbesar yang pernah tercatat di masa damai.

Masa damai

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kebanyakan bencana maritim terjadi diluar kancah peperangan. Semua kapal-kapal termasuk kapal perang rentan terhadap masalah akibat kondisi cuaca, kesalahan desain, atau kesalahan manusia. Beberapa bencana di bawah ini terjadi pada masa konflik, meskipun kerugiannya tidak ada kaitannya dengan tindakan militer apa pun. Daftar tabel disusun dalam urutan menurun sehubungan dengan jumlah korban yang diderita.

No Tahun Negara Penjelasan Korban Jiwa Gambar Kapal
1987  Filipina Doña Paz – Pada akhir 20 Desember, ketika bertolak dari Tacloban ke Manila, kapal ini bertabrakan dengan kapal MT Vector di selat Tablas.

Tabrakan ini membakar muatan kargo kapal Vector dan meluas hingga ke kapal Doña Paz. Kejadian ini membuat kedua kapal tenggelam[1][2]. Berdasarkan manifes penumpang, kapal Doña Paz membawa 1518 penumpang. Sedangkan ribuan penumpang lainnya tidak tercantum dalam daftar manifes penumpang[3]. Kecuali 26 penumpang, semua orang di Doña Paz tewas, termasuk 58 awaknya; sedangkan di Vector hanya 2 dari 13 awaknya yang selamat[4]. Jumlah korban tewas gabungan dari kedua kapal diperkirakan mencapai 4.386 orang, menjadikan insiden tersebut sebagai bencana maritim masa damai paling mematikan dalam sejarah[5][6].

1991  Mesir Salem Express – Pada tengah malam tanggal 14 Desember, kapal ini bertolak dari Jeddah menuju Safaga, Mesir. Kapal ini menabrak karang dan tenggelam dalam waktu kurang dari 20 menit. Kapal Salem Express membawa sekitar 644 penumpang dan jumlah penumpang yang tewas sekitar 470 korban. Meskipun begitu, beberapa bukti meyakini bahwa sebenarnya kapal Salem Express kelebihan muatan dan diperkirakan total korban tewas mencapai 1600 orang[7] 1,600 (perkiraan)
1993  Haiti Ferry Neptune – Tenggelam pada 16 Februari.[8][9][10] 1,500 (perkiraan)
1912  Britania Raya RMS Titanic – Sebuah kapal pesiar asal Britania Raya dan diyakini sebagai kapal paling besar dizamannya. Pada 14 April, Titanic menabrak sebuah gunung es dan menekuk sebagian lambung kapal dan akhirnya tenggelam pada dini hari tanggal 15 April. Tepatnya 712 dari 2.208 penumpang dan awaknya selamat[11]. Tenggelamnya kapal ini menjadi katalis bagi reformasi besar-besaran di bidang keselamatan pelayaran dan bisa dibilang merupakan bencana maritim yang paling terkenal, dan menjadi subjek dari banyak pemberitaan di media[12]. 1,496
1954  Jepang Toya Maru – Sebuah kapal penumpang yang tenggelam dalam Topan Maria di Selat Tsugaru pada 26 September. Dikatakan kapal Toya Maru membawa sekitar 1153 penumpang dan hilang namun jumlah pasti korban jiwa masih belum diketahui karena beberapa korban berhasil naik ke kapal tanpa tiket dan yang lainnya membatalkan perjalanan sesaat sebelum berlayar. 1,153
1914  Kanada RMS Empress of Ireland – Oada 29 Mei, kapal ini tenggelam setelah menabrak kapal kargo Storstad di Sungai Santo Laurensius, dan menewaskan 1012 penumpang dan sebanyak 465 penumpang selamat[13]. 1,012
1904  Amerika Serikat General Slocum – Kapal uap ini terbakar dan tenggelam di Sungai East, Kota New York pada 15 Juni. Sebanyak 1029 penumpang tewas[14][15]. 1,029
1912  Jepang Kiche Maru – Tenggelam setelah terkena topan di Samudera Pasifik pada 22 September. Diperkirakan lebih dari 1000 orang tewas[16]. 1,000+
1921 Singapore Hong Moh – Pada 3 Maret, kapal Hong Moh menabrak White Rocks, Pulau Lamock di Laut China Selatan. Kapal terbelah menjadi dua dan tenggelam serta menewaskan 1000 dari 1100 penumpang yang ada. 1,000
1927  Jepang Wusung – Pada 16 September, sekitar 900 orang pekerja asal Jepang tewas setelah kapal ini tenggelam di dekat perairan Kepulauan Kuril[17]. 900
1994  Estonia Estonia – Kapal roro ini tenggelam pada 28 September. Sebuah investigasi menyimpulkan bahwa kegagalan pintu pelindung haluan memungkinkan air dari Laut Baltik masuk ke kapal. 852 orang hilang; 137 selamat. 852
1915  Amerika Serikat Eastland – Pada tanggal 24 Juli, saat kapal akan ditambatkan ke dermaga di Sungai Chicago, kapasitas muatan penumpang bergeser ke sisi sungai sehingga kapal terguling, menewaskan 845 penumpang dan awak kapal. 845
1996  Tanzania Bukoba – Kapal feri ini tenggelam pada 21 Mei di Danau Victoria. Meskipun manifes kapal menunjukkan 443 orang di dalamnya, diperkirakan sekitar 800 orang tewas karena tenggelamnya kapal tersebut. 800
1939  Uni Soviet Indigirka – Pada tanggal 12 Desember kapal pengangkut tahanan Indigirka kandas dan berguling miring di perairan dangkal saat terjadi badai salju di lepas pantai Jepang dekat Sarufutsu saat mencoba memasuki Selat La Perouse. Sementara sebagian besar awak dan penumpang berhasil diselamatkan, tiga hari berlalu sebelum penyelamatan tahanan yang terperangkap di ruang kargo dapat dimulai. Hanya 28 dari 700 tahanan yang ditemukan hidup dan satu dari 28 tahanan yang diselamatkan kemudian meninggal. 741
1902  Britania Raya Camorta –Kapal terjebak dalam topan dan tenggelam di Delta Irrawaddy pada 6 Mei dengan hilangnya 655 penumpang dan 82 awak. Dia sedang dalam perjalanan dari Chennai, India ke Yangon, Burma melintasi Teluk Benggala. . 737
