Sikorsky Ilya Muromets
Ilya Muromets (Rusia: Илья Муромец) mengacu pada kelas pesawat komersial empat mesin dan pesawat pengeboman militer berat Rusia sebelum Perang Dunia I yang digunakan selama Perang Dunia I oleh Kekaisaran Rusia.[1]
Seri pesawat dinamai Ilya Muromets, seorang pahlawan dari mitologi Rusia.[2] Seri ini didasarkan pada Russky Vityaz atau Le Grand, pesawat pertama bermesin empat di dunia, dirancang oleh Igor Sikorsky.[3]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Angelucci, Enzo. The Rand McNally Encyclopedia of Military Aircraft, 1914–1980. San Diego, California: The Military Press, 1983. ISBN 0-517-41021-4.
- Cochrane, Dorothy and Von Hardesty. The Aviation Careers of Igor Sikorsky. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1989. ISBN 978-0-295-96916-9.
- Darcey, Alan, Thomas Kulikov and Victor Durkots. The Imperial Russian Air Service: Famous Pilots and Aircraft of World War I. Mountain View, California: Flying Machine Press, 1995. ISBN 978-1-891268-07-6.
- Delear, Frank J. Igor Sikorsky: Three Careers in Aviation (Air & Space Series, No 24). New York: Bantam, 1992. ISBN 978-0-553-29701-0
- Durkota, Alan E., T. Darcey and V. Kulikov. The Imperial Russian Air Service: Famous Pilots and Aircraft of World War I. Boulder, Colorado: Flying Machines Press, 1995. ISBN 0-9637110-2-4.
- Finne, K. N. Igor Sikorsky: The Russian Years. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 1987. ISBN 0-87474-274-9.
- Finne, K. N. Русские воздушные богатыри И. Сикорского (Russian Air Warriors: I. Sikorsky) (Russian). Moscow: AST, Harvest, 2005. ISBN 985-13-2878-2
- Lake, Jon. The Great Book of Bombers: The World's Most Important Bombers from World War I to the Present Day. St. Paul, Minnesota: MBI Publishing Company, 2002. ISBN 0-7603-1347-4.
- Mackworth-Praed, Ben. Aviation: The Pioneer Years. London: Studio Editions, 1996. ISBN 1-85170-349-7.
- Massenkov, Vladamir I., Boris Urinovski and Vadim I. Suvorov. Russia in ICAO to the 50th Anniversary of ICAO. Moscow: 1994. No ISBN.
- Miller, Russell. The Soviet Air Force at War. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life books, 1983. ISBN 0-8094-3371-0.
- Pember, Harry. Sikorsky Aircraft: From a Vision to Reality and Beyond. Stratford, Connecticut: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, 1999. No ISBN.
- Roustam-Bek-Tageev, LCol Boris. Aerial Russia: The Romance of The Giant Aeroplane. Austin, Texas: Alexander Palace Time Machine (Bob Atchison), 2011, Internet reprint of original 1917 edition.
- Sikorsky, Igor. Story of the Winged-S: An Autobiography by Igor Sikorsky. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1938. No ISBN.
- Sikorsky, Sergei I. The Sikorsky Legacy (Images of Aviation). Charleston, South Carolina: Acadia Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7385-4995-8.
- Taylor, John W. R. Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War I. London: Studio Editions, Reprint 2001. ISBN 1-85170-347-0.
- Winchester, Jim. "Sikorsky Ilya Muromets." Biplanes, Triplanes and Seaplanes (Aviation Factfile). London: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-641-3.
- Woodman, Harry. Sikorsky Ilya Muromets Type Veh, (Windsock Datafile Special No.3 – Classics of WW1 Aviation Volume 3). Berkhamsted, Herts, UK: Albatros Productions Limited, 2000. ISBN 978-1-902207-13-1.
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[sunting | sunting sumber]
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