Sikorsky S-40

Sikorsky S-40 adalah kapal terbang amfibi Amerika dibangun oleh Sikorsky di awal 1930-an untuk Pan American World Airways dengan biaya $ 250.000.
Itu adalah pesawat komersial terbesar pada masanya dan pesawat amfibi terbesar di dunia.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Davies, R.E.G. Pan Am: An Airline and its Aircraft. New York: Orion Books, 1987. ISBN 0-517-56639-7.
- Yenne, Bill. Seaplanes & Flying Boats: A Timeless Collection from Aviation's Golden Age. New York: BCL Press, 2003. ISBN 1-932302-03-4.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Sikorsky S-40.
- "World's Largest Amphibian Takes Flight", Popular Science, October 1931
- The Sikorsky S-40 in the film Flying Down to Rio
- "Huge Amphibian Will Carry Forty-Six Passengers" Popular Mechanics, July 1931 article and photos of construction of first S-40.
- "This Sea Going Airliner Is Like A Clipper Ship", Popular Mechanics, September 1931, early cutaway drawing on announcement of construction
- "Luxuries Found In Air Travel On Huge U.S. Planes", Popular Mechanics, July 1932, interior of S-40 showing passenger accommodations