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Daftar Khalifah Abbasiyah

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Khalifah Abbasiyah adalah pemangku gelar khalifah Islam dari Dinasti Abbasiyah, yang merupakan keturunan Suku Quraisy dari jalur Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib, yang tidak lain adalah paman Nabi Muhammad saw.

Khalifah Abbasiyah (750–1258)

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Daftar Khalifah Abbasiyah yang bertahta di Baghdad.[1] [2]

No. Periode Gelar Nama Ayah-Ibu Kejadian Penting
1 750 – 8 Juni 754 As-Saffah Abū ʿAbbās ʿAbdullāh bin Muḥammad As-Saffah
2 10 Juni 754 – 775 Al-Mansyūr Abū Jaʿfar ʿAbd Allāh
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota oleh saudaranya, Khalifah Al-Saffah, pada tahun 754.
  • Al-Mansur ditahbis sebagai khalifah pada 753 M (136 H) dan dilantik pada tahun berikutnya.[3]
  • Pendiri Ibukota Baghdad.
  • Pada masa pemerintahannya, seorang pangeran Umayyah, Abdul-Rahman I, melarikan diri ke Spanyol dan mendirikan Emirat Kordoba di Andalusia pada 756 M.
3 775 – 4 Agustus 785 Al-Mahdī Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota oleh ayahnya.
  • Al-Mahdi memulai pemerintahannya dengan membebaskan tahanan politik, memperluas dan mendekorasi tempat suci di Mekkah dan Madinah, serta membangun air mancur dan loteng untuk jamaah haji.[4]
  • Al-Mahdi memperluas layanan pos, meningkatkan layanan rahasia, membangun kota-kota berbenteng, dan menambah penunjukan hakim.
4 Agustus 785 – 14 September 786 Al-Hādī Abū Muḥammad Mūsā
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota oleh ayahnya.
5 14 September 786 – 24 Maret 809 Harun Al-Rasyīd Hārūn
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota kedua oleh ayahnya al-Mahdi, dan naik tahta setelah Khalifah al-Hadi, saudaranya, meninggal tahun 786 M.
  • Abbasiyah berkuasa di wilayah Maroko hingga Dinasti Idrisiyah memisahkan diri pada 788 M.
6 Maret 809 – 24/25 September 813 Al-Amīn Abū Mūsā Muḥammad
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota oleh ayahnya
  • Gagal menyingkirkan saudara tirinya, Abdallah al-Ma'mun, dari garis suksesi.
  • Pada tahun 811 terjadi perang saudara Fitna Keempat, berakhir dengan terbunuhnya Al-Amin dalam Pengepungan Baghdad.
7 September 813 – 9 Agustus 833 Al-Maʾmūn Abū'l-ʿAbbās ʿAbd Allāh
  • Dinominasikan sebagai putra mahkota kedua setelah Al-Amin.
  • Menggulingkan Al-Amin setelah perang saudara pada tahun 813.
  • Menginisiasi Gerakan Penerjemahan, perombakan besar-besaran Bait Al-Hikmah (Rumah Kebijaksanaan), dan dukungan struktural bagi para cendekiawan.
  • Memperluas wilayah kekuasaan hingga Kepulauan Mediterania, ditandai berdirinya Emirat Kreta (824/827) dan penaklukan Sisilia (827).
  • Di akhir usianya, sekitar tahun 833 mulai dekat dengan qadi Mu'tazilah Ahmad bin Abi Du'ad, dan menyarankan kepada adiknya, Al-Mu'tasim, agar memasukkan Ahmad bin Abi Du'ad ke dalam lingkaran penasihat kekhalifahan.[5]
8 9 Agustus 833 – 5 Januari 842 Al-Muʿtaṣim Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad
  • Menurut catatan al-Tabari, di ranjang kematiannya al-Ma'mun mendiktekan sepucuk surat yang mencalonkan saudaranya, Al-Mu'tasim, sebagai penerus; bukan putranya. [6]
  • Pembentukan ghilman (pasukan militer dari kalangan budak).