1914  Britania Raya HMS Bulwark – Pada tanggal 26 November, ledakan internal yang dahsyat mengoyak lambung kapal pada pukul 7:50 pagi saat kapal tersebut ditambatkan di pelampung Nomor 17 di Kethole Reach, 4 mi (6,4 km) sebelah barat Sheerness di muara Sungai Medway. Semua perwiranya hilang, dan dari 750 anggotanya, 14 selamat; dua di antaranya kemudian meninggal karena luka di rumah sakit. 736
1904  Denmark Norge – Pada tanggal 28 Juni kapal ini kandas di Helen's Reef dekat Rockall. 635 orang hilang; 160 orang yang selamat menghabiskan hingga delapan hari di perahu terbuka sebelum diselamatkan. 635 Norge
1947  India Ramdas – Pada tanggal 17 Juli kapal tersebut terbalik 10 mil (16 km) di lepas pantai Mumbai, menewaskan 625 orang di dalamnya. Bangkai kapal itu baru diketahui ketika orang-orang yang selamat berenang ke darat. 625
1955  Uni Soviet Novorossiysk

Pada tanggal 29 Oktober, kapal perang tersebut ditambatkan di Teluk Sevastopol, 300 meter (330 yd) dari pantai dan di seberang rumah sakit. Pukul 01.30 terjadi ledakan yang mengakibatkan kapal terbalik dan tenggelam dengan hilangnya 608 orang. Penyelidikan resmi menyimpulkan bahwa ledakan tersebut disebabkan oleh ranjau Jerman sisa Perang Dunia II.

608 Novorossiysk
1947  Amerika Serikat Grandcamp

Pada 16 April, kapal Liberty yang terdaftar di Prancis terbakar dan meledak di sisi dermaga saat sedang memuat amonium nitrat di Texas City, Texas. Dalam apa yang kemudian disebut Bencana Kota Texas, diperkirakan 581 orang, termasuk seluruh awak kapal dan 28 petugas pemadam kebakaran, hilang dan sekitar 5.000 orang terluka.

1981  Indonesia Tampomas II – Pada tanggal 27 Januari, kapal laut yang membawa lebih banyak orang melebihi batas kapasitasnya yaitu 1.137 orang, tenggelam di Laut Jawa setelah kebakaran dan ledakan[18]. Setidaknya 580 orang hilang dan 515 berhasil diselamatkan. 580
1920  Prancis SS Afrique – Kapal penumpang tenggelam pada 9 Januari di Teluk Biscay dalam cuaca buruk. Kapal ini membawa 602 penumpang dan awak, hanya 34 di antaranya yang selamat. 568
1986  Bangladesh Shamia – Pada tanggal 25 Mei, kapal feri sungai dek ganda Shamia, yang membawa sekitar 1.000 orang, terbalik di Sungai Meghna 135 mil (217 km) selatan Dhaka karena badai. Diperkirakan 500-600 orang hilang[19]. 500–600
1919  Spanyol Valbanera – kapal uap tersebut tenggelam di Teluk Meksiko 45 mi (72 km) sebelah barat Key West, Florida akibat badai pada bulan September. Seluruh awak dan penumpang yang berjumlah 488 orang hilang. 488
1916  Spanyol Príncipe de Asturias –Tenggelam di dekat pulau Sao Sebastiao, Brasil pada 5 Maret. Setidaknya 445 dari 588 penumpang kami tersesat. 445
1975  Tiongkok Pada tanggal 4 Agustus, dua kapal penumpang Hongxing 245 dan Hongxing 240, dalam perjalanan malam antara Guangzhou dan Zhaoqing, bertabrakan dan tenggelam di Sungai Zhujiang, 432 dari 800 penumpang hilang. 432
1986  Uni Soviet Admiral Nakhimov – Pada tanggal 31 Agustus kapal bertabrakan dengan kapal pengangkut masal Pyotr Vasyov di Teluk Tsemes, dekat pelabuhan Novorossiysk, RSFR Rusia. 423 dari 1.234 orang di dalamnya hilang. 423
1988  India Dilaporkan 400 orang hilang ketika sebuah kapal feri penumpang yang tidak disebutkan namanya menabrak gundukan pasir dan terbalik di Sungai Gangga.[20] 400
1988  Filipina Doña Marilyn – Pada siang hari tanggal 24 Oktober, saat berlayar dari Manila menuju Kota Tacloban, kapal tersebut terjebak dalam Topan Unsang dan tenggelam sehingga menyebabkan 389 orang tewas dan 147 orang selamat. Doña Marilyn adalah kapal kembar Doña Paz yang tenggelam setahun sebelumnya dalam bencana maritim paling mematikan di masa damai[21]. 389
1999  Indonesia KM Bismas Raya 2 – Pada bulan Oktober kapal feri KM Bismas Raya 2 terbakar, terbalik dan tenggelam saat berada di lepas pantai Merauke. Dilaporkan 361 orang hilang.[22] 361
1918  Amerika Serikat Princess Sophia – On 23 October the passenger steamship ran aground on Vanderbilt Reef in Lynn Canal near Juneau, Alaska. Rescue ships were unable to assist due to the continuing storm, and she sank on the night of 25 October. The only survivor found was a pet dog. The sinking of the SS Princess Sophia is to this day the worst maritime accident in the history of British Columbia and Alaska. 343
1970  Korea Selatan Namyoung-ho – The ferry sank on 15 December. It was carrying 338 people, who were traveling from Busan to Jeju. See Sinking of Namyoung-Ho[23] 326
1927  Italia Principessa Mafalda – On 25 October, the ocean liner sank off the coast of Brazil after her propeller shaft fractured and damaged her hull. She sank slowly in the presence of rescue vessels, but panic among passengers and crew caused the deaths of 314 of the 1,265 aboard. 314
1999  Tiongkok Dashun – On 24 November the ferry caught fire, broke apart and sank in rough seas off Yantai in eastern China. Of 336 aboard, 22 are known to have survived.[24] 314
1999  Indonesia Harta Rimba – On 7 February the ferry foundered and sank after being struck by a large wave while drifting with engine problems. Of the 332 aboard 19 were rescued two days after the sinking by a passing ship. A distress signal was not sent out and the sinking was unknown until the survivors were found.[25][26] 313
1911  Prancis Liberté – battleship that suffered an accidental ammunition explosion; about 300 people were killed. 300