  • Secara resmi Abbasiyah mulai mendukung Muktazilah
  • Didirikan lembaga prosekusi Mihna pada tahun 833 di bawah qadi Muktazilah Ahmad bin Abi Du'ad.
  • Pendiri ibukota Samarra: memindahkan ibukota Abbasiyah ke Samarra pada tahun 836.
9 5 Januari 842 – 10 Agustus 847 Al-Wāthiq Abū Jaʿfar Hārūn
  • Ditunjuk sebagai putra mahkota oleh ayahnya
  • Al-Wathiq meninggal karena sakit sembap.[7]
10 10 Agustus 847 – 11 Desember 861 Al-Mutawakkil Jaʿfar
  • Sejak muda, sebagai pangeran, sudah diangkat sebagai amir al-hajj oleh Al-Wathiq pada tahun 842.
  • Kembali ke ortodoksi tradisional dan mengakhiri dukungan Abbasiyah kepada Muktazilah dengan menghapus lembaga Mihna .
  • Dibunuh oleh para pengawalnya dengan dukungan dari putranya Al-Muntasir.
11 861 – 7/8 Juni 862 Al-Muntasir Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad
  • Memerintah selama Kerusuhan di Samarra pasca kudeta terhadap ayahnya.
  • Menandai awal mula kemunduran Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah
  • Seperti kebanyakan khalifah Abbasiyah sebelumnya, ia mempertahankan untuk membiayai kaum kerabatnya dari Bani Hasyim.
12 862 – 866 Al-Mustaʿīn Aḥmad
13 866 – 869 Al-Muʿtazz Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad
  • Memerintah selama Kerusuhan di Samarra.
  • Pemerintahan Al-Mu'tazz (866–869) menandai puncak kemunduran otoritas pusat Khilafah, dan puncak kecenderungan otonom yang diekspresikan melalui munculnya dinasti-dinasti otonom.
  • Digulingkan oleh perwira militer Turki.
14 869 – 21 Juni 870 Al-Muhtadī Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad
  • Memerintah selama Kerusuhan di Samarra.
  • Sebagai penguasa, Al-Muhtadi berusaha meniru khalifah Umayyah Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, yang secara luas dianggap sebagai pemimpin Islam teladan. [8]
  • Dibunuh oleh militer Turki.
  • Akhir Kerusuhan di Samarra.
15 21 Juni 870 – 15 Oktober 892 Al-Muʿtamid Abū'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad
  • Pemerintahan Al-Mu'tamid menandai berakhirnya "Kerusuhan di Samarra" dan dimulainya pemulihan kekuasaan Abbasiyah.
  • Menetapkan saudaranya, Al-Muwaffaq, sebagai Panglima Tertinggi; Al-Muwaffaq memegang kesetiaan politik dan memiliki pengaruh besar terhadapnya.
  • Dimulainya "kebangkitan kekuasaan Abbasiyah". Penolakan terhadap pemberontakan Saffariyah dan penaklukan Pemberontakan Zanj.
  • Pembentukan Dinasti Tulunid yang otonom di Mesir, Penurunan bertahap kekuasaan Abbasiyah di Transoxiana, Persia, Sind dan Punjab, Afrika Utara, Timur Tengah dan Arab.
16 Oktober 892 – 5 April 902 Al-Muʿtaḍid Abū'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad
  • Al-Muwaffaq, pangeran dan panglima Abbasiyah
  • Dirar (Hariz), wanita Yunani (selir)
  • Ia adalah keponakan Al-Mu'tamid, dan naik tahta setelah menyingkirkan sepupunya sebagai ahli waris.
  • Al-Mu'tadid mewarisi bakat ayahnya sebagai penguasa dan terkenal karena ekonomi dan kemampuan militernya, menjadi "salah satu yang terhebat di antara Abbasiyah meskipun ia keras kepala."[9]
  • Puncak "kebangkitan Abbasiyah". Pemulihan Jazira, Thughur, Jibal.
  • Kembalinya ibu kota ke Baghdad dan dimulainya aktivitas dan penyerangan misionaris Qarmatian.