1981  Brasil Sobral Santos II The sinking was one of the worst maritime tragedies in the history of the Amazon River. c. 300
1906  Italia Sirio – On 4 August the cargo steamship sank after she ran aground and suffered a boiler explosion on the Punta Hormigas, a reef off Hormigas Island, two and a half miles east of Cape Palos, Cartagena, Spain. 293, including Italian and Spanish emigrants bound for Argentina, of the 645 aboard were lost. Other sources put the death toll at over 500. 293–500
1993  Korea Selatan Seohae Ferry – was a passenger ship that sank near Wi-do island, Jeolla Province. The ship was carrying 362 passengers (141 more than its capacity) and heavy freight in bad weather. 292
1996  Malta F174 – Severely overloaded and poorly maintained ship carrying migrants from South Asia, sank 19 miles off Portopalo di Capo Passero in Sicily. 283+
1958  Turki Üsküdar – A small passenger ferry sank due to heavy lodos weather in the Gulf of İzmit on 1 March. 272 passengers including seven crew died; 39 people survived. 272
1994  Kenya Likoni Ferry – On 29 April the overloaded passenger ferry Mtongwe One capsized and sank killing 272 of the more than 300 aboard.[27] 272
1928  Chili Angamos – On 6 July she sailed bound for Talcahuano and sank off Punta Morguillas Lebu. Of the 269 aboard 262 were lost and seven rescued. It was the second largest single maritime loss of life in the history of Chile. 262
1996  Indonesia Gurita – On 19 January the ferry sunk during a strong storm six miles from Sabang. Of those on board, between 260 and 340 were killed and 47 survived.[28] 260-340
1913  Amerika Serikat Great Lakes Storm of 1913 – A cyclonic blizzard (sometimes referred to as an inland hurricane) on the Great Lakes that occurred between 7 and 10 November. In total 12 ships were sunk with a combined crew loss of 255. An additional seven ships were damaged beyond repair; 19 more ships that had been stranded were later salvaged. 255
1961  Britania Raya Dara – sank in the Persian Gulf on 8 April, as a result of a powerful explosion that killed 238 of the 819 people aboard including 19 officers and 113 crew. The explosion is believed to have been caused by an explosive device placed aboard. 238
1966  Yunani Heraklion – a car ferry that capsized and sank on 8 December in the Aegean Sea in a storm. An unsecured vehicle damaged the loading door resulting in sea water entering the vessel. The sinking resulted in the death of 234 people out of 281 aboard. 234
1970  Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla MV Christena – An overloaded passenger ferry boat that sank crossing the channel between the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis, Leeward Islands. 233
1953  Korea Selatan Changgyeong – The ferry sank on 5 January. It was cruising from Yeosu to Busan.[29] 229
1921  RSFS Rusia Sovnarkom – on 10 May crashed into Novosibirsk railway bridge and sank in the Ob River, resulting in the death of at least 225 (according to other estimates, 400). 225–400
1906  Brasil Aquidabã – an ironclad warship built in the mid-1880s. On 21 January, the powder magazines of the ship blew up, sinking it within three minutes. 212 people were lost. 212
1909  Britania Raya Waratah – Around 27 July, the steamship, en route from Australia to London, was lost without trace off Durban on the east coast of South Africa. All 211 aboard were lost. 211
1908  Jepang Matsushima – On 30 April the cruiser Matsushima, while returning from a training cruise and anchored at Mako in the Pescadores islands off Taiwan, had an accidental explosion occur in her ammunition magazine. Matsushima rolled over onto her starboard side and then sank stern-first. 206 of her 350 crew were lost. 206
1919  Britania Raya Iolaire – (Scottish Gaelic for "Eagle") was an Admiralty yacht that hit rocks and sank on 1 January just off the Isle of Lewis, while carrying soldiers coming home from World War I. At least 205 of the 280 men aboard were lost. 205
1988  Bangladesh Haisal – On 27 December the passenger ferry sank after being rammed from behind by a cargo ship on the Dhaleshwari River killing 200.[30] 200
1987  Britania Raya Herald of Free Enterprise – Capsized and sank on 6 March due to taking on water just minutes after leaving the harbour at Zeebrugge in Belgium. The doors to the car decks were left open by the Assistant Bosun, Mark Stanley, causing the ferry to take on water and quickly capsize. Of the 539 aboard, 193 passengers and crew died. 193
1983  Uni Soviet Aleksandr Suvorov – on 5 June the ship struck a girder of the Ulyanovsk railway bridge. The collision caused 177 deaths yet the ship stayed afloat, was restored and is still in use. 177
1980  Filipina Don Juan – On 22 April the luxury liner collided with an oil tanker Tacloban off Tablas Strait in Mindoro and sank 15 minutes later at a depth of 1,800 feet.[31][32] The vessel was carrying 1,004 passengers but was only cleared to carry 864 persons including its crew.[33] 176
1952  Amerika Serikat USS Hobson – On the night of 26 April, Hobson was steaming in formation with carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) about 600 miles (1000 kilometers) west of the Azores. The Hobson crossed the carrier's bow and was promptly struck amidships. The force of the collision rolled the destroyer-minesweeper over, breaking her in two. USS Rodman (DD-456) and the Wasp rescued many survivors but the ship and 176 of her crew were lost. 176
1985  Tiongkok On 19 August an overloaded ferry operated by drunk pilots capsized in the Songhua River, 174 of the 234 aboard were lost.[34][35] 174
1914 Templat:Country data Dominion of Newfoundland Southern Cross – Lost with all 173 hands in a storm between 31 March and 3 April. Believed to be near Cape Pine, Newfoundland. 173
1955  Jepang Shiun Maru – 11 May. Collided in dense fog her with sister ship Uko Maru in the Seto Inland Sea and sank with the loss of 166 passengers and two crew members. 166
1990  Denmark Scandinavian Star – caught fire en route between Norway and Denmark, killing 159 people. 159
1981  Brasil Novo Amapá - On January 6, the ferry left Santana, Amapá with 600 passengers. The ship was overcrownded and capsized at Almeirim. The exact number of fatalities remains unknown, but it is estimated between 150 and 300.[36] 150-300
1998  Filipina Princess of the Orient – On 18 September, the ferry, while travelling from Manila to Cebu, sailed into Typhoon Vicky. She capsized at 12:55 pm near Fortune Island in Batangas. Of 388 passengers aboard, an estimated 150 died. Passengers floated in the sea for more than 12 hours before rescuers were able to reach the survivors. 150
1907  Amerika Serikat Larchmont – On 12 February, the paddle steamer sank off Block Island, Rhode Island after colliding with the schooner Harry Knowlton. About 150 of the people 200 aboard were lost.[37] 150–200
1912  Britania Raya Koombana – disappeared on 20 March north of Port Hedland, Western Australia, in a tropical cyclone with the loss of about 76 passengers and 74 crew. 150
1989  Rumania Mogoșoaia – On 10 January the ferry collided with a tug boat on the Danube River near Galați. Of those on board, between 151 and 239 were killed and 16 to 18 survived.[38] 151-239
1950  Uni Soviet Majakovskis Riga – sank in the Daugava River on 13 August, 147 died. 147
1994  Filipina Cebu City – On 2 December, the ferry collided with a Singaporean freighter Kota Suria and sank in Manila Bay killing 140 people. 140
1991  Italia Moby Prince – On 10 April, the ferry collided with the oil tanker Agip Abruzzo in Livorno harbour and caught fire, killing 140 of the 141 people aboard. 140
1934  Amerika Serikat Morro Castle (1930) – In the early morning hours of 8 September, while en route from Havana to New York, the passenger liner caught fire and burned, killing 137 passengers and crew members out of the 549 aboard. The ship was beached near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and remained there for several months until she was eventually towed away and sold for scrap. 137
1929  Finlandia Kuru – Passenger steamer sank after capsizing in high winds on 7 September in Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere. An estimated 136–138 people were lost. 136–138
1901  Amerika Serikat City of Rio de Janeiroen route from Hong Kong, this passenger ship sank on 21 February after striking a submerged reef at the entry to San Francisco Bay, killing more than 135 passengers and crew. 135
1953  Britania Raya Princess Victoria – Sank on 31 January in the North Channel (between Scotland and Northern Ireland), in a severe storm killing 133 people. Her sinking had the highest death toll in UK waters since World War II. 133
1957  Jerman Barat Pamir – On 21 September the four-masted barque was caught in Hurricane Carrie and sank off the Azores with six survivors rescued out of 138 aboard. 132
1913  Kanada Volturno – On 9 October the steamship, carrying mostly immigrants bound for New York, caught fire in a gale in the North Atlantic. 520 people were rescued. About 130 people, most of them women and children in unsuccessfully launched lifeboats, were lost. 130
1963  Amerika Serikat USS Thresher (SSN-593) – A nuclear-powered attack submarine that sank on deep-diving tests on 10 April about 220 mil laut (410 km) east of Boston, Massachusetts. 129
1963  Yunani TSMS Lakonia – Caught fire and burned in the Atlantic Ocean on 22 December. 128 people died, of whom 95 were passengers and 33 were crew members. 53 people were killed by the fire. The rest died from exposure, drowning, and injuries sustained while diving overboard. 128
1907  Britania Raya Berlin – On 21 February the steamship was driven onto the granite breakwater at the New Waterway ship canal in the Netherlands by large waves and then broke apart. Of 144 people aboard, 128 were lost. 128
1905  Britania Raya Hilda – A steamship on a cross-Channel run that sank killing 125 people. 125
1911  Australia Yongala – The ship sank off Cape Bowling Green, Australia, after steaming into a cyclone. There were no survivors of the 122 aboard. 122
1973  Malaysia Pulau Kidjang – On 26 December, the passenger ferry sank in the Rejang River near Tanjung Jerijeh, Sarawak, 35 mil laut (65 km) west of Sarikei in the monsoon season. Of 159 people were aboard, 38 were saved including 18 sailors. 41 bodies were found. 121