17 5 April 902 – 13 Agustus 908 Al-Muktafī Abū Muḥammad ʿAlī
  • Ditunjuk sebagai putra mahkota oleh ayahnya, Khalifah Al-Mu'tadid.
  • Al-Mu'tadid berupaya mempersiapkan Ali Al-Muktafi, putra tertua dan pewarisnya, untuk suksesi dengan mengangkatnya sebagai gubernur provinsi: pertama di Rayy, Qazvin, Qum dan Hamadan.
  • Selama masa pemerintahannya, Abbasiyah sepenuhnya merebut kembali Mesir dan Suriah dari Tulunid. Akhir dari "kebangkitan Abbasiyah".
18 13 Agustus 908 – 929 Al-Muqtadir Abū'l-Faḍl Jaʿfar
  • Khalifah termuda dalam sejarah Abbasiyah: saat Al-Muktafi meninggal muda, ia naik takhta pada usia 13 tahun.
  • Terjadi kontestasi gelar khalifah di masa pemerintahannya: Al-Mahdi Billah dari Fatimiyah (sejak 909 M) dan Abd al-Rahman III dari Córdoba (sejak 929 M).
  • Periode pertama pemerintahannya bertahan 21 tahun.
19 929 Al-Qāhir Abū al-Manṣūr Muḥammad
  • Periode pertama pemerintahannya hanya bertahan dua hari; dia dilantik oleh panglima tertinggi Mu'nis al-Muzaffar.
(18) 929 – 31 Oktober 932 Al-Muqtadir Abū'l-Faḍl Jaʿfar
  • Periode kedua pemerintahan Al-Muqtadir, setelah sempat diambil alih oleh Al-Qahir.
  • Kota suci Mekah dan Madinah diambil alih sekte Ismaili Karmatian pada 930 M.
  • Terbunuh dalam pertempuran Mu'nis al-Muzaffar.
(19) 31 Oktober 932 – 934 Al-Qāhir Abū al-Manṣūr Muḥammad
  • Second reign
  • After his brother was killed, he succeeded him as Caliph.
  • In 31 Oktober 932 he was deposed.
20 934 – 23 Desember 940 Al-Rāḍī Abū'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad/Muḥammad
  • Originally nominated heir by his father Al-Muqtadir. After the death of his uncle Al-Qahir he succeeded him.
  • Al-Radi is commonly spoken of as the last of the real Caliphs: the last to deliver orations at the Friday service, to hold assemblies with philosophers to discuss the questions of the day, or to take counsel on the affairs of State; the last to distribute largess among the needy, or to interpose to temper the severity of cruel officers.
21 940 – 944 Al-Muttaqī Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm
  • Beginning of the later Abbasid period.
  • He was chosen by Military officers after the death of his brother Caliph Al-Radi.
  • Overthrown and blinded by the amīr al-umarāʾ Tuzun.
22 September 944 – 29 Januari 946 Al-Mustakfī ʿAbdullāh
23 29 Januari 946 – 974 Al-Muthīʿ Abū'l-Qāsim al-Faḍhl
  • He succeeded his cousin Al-Mustakfi, during his reign Buyids influence grew.
  • Installed by the Buyid Amir Mu'izz al-Dawla.
  • During the last years of his reign, Abbasids completely lost Egypt, Palestine and Hejaz.
  • Increasingly incapacitated by a partial paralysis that had begun following a stroke in 970, al-Muti was now induced to abdicate with his health as a pretext, and was replaced by his son Abd al-Karim, as al-Ta'i (r. 974–991), on 5 Agustus.
24 974 – 991 Al-Thāʾiʿ Abd al-Karīm
  • He was nominated heir by his father Al-Muti and his father Abdicated for his son became of partial paralysis that had begun following a stroke in 970.
  • During his reign, Syria was torn by contending factions — Fatimid and Carmathian; while the Buyīds was split up into parties that were fighting among themselves. To top this all off, the Byzantine Emperor John Tzimisces stormed the east in a victorious campaign in 975. After holding the office for seventeen years, aṭ-Ṭaʼiʻ was deposed in 991.
  • Deposed by the Buyid Amir Baha' al-Dawla.