1907  Prancis Iéna – On 12 March, while in drydock in the Missiessy Basin at Toulon, the battleship suffered a series of internal explosions in her magazine. The first explosion was caused by Powder B, a nitrocellulose-based propellant in the ammunition, which tended to become unstable with age, and self-ignite. The explosion killed 120 people including two civilians hit by fragments in the suburb of Le Pont Du Las. 120
1908 Malta Malta Sardinia – The passenger-cargo ship burst into flames minutes after leaving the Grand Harbour, and she ran aground off Fort Ricasoli. Only 33 people on board survived, and at least 118 were killed.[39][40] 118+
1949  Kanada Noronic – Caught fire at the dockside in Toronto Harbour on 16 September. Estimates ranged from 118 to 139 fatalities. Most of the deaths were from suffocation or burns. However, some died from being trampled or from leaping off the upper decks onto the pier; only one person drowned. 118–139
1906  Amerika Serikat Valencia – Shortly before midnight on 22 January, she struck a reef near Pachena Point on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island and sank. Estimates of the number of people killed vary widely. Some sources list it at 117; others claim it was as high as 181. According to the federal report, the official death toll was 136. 37 men survived, but every woman and child aboard was lost. 117–181
1928  Britania Raya Vestris – On 12 November the ship began listing about 200 mil laut (370 km) off Hampton Roads, Virginia, was abandoned, and sank killing more than 100 people. 110
1908  Amerika Serikat Star of Bengal – On 20 September, in the beginning of her return trip from Fort Wrangell to San Francisco, the ship was in tow into the open sea when she encountered a storm. The ship struck the rocks near the shore of Coronation Island and sunk, killing approximately 110 of 138 people aboard. 110
1940  Italia Orazio – On 21 January the passenger liner caught fire and burned 35 miless off Toulon, France. 48 of the 423 passengers and 60 of the 210 crew died in the fire. 108 Berkas:MS Orazio 1920s.jpg
1946  Uni Soviet Dalstroy – The Soviet steamer operating in the 1930s and 1940s from the port of Nakhodka to Magadan and delivering cargo and prisoners to Kolyma, exploded on July 24, during the loading of ammonal in Nakhodka, due to gross safety violations. The explosion resulted in the death of 105 people, as well as significant property damage and environmental pollution. 105
1954  Amerika Serikat USS Bennington At 06:11 on 26 May, while cruising off Narragansett Bay, the fluid in one of her catapults leaked out and was detonated by the flames of a jet causing the forward part of the flight deck to explode, setting off a series of secondary explosions which killed 103 crewmen, predominantly among the senior NCO's of the crew and injured 201 others.[1]Bennington proceeded under her own power to Naval Air Station Quonset Point, Rhode Island, to land her injured. This tragedy caused the Navy to switch from hydraulic catapults to steam catapults for launching aircraft. A monument to the sailors who died in this tragic event was erected near the southwest corner of Fort Adams State Park in Newport, Rhode Island. 103
1939  Britania Raya HMS Thetis – A T-class submarine that sank in Liverpool Bay on 1 June after inadvertent opening of both doors of a torpedo tube to the sea whilst diving. 99 people were lost, including shipyard workers who were aboard for sea trials. Raised and refitted, as HMS Thunderbolt the boat was later sunk by Italian anti-submarine forces in the Mediterranean in March 1943. 99
1968  Amerika Serikat USS Scorpion (SSN-589) – A nuclear-powered submarine that sank (most likely due to an internal explosion) on 22 May 460 mil laut (850 km) southwest of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. 99
1933  Uni Soviet The Fourth disaster – a boat sank in the Volga near Yaroslavl on 9 July. At least 98 died. 98
1959  Denmark Hans Hedtoft – The liner was sailing from Greenland when she struck an iceberg and sank on 30 January. There were 40 crew members and 55 passengers aboard. No-one survived. She was on her maiden voyage and was said to be "unsinkable" due to her strong design. 95
1911  Prancis SS Emir – On 9 August the steamship was struck and sunk by the British steamship Silverton in dense fog in the Strait of Gibraltar off the coast of Tarifa, Spain. 71 passengers and 24 crew members were lost while 15 passengers and 12 crew members were rescued.[41] 95
1918 Templat:Country data Dominion of Newfoundland Florizel – Sank after striking a reef at Horn Head Point Cape Race near Cappahayden, Newfoundland on 23 February. Of 144 people aboard, 94 were lost. 94
1989  Thailand Seacrest – the Unocal drilling ship capsized in the Gulf of Thailand on 3 November in Typhoon "Gay". 91 of her crew complement of 97 were lost. 91
1916  Britania Raya Connemara – On 3 November the ferry sank at the entrance to Carlingford Lough, Louth, Ireland after being hit amidships by the coal ship Retriever which also sank. All 82 on board the Connemara were killed, and only one crew member of the Retriever's crew of nine were rescued. 90