25 1 November 991 – 29 November 1031 Al-Qādir Aḥmad
  • He succeeded his cousin, Caliph Al-Ta'i.
  • Installed by the Buyid Amir Baha' al-Dawla.
  • During his reign, he granted the title Sultan to Muslim rulers. The sultans were religious deputy of the all later Abbasid Caliphs.
  • Upholding of Sunni orthodoxy; publication of the Baghdad Manifesto.
26 29 November 1031 – 2 April 1075 Al-Qāʾim Abu Ja'far Abdallah
  • Al-Qadir
  • Badr al-Dija (Qatr al-Nida), wanita Armenia (selir)
27 2 April 1075 – Februari 1094 Al-Muqtadī Abū'l-Qāsim ʿAbd Allāh
  • He was born to Abbasid prince Muhammad Dhakirat and an Armenian Umm walad.[10]
  • He was honored by the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah I, during whose reign the Caliphate was recognized throughout the extending range of Seljuk Sultanate. Hejaz, with the Holy Cities, now recovered from the Fatimids, acknowledged again the spiritual jurisdiction of the Abbasids.
28 Februari 1094 – 6 Agustus 1118 Al-Mustaẓhir Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad
  • He succeeded his father as Caliph. He was the notable Caliph of the later Abbasid Era.
  • The appearance of the First Crusade in Syria. He his known for contributing to Mawdud's struggling against crusades to reconquer Muslim lands of Levant coastline.
29 6 Agustus 1118 – 29 Agustus 1135 Al-Mustarsyid Abū'l-Manṣūr al-Faḍl
  • He succeeded his father as Caliph. He was a notable Caliph of Later Abbasid Era and he was also an Arabic poet.
  • Al-Mustarshid deposed and imprisoned his vizier Amid al-dawla Jalal al-Din Hasan ibn Ali. One year later he also deposed Ahmad ibn Nizam al-Mulk as his vizier.
  • Foundation of the Almohad Empire in the Maghreb (1121). The Almohads were anti-Abbasids.
30 29 Agustus 1135 – 1136 Al-Rāsyid Abu Jaʿfar al-Manshūr
  • Nominated heir by his father, After the assassination of his father he succeeded him.
  • Deposed by the Seljuk Sultan Ghiyath ad-Din Mas'ud.
  • Al-Rashid Billah was deposed by seljuks and he fled to Isfahan where he was assassinated by a team of four Shia Nizari Ismailis (Assassins) in Juni 1138. This was celebrated in Alamut for a week.[11]
31 1136 – 12 Maret 1160 Al-Muqtafī Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad
  • He was the brother of caliph Al-Mustarshid and uncle of Al-Rashid Billah.
  • Al-Muqtafi successfully established an army during the later Abbasid era. (Previously Caliphs were militarily dependent on Seljuks.
  • Siege of Baghdad (1157) by the Seljuks fails. Restoration of the Caliph's political and military influence of Later Abbasids.
32 12 Maret 1160 – 20 Desember 1170 Al-Mustanjid Abū'l-Muẓaffar Yūsuf
  • He succeeded his father Al-Muqtafi.
33 20 Desember 1170 – 30 Maret 1180 Al-Mustaḍīʾ al-Ḥasan
  • Al-Mustadi succeeded his father Caliph Al-Mustanjid.
  • He enjoys nothing but what he earns by the labor of his own hands, and therefore manufactures coverlets, which he stamps with his seal, and which his officers sell in the public market.
  • His political and religious authority was recognized throughout Middle East especially by Saladin ruler of Egypt. Caliph Al-Mustadi granted Saladin the title Sultan. Also gave him authority over holy cities; Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
  • End of the Fatimid Caliphate in 1171, restoration of Abbasid authority in Egypt under Saladin.
34 2 Maret 1180 – 4 Oktober 1225 Al-Nāshir Abu'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad
  • Recovery of Jerusalem from the Crusaders (1187) by Saladin.
  • Al-Nasir was the influential Caliph of the Later Abbasid era.
  • According to historian Angelika Hartmann, Al-Nasir was the last effective Abbasid caliph[12] of Later Abbasid Caliphate.
  • His political and religious authority was recognized throughout Middle East especially in territory of Ayyubid dynasty of Saladin.
35 5 Oktober 1225 – 11 Juli 1226 Al-Zhāhir Abu Nasr Muḥammad
  • He was nominated as heir in 1189. He succeeded his father.
  • In his short reign, he lowered the taxes, and built a strong army to resist invasions. He died on 10 Juli 1226, nine months after his accession.
  • During his short reign he saw disastrous Mongol Invasion in parts of Eastern Islamic World.
36 11 Juli 1226 – 2 Desember 1242 Al-Mustanshir Abū Jaʿfar al-Manṣūr
  • He succeeded his father caliph Al-Zahir.
  • Al-Mustansir was the penultimate Caliph of the later Abbasid era.
  • During his reign Eastern Islamic World was invaded by Mongols. The great cities like Bukhara, Samarkand were destroyed and millions of Muslims were killed.
37 2 Desember 1242 – 20 Februari 1258 Al-Mustaʿṣim ʿAbd Allāh
  • Last Abbasid caliph of Later Abbasid Era
  • End of the Abbasid dynasty. Al-Musta'sim was the last known recognised Muslim caliph. His death marked the complete end of the Caliphate as a political and religious entity in the Middle East.
  • Executed after the Mongol sack of Baghdad, he ruled for a period of 15 years 2 months and 15 days.

Khalifah Abbasiyah di Kairo (1261–1517)

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Daftar khalifah Abbasiyah yang bertahta di Kairo, yang sebagian besar berstatus penguasa seremonial di bawah perlindungan Kesultanan Mamluk pasca runtuhnya Dinasti Ayyubiyah.[13][14]

No. Periode Gelar Nama Ayah-Ibu Kejadian Penting
1 13 Juni 1261 – 28 November 1261 Al-Mustansyir II Abū'l-Qāsim Aḥmad
  • Pendiri Kekhalifahan Mamluk Kairo di bawah naungan penguasa Mamluk Baibars.
  • Pada tahun 1261, Dinasti Abbasiyah Akhir digantikan oleh Khalifah Kesultanan Mamluk di Kairo.
  • Diangkat sebagai Khalifah Abbasiyah di Kairo, Mesir oleh Sultan Mamluk Baibars pada tahun 1261; gelar yang sama diklaim oleh al-Hakim I yang diangkat sebagai khalifah oleh penguasa Aleppo, Aqqush al-Burli.
2 16 November 1262 – 19 Januari 1302 Al-Ḥākim I Abū'l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad
  • Abu Ali Hasan ibn Abu Bakr ibn Hasan
  • Founder of Mamluk Caliphate under Mamluk ruler Baybars's auspices.
  • Abbasid descent disputed; installed as caliph by ruler of Aleppo, Aqqush al-Burli, in 1261, proclaimed as caliph by Baybars after al-Mustansir II died.
  • Fall of the Almohad Caliphate in 1269.
3 20 Januari 1302 – Februari 1340 Al-Mustakfī II Abū ar-Rabīʾ Sulaymān
4 Februari 1340 – 17 Juni 1341 Al-Wāthiq II Abū ʾIsḥāq ʾIbrāhīm
5 1341 – 1352 Al-Ḥākim II Abū'l-ʿAbbas ʾAḥmad
6 1352 – 1362 Al-Muʿtadhid Abū al-Fatḥ Abū Bakr
  • He succeeded his brother as the sixth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate.
7 1362 – 1377 Al-Mutawakkil I Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad
  • Al-Mu'tadid I
  • First reign
  • He succeeded his father as the seventh caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
  • In 1377 he was deposed.
8 1377 Al-Mustaʿsyim II Abū Yaḥya Zakarīyāʾ
  • First reign
  • He succeeded as the eighth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo.
(7) 1377 – 1383 Al-Mutawakkil I Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad
  • Second reign
9 September 1383 – 13 November 1386 Al-Wātsiq III Abū Ḥafṣ ʿUmar
(8) 1386 – 1389 Al-Mustaʿsyim II Abū Yaḥya Zakarīyāʾ
  • Second reign
(7) 1389 – 9 Januari 1406 Al-Mutawakkil I Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad
  • Third reign
10 22 Januari 1406 – 9 Maret 1414 Al-Mustaʿīn Abū al-Faḍl al-ʿAbbas
  • He succeeded as the tenth Caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate in Cairo.