1965  Panama Yarmouth Castle – The steamship's loss in a disastrous fire prompted new laws for safety at sea. 87 people were lost, three of the rescued passengers later died in hospital, bringing the death toll to 90. 90 Berkas:Yarmouth Castle fire.JPG
1907  Amerika Serikat Columbia – A little over 20 minutes past midnight on 21 July, the passenger steamship collided with the steam schooner San Pedro in dense fog sinking in less than 9 minutes, killing 88 people, including all children on board. The sinking of Columbia partially ignited public outrage against American operated Pacific coastal steamships. 88
1922  Meksiko Topolobampo – In November, the 36-ton steamer left Guaymas carrying 125 passengers bound for the cotton fields of Mexicali. Around midnight at the end of 18 November, the vessel was hit by a nearly 15-foot tidal bore traveling up the Colorado River. 86 people drowned; 21 bodies were recovered. 39 survivors were found.[42][43] 86
1982  Kanada Ocean Ranger – On 15 February a semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit sank on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, 267 kilometer (166 mi) east of St. John's, Newfoundland with the loss of all 84 crew members. 84
1997  Albania Kateri i Radës – On 28 March the ship sank following a collision with the Italian naval vessel Sibilia in the Strait of Otranto. Of the 142 on board, 83 lost their lives. 83
1964  Australia HMAS Voyager – On 10 February, while undergoing post-refit exercises, the destroyer was rammed and sunk off Jervis Bay, New South Wales, by the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne, which was also carrying-out post-refit exercises.[44] 82 of the 314 people aboard Voyager were lost;[44] Australia's largest peacetime loss of military personnel. 82
1953  Turki TCG Dumlupınar – On 4 April, the submarine sank with all hands after colliding with the Swedish freighter Naboland in the Dardanelles. 81
1981  Filipina Templat:BRP – a Philippine Navy destroyer escort driven aground by Typhoon Clara on 21 September. 79 of her 97 crew were lost. 79
1976  Amerika Serikat George Prince – On 20 October, a small automobile ferry crossing the Mississippi River in Louisiana collided with the tanker Frosta, capsized and sank. Of 96 people aboard, 78 were lost. 78
1929  Amerika Serikat San Juan – On the night of 29 August, the coastal liner, outbound from San Francisco bound for Los Angeles, collided in dense fog with the oil tanker S.C.T. Dodd in the Pacific Ocean north of Monterey. The ageing San Juan was a poorly maintained 47-year-old wrought iron steamship, allowing the Dodd to cut halfway into her stern and destroyed a lifeboat. The San Juan capsized to port and sank stern first in less than three minutes killing 77 people. Most of the survivors were dragged down with the sinking ship only to swim free of the sinking vessel during the final plunge. The San Juan sinking helped lead to the end of coastal passenger steamships.[45] 77
1978  Singapura Spyros – On 12 October, while undergoing repairs dockside, the Greek tanker exploded at the Jurong Shipyard killing 76. 76
1909  Selandia Baru Penguin – On 12 February, the inter-island ferry hit a rock near the entrance to Wellington Harbour, sinking then exploding when water entered her boiler room. Of the 105 people aboard, 75 died. 75
1951  Britania Raya HMS Affray – an submarine kelas Amphion that disappeared on 16 April on a training exercise in the English Channel, killing all 75 crew. She is the last Royal Navy submarine to have been lost at sea. 75
1928  Denmark København – a five-masted barque used as a naval training vessel until she disappeared with 75 aboard after 22 December. Built by the Danish East Asiatic Company in 1921, it was the world's largest sailing ship at the time, and primarily served for sail training of young cadets. 75
1969  Amerika Serikat USS Frank E. Evans – On 3 June, while operating as a plane guard for the Australian aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne in the SEATO training exercise Sea Spirit, the destroyer crossed the bows of the carrier and was rammed and sunk.[46] Of the 273 aboard Evans, 74 died.[46] The handling of the inquiry into the collision was seen as detrimental to United States–Australia relations.[46] 74
1995  Filipina Viva Antipolo VII – On 16 May the ferry caught fire and sank in the vicinity of Lucena, Quezon. Of the 214 on board, 62 were killed and 10 were missing in the accident.[47] 72
1972  Britania Raya STV Royston Grange – The British cargo liner was destroyed by fire after a collision with the petroleum tanker Tien Chee in the Rio de la Plata on 11 May. There were no survivors from the 72 aboard. 72
1996  Philippines Gretchen I – On 19 February the overloaded ferry capsized and sank off Cadiz with the loss of 71 lives. There were at least 141 survivors.[48] 71
1925  Britania Raya HMS M1 – The submarine sank with all hands (69) on 12 November after being struck by the Swedish ship Vidar while submerged in the English Channel. 69
1989  Guatemala Justo Rufino Barrios II – On 1 January the ferry sank in Amatique Bay whilst under tow of a Guatemalan Navy vessel, after running out of fuel, with the loss of 67 lives. It was reported that the ship was overloaded with passengers at the time of the accident.[49][50] 67
1901  Britania Raya HMS Cobra – the destroyer's short career ended when she broke her back and sank near Cromer on 18 September. 67 men were lost; 12 saved. 67
1950  Britania Raya HMS Truculent – The T-class submarine sank in the Thames Estuary on 12 January after colliding with the Swedish oil tanker Divina. A total of 64 people died, most in freezing cold mid-winter conditions after escaping the collision. 64
1921  Britania Raya HMS K5 – A K-class submarine, lost with all hands (57) on 20 January when she sank en route to a mock battle in the Bay of Biscay. 57
1921  Amerika Serikat USS Conestoga – The ship was missing and lost with all hands after it left 25 March from Mare Island, California, heading for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The wreck was located in 2009 in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. 56
1903  Kanada Clallam – The ferry sank on 9 January in a storm in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between British Columbia and Washington, killing 56 people. 56
1999  Philippines Asia South Korea – On 22 December the ferry was off Bantayan Island in stormy weather. According to one crew member a large wave swamped the ferry, knocking out the power. Life vests were then distributed and rafts were launched immediately.[51] Other reports state that the ship was off course and struck a reef before sinking. 56
1925  Amerika Serikat Mackinac – late in the afternoon of 18 August, the 162 kaki (49 m) excursion ship was passing the Newport Naval Station, Rhode Island, when her boiler exploded, killing 55 passengers. She was on a day cruise from Pawtucket, Rhode Island, to Newport Harbor for passengers to visit the city and its beaches. Most injuries and deaths were from burns and smoke or steam inhalation. Some people jumped overboard but none drowned. The ship remained afloat and many boats came to the rescue. More than 600 passengers survived, many uninjured. The ship's Captain was George W. McVey, who had also been captain of Larchmont in 1907 when she sank after a collision less than 20 mil laut (37 km) away.[52] 55
1988  Brasil Bateau Mouche IV - During the 1988 New Year's Eve, the former fishing ship, adapted for tourism, was at Guanabara Bay waiting for the New Year's fireworks of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, when it was constantly hit by strong waves. The movements of passengers and loads forced the ship to capsize, 55 of the 142 passengers lost their lives in the sinking, including the actress Yara Amaral and her mother.[53] 55
1993  Polandia Jan Heweliusz – a Polish Roll-on/roll-off ferry in the early hours of 14 January, while sailing from Swinoujscie to Ystad, capsized and sank in 27 meter (89 ft) of water off Cape Arcona on the coast of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. 55 people aboard were lost; 20 crew and 35 passengers, 9 crew were rescued; 10 bodies were never found. 55
1932  Prancis Georges Philippar was an ocean liner of the French Messageries Maritimes line that was built in 1930. On her maiden voyage she caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Aden with the loss of 54 lives. 54
1968  Selandia Baru TEV Wahine – an inter island ferry that foundered in a cyclone on Barrett Reef at the mouth of Wellington Harbour and capsized near Steeple Rock. Of the 610 passengers and 123 crew aboard, 53 were lost. 53
1929  Amerika Serikat Milwaukee – On 22 October the train ferry, while carrying 27 railroad cars, sank off Milwaukee in Lake Michigan in a storm. There were no survivors from the 52 men aboard. 52
1989  United Kingdom Marchioness – On 20 August the pleasure boat sank after being pushed under by the dredger Bowbelle late at night near Cannon Street Railway Bridge on the Thames River. Of the 131 on board, 51 were killed in the accident. 51
1957  Pakistan Minocher Cowasjee – The cargo ship reported in distress in position 25°18′S 68°00′E / 25.3°S 68.00°E / -25.3; 68.00, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, coming from Tianjin[54] heading to Antwerp.[55] All 51 crew members, mostly Pakistanis and at least one German, were killed.[56] 51
1921  Britania Raya Canastota – On 13 June, the cargo steamer left Sydney, Australia, bound for Wellington, New Zealand, and was never heard from again. Cargo from the ship - some of which was charred, suggesting a fire at sea - was washed up on Lord Howe Island. Otherwise, the ship and her crew of 49 men disappeared without trace. 49
1989  Amerika Serikat USS Iowa – On 19 April , an open breech explosion occurred in the center gun of turret Number Two aboard Iowa, killing all 47 men in the turret. 47
1935  Amerika Serikat Mohawk – On 24 January, eight miles off the coast of New Jersey, the passenger liner suffered a failure of her automatic steering gear, veered off course into the path of Norwegian freighter Talisman, and was rammed on the port side. She sank within one hour. 16 out of 53 passengers and 31 of her crew of 110 were killed, including the captain. 47