  • Became Sultan of Egypt from 7 May – 6 November 1412, as a titular figurehead for Shaykh al-Mahmudi.
11 1414 – 1441 Al-Muʿtadhid III Abū al-Fatḥ Dāwud
  • He succeeded as the eleventh caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
12 1441 – 29 Januari 1451 Al-Mustakfī III Abū al-Rabīʿ Sulaymān
  • He succeeded his brother as the twelfth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo.
13 1451 – 1455 Al-Qāʾim II Abū al-Baqāʾ Ḥamza
  • He succeeded his brother as the thirteenth caliph of the Mamluk Sultanate
14 1455 – 7 April 1479 al-Mustanjid bi-'llāh Abū al-Maḥāsin Yūsuf
  • He succeeded his brother as the fourteenth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
15 5 April 1479 – 27 September 1497 Al-Mutawakkil II Abū al-ʿIzz ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz
  • He was the son of Ya'qub and Grandson of Al-Mutawakkil I
  • He succeeded his uncle as the fifteenth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
16 1497 – 1508 Al-Mustamsik Abū al-Ṣabr Yaqūb
  • First reign
  • He succeeded his father as the sixteenth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
17 1508 – 1516 Al-Mutawakkil III Muḥammad
  • First reign
  • He succeeded his father as the seventeenth caliph for the Mamluk Sultanate
(16) 1516 – 1517 Al-Mustamsik Abū al-Ṣabr Yaqūb
  • Second reign of al-Mustamsik
  • He served as caliph twice, his first term from 1497 to 1508 and his second term from 1516 to 1517, when he abdicated the position to his son, Al-Mutawakkil III
(17) 1517 Al-Mutawakkil III Muḥammad
  • Second reign
  • He formally surrendered the title of caliph as well as its outward emblems—the sword and mantle of Muhammad—to Ottoman Sultan Selim I in 1517, making him the last caliph of the Egyptian based Caliphate.
Silsilah keturunan Abbasiyah. Kotak berwarna hijau adalah khalifah Abbasiyah di Baghdad, adapun yang berarna kuning adalah Khalifah Abbasiyah di Kairo.


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  1. ^ "List of Rulers of the Islamic World | Lists of Rulers | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art". The Met’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2023-06-30. 
  2. ^ Hays, Jeffrey. "ABBASID RULERS (A.D. 750 to 1258) | Facts and Details". factsanddetails.com (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2023-06-30. 
  3. ^ Aikin, John (1747). General biography: or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order. London: G. G. and J. Robinson. hlm. 201. ISBN 1333072457. 
  4. ^ Bobrick 2012, hlm. 24.
  5. ^ Hurvitz 2002, hlm. 124; Zetterstéen & Pellat 1960, hlm. 271; Al-Tabari 1985–2007, v. 32: pp. 229-30; Ibn Khallikan 1842, hlm. 65.
  6. ^ Bosworth 1987, hlm. 222–223, 225.
  7. ^ Kennedy 2006, hlm. 232.
  8. ^ Cobb 2000, hlm. 821–822.
  9. ^ Zetterstéen 1987, hlm. 777.
  10. ^ Bennison, Amira K. (2009) The Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the 'Abbasid Empire. Princeton: Yale University Press, p. 47. ISBN 0300167989
  11. ^ Daftary, Farhad (1992). The Isma'ilis: Their History and Doctrines (dalam bahasa Inggris). Cambridge University Press. hlm. 384. ISBN 978-0-521-42974-0. 
  12. ^ Hanne, Eric J. (2007). Putting the Caliph in His Place: Power, Authority, and the Late Abbasid Caliphate. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. hlm. 204. ISBN 978-0-8386-4113-2. 
  13. ^ Bosworth 2004, p. 7
  14. ^ Houtsma & Wensinck 1993, p. 3

Catatan Kaki

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