1956  Italia Andrea Doria – On 25 July, approaching the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, bound for New York City, the passenger liner was struck by the eastward-bound Stockholm. 1,660 passengers and crew were rescued and survived, while 46 people died as a consequence of the collision. In what became one of history's most noted maritime disasters, Andrea Doria's loss generated great interest in the media and led to many lawsuits. 46
1906  Amerika Serikat Dix – On 18 November the ferry sank off Alki Point, Seattle after a collision, killing more than 45 people. 45
1974  Uni Soviet Soviet cargo ship "Tixi" sunk with all of its crew during a storm in the Devils' Sea on March 22 en route from Japan to Australia. 45
1902  Selandia Baru Elingamite – The ship, carrying a large consignment of gold, was wrecked off the north coast of New Zealand killing 45 people. The wreck is now favoured by adventurous divers for the drama associated with it, and tales of lost treasure. 45
1980  Britania Raya Derbyshire – Lost on 9 September, south of Japan, in Typhoon Orchid. All aboard (42 crew and 2 spouses) died. At 91,655 gross tons she was, and remains, the largest UK ship to have ever been lost at sea. 44
1989  Angkatan Laut Uni Soviet K-278 Komsomolets – On 7 April the Mike-class nuclear submarine sank in the Barents Sea with the loss of 42 of her 67 crew following an onboard fire. 42
1971  Yunani Heleanna – On 28 August, the ferry caught fire off Torre Canne (Italy), resulting in 25 dead and 16 missing out of 1174 people aboard.[57] 41
1914  Amerika Serikat Monroe – On 30 January, while traveling from Norfolk to New York City, the passenger ship was struck by the freighter Nantucket in fog 50 mil (80 km) off the Virginia Capes, causing it to capsize and sink, killing 41 people aboard. 41
1901  Kanada Islander – On 15 August, while sailing down the narrow Lynn Canal south of Juneau, the ship struck what was reported to be an iceberg that stove a large hole in her forward port quarter. She sank quickly, killing 40 of the 172 people aboard. 40
1911  Amerika Serikat Sechelt – The ferry sank on 24 March in Strait of Juan de Fuca under mysterious circumstances, killing 37 people. 37
1941  Amerika Serikat Don – The ship was a pleasure craft that was lost in Casco Bay, Maine on 29 June in an apparent explosion near Ragged Island. Everyone on board was killed. The vessel was reportedly overloaded with passengers and carrying extra cans of gasoline on deck at the time of the loss.[58][59] 36
1958  Amerika Serikat Carl D. Bradley – Sank on Lake Michigan in an 18 November storm with the loss of 33 crew. 33
1963  Britania Raya Tritonica – On 20 July the Bermuda-registered ore carrier was on the St Lawrence River en route from Havre-Saint-Pierre to Sorel, Québec with about 18,300 tons of ilmenite when she collided in dense fog with the British cargo ship Roonagh Head shortly before 03:00 hrs off Petite-Rivière-Saint-François. She sank within eight minutes with all hatches open. Her sinking was so sudden that all navigation crew were trapped in the wheelhouse. 18 bodies were recovered; another 15 remained missing. Her Canadian pilot was also missing. In the fog and night a third ship, the Spanish Conde de Fontamar, struck Tritonica's superstructure. She saved seven survivors. 33
1940  Amerika Serikat William B. Davock – On 11 November the cargo ship was caught in a fierce storm on Lake Michigan. She was making her way down the lake with coal for Chicago, and is presumed to have been overwhelmed at the height of the storm by the intense wind and waves, sinking in about 200 kaki (61 m) of water 5 mil (8 km) off Little Sable Point between Ludington, Michigan and Pentwater, Michigan. The freighter Anna C. Minch sank nearby in the same storm. 32–33
1998  Britania Raya Fantome – The 679-ton windjammer was lost in October in Hurricane Mitch. All 31 crew were lost. 31
1992  Siprus Royal Pacific – She was rammed by the Taiwanese fishing vessel Terfu 51 in the Straits of Malacca, and sank, sending thirty people to their deaths.[60] The deaths are most likely attributed to the crew's choice to abandon ship first. 30
1975  Amerika Serikat SS Edmund Fitzgerald – A taconite Great Lakes freighter that sank in a Lake Superior storm on 10 November, with the loss of the entire crew of 29. When launched on 7 June 1958, she was the largest ship on North America's Great Lakes, and she remains the largest to have sunk there. 29 SS Edmund Fitzgerald underway, photo by Winston Brown
1978  Jerman Barat The MS München was a LASH carrier of the Hapag-Lloyd line that sank with all hands for unknown reasons in a severe storm on 13 December. The most accepted theory is that one or more rogue waves hit München and damaged her, so that she drifted for 33 hours with a list of 50 degrees without electricity or propulsion. 28
1981  Israel The Mezada was lost on 3 March; The cargo ship sank in rough seas approximately 100 nautical miles (190 km) southeast of Bermuda. Eleven of 35 crew rescued. 24 Mezada Victims
1948 Malta Malta Unnamed luzzu – The fishing boat which was overloaded with passengers capsized and sank in the Gozo Channel off Qala, Gozo, Malta, killing 23 of the 27 people on board.[61] 23
1931  Estonia Liro – the steamship underway from UK to Estonia went missing in a heavy storm on the Baltic Sea. All crew and passengers died.[62] 20
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